1,325,116 research outputs found

    Industrial Property Institutions, Patenting, and Technology Investment in Spain and Mexico, c. 1820-1914.

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    This paper explores the nature and implications of nineteenth century patent law in two late-industrializing countries: Spain and Mexico. Both inherited earlier ancien regime monopoly practices, both adopted aspects of modern, codified patent systems in the early nineteenth century, and both sought primarily to encourage innovation and especially the introduction of foreign techniques. Mexico, however, abandoned this orientation in 1890 in favor of an emphasis on supporting inventive activity while Spain retained this orientation until recently. After presenting an overview of the conceptual and historical issues regarding comparative patent systems in section one; section two compares the nature of the Spanish and Mexican systems in the nineteenth century; while sections three and four examine the implications of patent law: its impact on trends in patenting behavior and —more tentatively— its probable consequences for investment in technological change.Spain and Mexico Economic History; Patents; Technological Change; Technology Transfer.

    Chiral separation by enantioselective liquid–liquid extraction

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    The literature on enantioselective liquid–liquid extraction (ELLE) spans more than half a century of research. Nonetheless, a comprehensive overview has not appeared during the past few decades. Enantioselective liquid–liquid extraction is a technology of interest for a wide range of chemists and chemical engineers in the fields of fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, fragrances and foods. In this review the principles and advances of resolution through enantioselective liquid–liquid extraction are discussed, starting with an introduction on the principles of enantioselective liquid–liquid extraction including host–guest chemistry, extraction and phase transfer mechanisms, and multistage liquid–liquid extraction processing. Then the literature on enantioselective liquid–liquid extraction systems is reviewed, structured on extractant classes. The following extractant classes are considered: crown ether based extractants, metal complexes and metalloids, extractants based on tartrates, and a final section with all other types of chiral extractants.

    Dual expression recombinase based (DERB) single vector system for high throughput screening and verification of protein interactions in living cells

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    Identification of novel protein interactions and their mediators is fundamental in understanding cellular processes and is necessary for protein-targeted therapy. Evidently high throughput formatting of these applications in living cells would be beneficial, however no adequate system exists. We present a novel platform technology for the high throughput screening and verification of protein interactions in living cells. The platform's series of Dual Expression Recombinase Based (DERB) destiny vectors individually encode two sets of recombinase recognizable sequences for inserting the protein open reading frame (ORF) of interest, two sets of promoters and reporter tags in frame with the ORFs for detecting interactions. Introduction into living cells (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) enables the detection of protein interactions by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) or bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC). The DERB platform shows advantages over current commercialized systems by DERB vectors validated through proof-of-principle experiments and the identification of an unknown interaction

    A knowledge based software engineering environment testbed

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    The Carnegie Group Incorporated and Boeing Computer Services Company are developing a testbed which will provide a framework for integrating conventional software engineering tools with Artifical Intelligence (AI) tools to promote automation and productivity. The emphasis is on the transfer of AI technology to the software development process. Experiments relate to AI issues such as scaling up, inference, and knowledge representation. In its first year, the project has created a model of software development by representing software activities; developed a module representation formalism to specify the behavior and structure of software objects; integrated the model with the formalism to identify shared representation and inheritance mechanisms; demonstrated object programming by writing procedures and applying them to software objects; used data-directed and goal-directed reasoning to, respectively, infer the cause of bugs and evaluate the appropriateness of a configuration; and demonstrated knowledge-based graphics. Future plans include introduction of knowledge-based systems for rapid prototyping or rescheduling; natural language interfaces; blackboard architecture; and distributed processin

    Stability Data Xbee S2b Zigbee Communication on Arduino Based Sumo Robot

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    Wireless technology is a solution to reach hard-to-reach places using cable technology. The use of wireless technology can reach these areas without using copper or cables in the data transmission process. Communication technology using wireless is one solution to connect the control system to support the creation and achievement of the goals of the 4.0 revolution so that control and monitoring become easier. With the convenience provided by wireless technology such as connecting various types of system devices between other systems. One type of wireless technology is WPAN, especially on the ZigBee system from Digi International with the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol standard with low power consumption and working at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. Utilization of the communication system from the ZigBee protocol can control according to the range capabilities of the ZigBee system. ZigBee's ability and use of communication can perform communication control robot sumobot (slave robot) and remote control (robot leader) as an introduction to command data to carry out movements on the slave robot in accordance with the orders from the robot leader After trying XBEE to send data at a certain distance without experiencing data loss, the best distance is obtained, namely 1 - 100 meters with the firmware coordinator and router settings. Data delays can be minimized with a transfer rate of 3 kbps in the data transfer rate

    MEMS Technologies for Energy Harvesting

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    The objective of this chapter is to introduce the technology of Microelectromechanical Systems, MEMS, and their application to emerging energy harvesting devices. The chapter begins with a general introduction to the most common MEMS fabrication processes. This is followed with a survey of design mechanisms implemented in MEMS energy harvesters to provide nonlinear mechanical actuations. Mechanisms to produce bistable potential will be studied, such as introducing fixed magnets, buckling of beams or using slightly slanted clamped-clamped beams. Other nonlinear mechanisms are studied such as impact energy transfer, or the design of nonlinear springs. Finally, due to their importance in the field of MEMS and their application to energy harvesters, an introduction to actuation using piezoelectric materials is given. Examples of energy harvesters found in the literature using this actuation principle are also presented

    Novel Conformal Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonance Systems

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    Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) is an emerging technology in today’s society. Recently, many advancements to WPT systems have been implemented, such as, the introduction of the Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) and Conformal SCMR (CSCMR) methods. These methods allow WPT systems to operate at increased distances with smaller dimensional footprints. However, their range is still limited and needs to be expanded, and their footprint is sometimes large and needs to be miniaturized. Therefore, the goal of this research is to develop new designs and methodologies that can achieve the range extension and miniaturization of CSCMR systems. Furthermore, many wireless devices are used today in the proximity of the human body (e.g., wearable and implantable applications). Therefore, WPT systems should be safe to use when placed on or inside the human body. To address this need, the secondary goal of this research is to study the effects of WPT systems when placed on or inside the human body

    Complex Systems in Engineering and Technology Education: A Mixed Methods Study Investigating the Role Computer Simulations Serve in Student Learning

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    This research was conducted to determine if students receiving complex systems instruction in the form of software simulations recognize patterns and underlying elements of complex systems more effectively than students receiving traditional instruction. Complex systems were investigated with an analytic (reductive) approach in a control group and with a synthesis approach in the treatment group. Exploration of this top-down approach to learning complex systems counters traditional bottom-up methodologies, investigating systems and subsystems at the component level. The hypothesis was that students experiencing complex systems scenarios in a computer-based learning environment would outperform their counterparts by constructing a greater number of explanations with emergent-like responses. A mixed method experimental, pretest posttest, control group triangulation design research study was designed for high school students enrolled in an Introduction to Technology and Engineering course. A pretest consisting of one open-ended near transfer problem and one far transfer problem was administered, investigating the generation of reductive (clockwork) and complex (emergent-like) mental models. A stratified sampling procedure was used to assign students to control or treatment groups. Following treatment, an analysis of covariance failed to reveal statistically significant evidence supporting the hypothesis. However, qualitative data in the form of student transcriptions, daily lab reports, and data entry worksheets revealed evidence of emergent-like response and behaviors