4,203 research outputs found

    An End-to-End Conversational Style Matching Agent

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    We present an end-to-end voice-based conversational agent that is able to engage in naturalistic multi-turn dialogue and align with the interlocutor's conversational style. The system uses a series of deep neural network components for speech recognition, dialogue generation, prosodic analysis and speech synthesis to generate language and prosodic expression with qualities that match those of the user. We conducted a user study (N=30) in which participants talked with the agent for 15 to 20 minutes, resulting in over 8 hours of natural interaction data. Users with high consideration conversational styles reported the agent to be more trustworthy when it matched their conversational style. Whereas, users with high involvement conversational styles were indifferent. Finally, we provide design guidelines for multi-turn dialogue interactions using conversational style adaptation

    Generating expressive speech for storytelling applications

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    Work on expressive speech synthesis has long focused on the expression of basic emotions. In recent years, however, interest in other expressive styles has been increasing. The research presented in this paper aims at the generation of a storytelling speaking style, which is suitable for storytelling applications and more in general, for applications aimed at children. Based on an analysis of human storytellers' speech, we designed and implemented a set of prosodic rules for converting "neutral" speech, as produced by a text-to-speech system, into storytelling speech. An evaluation of our storytelling speech generation system showed encouraging results

    Speech synthesis, Speech simulation and speech science

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    Speech synthesis research has been transformed in recent years through the exploitation of speech corpora - both for statistical modelling and as a source of signals for concatenative synthesis. This revolution in methodology and the new techniques it brings calls into question the received wisdom that better computer voice output will come from a better understanding of how humans produce speech. This paper discusses the relationship between this new technology of simulated speech and the traditional aims of speech science. The paper suggests that the goal of speech simulation frees engineers from inadequate linguistic and physiological descriptions of speech. But at the same time, it leaves speech scientists free to return to their proper goal of building a computational model of human speech production
