16 research outputs found


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    This paper discusses a simplified issues and style of Humanoid Robot with 8 DOF. The most objective is to research the theoretical and practical challenges involved in making it. The paper emphasis on bringing down the control complexity by reducing the amount of actuators used. This successively simplifies the whole design processes and reduces the assembly cost. It also describes the steadiness issues and different walking phases intimately. The proposed robot finds the place in between simple, miniaturized humanoids and therefore the most advanced, sophisticated humanoids. Albeit the market size remains small at this moment, applied fields of robots are gradually spreading from the manufacturing industry to the others in recent years. One can now easily expect that applications of robots will expand into the primary and therefore the third industrial fields together of the important components to support our society within the 21st century. There also raises strong anticipations in Japan that robots for the private use will coexist with humans and supply supports like the help for the housework, care of the aged and therefore the physically handicapped, since Japan is that the fastest aging society within the world

    Design and Implementation of a Simplified Humanoid Robot with 8 DOF

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    This paper discusses a simplified design of Humanoid Robot with 8 DOF. The main objective is to analyze the theoretical and practical challenges involved in making it. The paper emphasis on bringing down the control complexity by reducing the number of actuators used . This in turn simplifies the entire design processes and reduces the production cost. It also describes the stability issues and different walking phases in detail. The proposed robot finds the place in between simple, miniaturized humanoids and the most advanced, sophisticated humanoids


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    The presented paper is concerned with designing of a low-cost, easy to use, intuitive interface for the control of a slave anthropomorphic teleo- operated robot. Tele-operator “masters”, that operate in real-time with the robot, have ranged from simple motion capture devices, to more complex force reflective exoskeletal masters. Our general design approach has been to begin with the definition of desired objective behaviours, rather than the use of available components with their predefined technical specifications. With the technical specifications of the components necessary to achieve the desired behaviours defined, the components are either acquired, or in most cases, developed and built. The control system, which includes the operation of feedback approaches, acting in collaboration with physical machinery, is then defined and implemented

    Biologically-Inspired Design of Humanoids

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    Experimental Study of the Biped Walking Robot Applying a Gravity Compensator

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    In this paper, KUBIR 4(the name of a robot) which is a lower body of the humanoid robot applying a gravity compensator was developed. KUBIR 4 has 13 DOF, 1 DOF in waist and 12 DOF in legs. Its weight is 62kg and height is 91cm. Also, for the control for the robot, a control system developed. The control system is composed of a distributed control system where host PC is applied as a master controller and a TMS320c2408 microprocessor as a joint motor motion controller. A GUI program for easy control of robot motion was developed where payloads of each joint and joint motor’s currents are displayed in real time. Walking experiments were performed to verify the superior performance of the robot applying the gravity compensator. For this, the gravity compensator was applied to only left knee and coxa joint to compare with right leg. Same experiments were performed on both legs and their results showed that total current consumption and the maximum load of the left leg joints were less than those of the right leg.제 1 장 서론 1 제 2 장 중력보상기 적용한 이족보행로봇의 기구부 구성 3 2.1 중력보상기 구성 및 역학 해석 3 2.1.1 중력보상기 구성 3 2.1.2 중력보상기의 역학 해석 4 2.2 이족보행로봇의 기구부 구성 7 2.2.1 전체 시스템 구성 7 2.2.2 관절 기구부 구성 9 2.2.3 관절 구동기 사양 14 제 3 장 중력보상기 적용한 이족보행로봇의 기구학 해석 15 3.1 D-H 규약을 통한 기구학 해석 15 제 4 장 중력보상기 적용한 이족보행로봇의 제어시스템 구성 22 4.1 전체 시스템 구성 22 4.2 DC 모터 모션 컨트롤러 24 4.3 모션 제어 알고리즘 27 4.4 로봇 모션 컨트롤 프로그램 31 제 5 장 중력보상기 적용한 이족보행로봇의 실험 및 고찰 35 5.1 실험 내용 35 5.2 실험 결과 및 고찰 41 5.2.1 실험1 한발 들고 무릎 굽혔다 펴기 42 5.2.2 실험2 동일한 시간의 모션 동작으로 정적 보행 46 5.2.3 실험3 모션 시간 및 딜레이 시간을 조정한 정적 보행 51 제 6 장 결론 56 참고문헌 5

    Simulation and Framework for the Humanoid Robot TigerBot

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    Walking humanoid robotics is a developing field. Different humanoid robots allow for different kinds of testing. TigerBot is a new full-scale humanoid robot with seven degrees-of-freedom legs and with its specifications, it can serve as a platform for humanoid robotics research. Currently TigerBot has encoders set up on each joint, allowing for position control, and its sensors and joints connect to Teensy microcontrollers and the ODroid XU4 single-board computer central control unit. The components’ communication system used the Robot Operating System (ROS). This allows the user to control TigerBot with ROS. It’s important to have a simulation setup so a user can test TigerBot’s capabilities on a model before using the real robot. A working walking gait in the simulation serves as a test of the simulator, proves TigerBot’s capability to walk, and opens further development on other walking gaits. A model of TigerBot was set up using the simulator Gazebo, which allowed testing different walking gaits with TigerBot. The gaits were generated by following the linear inverse pendulum model and the basic zero-moment point (ZMP) concept. The gaits consisted of center of mass trajectories converted to joint angles through inverse kinematics. In simulation while the robot follows the predetermined joint angles, a proportional-integral controller keeps the model upright by modifying the flex joint angle of the ankles. The real robot can also run the gaits while suspended in the air. The model has shown the walking gait based off the ZMP concept to be stable, if slow, and the actual robot has been shown to air walk following the gait. The simulation and the framework on the robot can be used to continue work with this walking gait or they can be expanded on for different methods and applications such as navigation, computer vision, and walking on uneven terrain with disturbances