4 research outputs found

    Human-in-the-Loop Synthesis for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes

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    We study planning problems where autonomous agents operate inside environments that are subject to uncertainties and not fully observable. Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) are a natural formal model to capture such problems. Because of the potentially huge or even infinite belief space in POMDPs, synthesis with safety guarantees is, in general, computationally intractable. We propose an approach that aims to circumvent this difficulty: in scenarios that can be partially or fully simulated in a virtual environment, we actively integrate a human user to control an agent. While the user repeatedly tries to safely guide the agent in the simulation, we collect data from the human input. Via behavior cloning, we translate the data into a strategy for the POMDP. The strategy resolves all nondeterminism and non-observability of the POMDP, resulting in a discrete-time Markov chain (MC). The efficient verification of this MC gives quantitative insights into the quality of the inferred human strategy by proving or disproving given system specifications. For the case that the quality of the strategy is not sufficient, we propose a refinement method using counterexamples presented to the human. Experiments show that by including humans into the POMDP verification loop we improve the state of the art by orders of magnitude in terms of scalability

    Human-in-the-Loop Mixed-Initiative Control under Temporal Tasks

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    This paper considers the motion control and task planning problem of mobile robots under complex high-level tasks and human initiatives. The assigned task is specified as Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas that consist of hard and soft constraints. The human initiative influences the robot autonomy in two explicit ways: with additive terms in the continuous controller and with contingent task assignments. We propose an online coordination scheme that encapsulates (i) a mixed-initiative continuous controller that ensures all-time safety despite of possible human errors, (ii) a plan adaptation scheme that accommodates new features discovered in the workspace and short-term tasks assigned by the operator during run time, and (iii) an iterative inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) algorithm that allows the robot to asymptotically learn the human preference on the parameters during the plan synthesis. The results are demonstrated by both realistic human-in-the-loop simulations and experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automatio

    Synthesis of Provably Correct Autonomy Protocols for Shared Control

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    We synthesize shared control protocols subject to probabilistic temporal logic specifications. More specifically, we develop a framework in which a human and an autonomy protocol can issue commands to carry out a certain task. We blend these commands into a joint input to a robot. We model the interaction between the human and the robot as a Markov decision process (MDP) that represents the shared control scenario. Using inverse reinforcement learning, we obtain an abstraction of the human's behavior and decisions. We use randomized strategies to account for randomness in human's decisions, caused by factors such as complexity of the task specifications or imperfect interfaces. We design the autonomy protocol to ensure that the resulting robot behavior satisfies given safety and performance specifications in probabilistic temporal logic. Additionally, the resulting strategies generate behavior as similar to the behavior induced by the human's commands as possible. We solve the underlying problem efficiently using quasiconvex programming. Case studies involving autonomous wheelchair navigation and unmanned aerial vehicle mission planning showcase the applicability of our approach.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions of Automatic Contro

    Blending Controllers via Multi-Objective Bandits

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    Safety and performance are often two competing objectives in sequential decision-making problems. Existing performant controllers, such as controllers derived from reinforcement learning algorithms, often fall short of safety guarantees. On the contrary, controllers that guarantee safety, such as those derived from classical control theory, require restrictive assumptions and are often conservative in performance. Our goal is to blend a performant and a safe controller to generate a single controller that is safer than the performant and accumulates higher rewards than the safe controller. To this end, we propose a blending algorithm using the framework of contextual multi-armed multi-objective bandits. At each stage, the algorithm observes the environment's current context alongside an immediate reward and cost, which is the underlying safety measure. The algorithm then decides which controller to employ based on its observations. We demonstrate that the algorithm achieves sublinear Pareto regret, a performance measure that models coherence with an expert that always avoids picking the controller with both inferior safety and performance. We derive an upper bound on the loss in individual objectives, which imposes no additional computational complexity. We empirically demonstrate the algorithm's success in blending a safe and a performant controller in a safety-focused testbed, the Safety Gym environment. A statistical analysis of the blended controller's total reward and cost reflects two key takeaways: The blended controller shows a strict improvement in performance compared to the safe controller, and it is safer than the performant controller.Comment: Under review at NeurIPS 202