3 research outputs found

    The Life Game: Cognitive Strategies for Repeated Stochastic Games

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    Abstractā€”Standard models in bio-evolutionary game theory involve repetitions of a single stage game (e.g., the Prisonerā€™s Dilemma or the Stag Hunt); but it is clear that repeatedly playing the same stage game is not an accurate model of most individualsā€™ lives. Rather, individuals ā€™ interactions with others correspond to many different kinds of stage games. In this work, we concentrate on discovering behavioral strate-gies that are successful for the life game, in which the stage game is chosen stochastically at each iteration. We present a cognitive agent model based on Social Value Orientation (SVO) theory. We provide extensive evaluations of our modelā€™s performance, both against standard agents from the game theory literature and against a large set of life-game agents written by students in two different countries. Our empirical results suggest that for life-game strategies to be successful in environments with such agents, it is important (i) to be unforgiving with respect to trust behavior and (ii) to use adaptive, fine-grained opponent models of the other agents. Keywords-repeated games, non-zero-sum games, stochastic games, social value orientation I

    Synthesis of Strategies for Non-Zero-Sum Repeated Games

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    There are numerous applications that involve two or more self-interested autonomous agents that repeatedly interact with each other in order to achieve a goal or maximize their utilities. This dissertation focuses on the problem of how to identify and exploit useful structures in agents' behavior for the construction of good strategies for agents in multi-agent environments, particularly non-zero-sum repeated games. This dissertation makes four contributions to the study of this problem. First, this thesis describes a way to take a set of interaction traces produced by different pairs of players in a two-player repeated game, and then find the best way to combine them into a strategy. The strategy can then be incorporated into an existing agent, as an enhancement of the agent's original strategy. In cross-validated experiments involving 126 agents for the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma, Iterated Chicken Game, and Iterated Battle of the Sexes, my technique was able to make improvement to the performance of nearly all of the agents. Second, this thesis investigates the issue of uncertainty about goals when a goal-based agent situated in a nondeterministic environment. The results of this investigation include the necessary and sufficiency conditions for such guarantee, and an algorithm for synthesizing a strategy from interaction traces that maximizes the probability of success of an agent even when no strategy can assure the success of the agent. Third, this thesis introduces a technique, Symbolic Noise Detection (SND), for detecting noise (i.e., mistakes or miscommunications) among agents in repeated games. The idea is that if we can build a model of the other agent's behavior, we can use this model to detect and correct actions that have been affected by noise. In the 20th Anniversary Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma competition, the SND agent placed third in the "noise" category, and was the best performer among programs that had no "slave" programs feeding points to them. Fourth, the thesis presents a generalization of SND that can be wrapped around any existing strategy. Finally, the thesis includes a general framework for synthesizing strategies from experience for repeated games in both noisy and noisy-free environments

    Synthesis of Strategies from Interaction Traces

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    We describe how to take a set of interaction traces produced by different pairs of players in a two-player repeated game, and combine them into a composite strategy. We provide an algorithm that,in polynomial time, can generate the best such composite strategy.We describe how to incorporate the composite strategy into an existing agent, as an enhancement of the agent???s original strategy.We provide experimental results using interaction traces from 126 agents (most of them written by students as class projects) for the Iterated Prisoner???s Dilemma, Iterated Chicken Game, and Iterated Battle of the Sexes. We compared each agent with the enhanced version of that agent produced by our algorithm. The enhancements improved the agents??? scores by about 5% in the IPD, 11% in the ICG, and 26% in the IBS, and improved their rank by about 12% in the IPD, 38% in the ICG, and 33% in the IBS