111,500 research outputs found

    Non-asymptotic System Identification for Linear Systems with Nonlinear Policies

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    This paper considers a single-trajectory system identification problem for linear systems under general nonlinear and/or time-varying policies with i.i.d. random excitation noises. The problem is motivated by safe learning-based control for constrained linear systems, where the safe policies during the learning process are usually nonlinear and time-varying for satisfying the state and input constraints. In this paper, we provide a non-asymptotic error bound for least square estimation when the data trajectory is generated by any nonlinear and/or time-varying policies as long as the generated state and action trajectories are bounded. This significantly generalizes the existing non-asymptotic guarantees for linear system identification, which usually consider i.i.d. random inputs or linear policies. Interestingly, our error bound is consistent with that for linear policies with respect to the dependence on the trajectory length, system dimensions, and excitation levels. Lastly, we demonstrate the applications of our results by safe learning with robust model predictive control and provide numerical analysis

    Kernel-Based Identification with Frequency Domain Side-Information

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    In this paper, we discuss the problem of system identification when frequency domain side information is available on the system. Initially, we consider the case where the prior knowledge is provided as being the \Hcal_{\infty}-norm of the system bounded by a given scalar. This framework provides the opportunity of considering various forms of side information such as the dissipativity of the system as well as other forms of frequency domain prior knowledge. We propose a nonparametric identification method for estimating the impulse response of the system under the given side information. The estimation problem is formulated as an optimization in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) endowed with a stable kernel. The corresponding objective function consists of a term for minimizing the fitting error, and a regularization term defined based on the norm of the impulse response in the employed RKHS. To guarantee the desired frequency domain features defined based on the prior knowledge, suitable constraints are imposed on the estimation problem. The resulting optimization has an infinite-dimensional feasible set with an infinite number of constraints. We show that this problem is a well-defined convex program with a unique solution. We propose a heuristic that tightly approximates this unique solution. The proposed approach is equivalent to solving a finite-dimensional convex quadratically constrained quadratic program. The efficiency of the discussed method is verified by several numerical examples

    A unified framework for solving a general class of conditional and robust set-membership estimation problems

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    In this paper we present a unified framework for solving a general class of problems arising in the context of set-membership estimation/identification theory. More precisely, the paper aims at providing an original approach for the computation of optimal conditional and robust projection estimates in a nonlinear estimation setting where the operator relating the data and the parameter to be estimated is assumed to be a generic multivariate polynomial function and the uncertainties affecting the data are assumed to belong to semialgebraic sets. By noticing that the computation of both the conditional and the robust projection optimal estimators requires the solution to min-max optimization problems that share the same structure, we propose a unified two-stage approach based on semidefinite-relaxation techniques for solving such estimation problems. The key idea of the proposed procedure is to recognize that the optimal functional of the inner optimization problems can be approximated to any desired precision by a multivariate polynomial function by suitably exploiting recently proposed results in the field of parametric optimization. Two simulation examples are reported to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Comment: Accpeted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (2014

    Learning-based predictive control for linear systems: a unitary approach

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    A comprehensive approach addressing identification and control for learningbased Model Predictive Control (MPC) for linear systems is presented. The design technique yields a data-driven MPC law, based on a dataset collected from the working plant. The method is indirect, i.e. it relies on a model learning phase and a model-based control design one, devised in an integrated manner. In the model learning phase, a twofold outcome is achieved: first, different optimal p-steps ahead prediction models are obtained, to be used in the MPC cost function; secondly, a perturbed state-space model is derived, to be used for robust constraint satisfaction. Resorting to Set Membership techniques, a characterization of the bounded model uncertainties is obtained, which is a key feature for a successful application of the robust control algorithm. In the control design phase, a robust MPC law is proposed, able to track piece-wise constant reference signals, with guaranteed recursive feasibility and convergence properties. The controller embeds multistep predictors in the cost function, it ensures robust constraints satisfaction thanks to the learnt uncertainty model, and it can deal with possibly unfeasible reference values. The proposed approach is finally tested in a numerical example

    Global optimization for low-dimensional switching linear regression and bounded-error estimation

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    The paper provides global optimization algorithms for two particularly difficult nonconvex problems raised by hybrid system identification: switching linear regression and bounded-error estimation. While most works focus on local optimization heuristics without global optimality guarantees or with guarantees valid only under restrictive conditions, the proposed approach always yields a solution with a certificate of global optimality. This approach relies on a branch-and-bound strategy for which we devise lower bounds that can be efficiently computed. In order to obtain scalable algorithms with respect to the number of data, we directly optimize the model parameters in a continuous optimization setting without involving integer variables. Numerical experiments show that the proposed algorithms offer a higher accuracy than convex relaxations with a reasonable computational burden for hybrid system identification. In addition, we discuss how bounded-error estimation is related to robust estimation in the presence of outliers and exact recovery under sparse noise, for which we also obtain promising numerical results
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