105 research outputs found

    GPU Based Path Integral Control with Learned Dynamics

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    We present an algorithm which combines recent advances in model based path integral control with machine learning approaches to learning forward dynamics models. We take advantage of the parallel computing power of a GPU to quickly take a massive number of samples from a learned probabilistic dynamics model, which we use to approximate the path integral form of the optimal control. The resulting algorithm runs in a receding-horizon fashion in realtime, and is subject to no restrictive assumptions about costs, constraints, or dynamics. A simple change to the path integral control formulation allows the algorithm to take model uncertainty into account during planning, and we demonstrate its performance on a quadrotor navigation task. In addition to this novel adaptation of path integral control, this is the first time that a receding-horizon implementation of iterative path integral control has been run on a real system.Comment: 6 pages, NIPS 2014 - Autonomously Learning Robots Worksho

    Experimental Validation of Contact Dynamics for In-Hand Manipulation

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    This paper evaluates state-of-the-art contact models at predicting the motions and forces involved in simple in-hand robotic manipulations. In particular it focuses on three primitive actions --linear sliding, pivoting, and rolling-- that involve contacts between a gripper, a rigid object, and their environment. The evaluation is done through thousands of controlled experiments designed to capture the motion of object and gripper, and all contact forces and torques at 250Hz. We demonstrate that a contact modeling approach based on Coulomb's friction law and maximum energy principle is effective at reasoning about interaction to first order, but limited for making accurate predictions. We attribute the major limitations to 1) the non-uniqueness of force resolution inherent to grasps with multiple hard contacts of complex geometries, 2) unmodeled dynamics due to contact compliance, and 3) unmodeled geometries dueto manufacturing defects.Comment: International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, ISER 2016, Tokyo, Japa

    Minimax Iterative Dynamic Game: Application to Nonlinear Robot Control Tasks

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    Multistage decision policies provide useful control strategies in high-dimensional state spaces, particularly in complex control tasks. However, they exhibit weak performance guarantees in the presence of disturbance, model mismatch, or model uncertainties. This brittleness limits their use in high-risk scenarios. We present how to quantify the sensitivity of such policies in order to inform of their robustness capacity. We also propose a minimax iterative dynamic game framework for designing robust policies in the presence of disturbance/uncertainties. We test the quantification hypothesis on a carefully designed deep neural network policy; we then pose a minimax iterative dynamic game (iDG) framework for improving policy robustness in the presence of adversarial disturbances. We evaluate our iDG framework on a mecanum-wheeled robot, whose goal is to find a ocally robust optimal multistage policy that achieve a given goal-reaching task. The algorithm is simple and adaptable for designing meta-learning/deep policies that are robust against disturbances, model mismatch, or model uncertainties, up to a disturbance bound. Videos of the results are on the author's website, http://ecs.utdallas.edu/~opo140030/iros18/iros2018.html, while the codes for reproducing our experiments are on github, https://github.com/lakehanne/youbot/tree/rilqg. A self-contained environment for reproducing our results is on docker, https://hub.docker.com/r/lakehanne/youbotbuntu14/Comment: 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System

    Non-Linear Model Predictive Control with Adaptive Time-Mesh Refinement

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    In this paper, we present a novel solution for real-time, Non-Linear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) exploiting a time-mesh refinement strategy. The proposed controller formulates the Optimal Control Problem (OCP) in terms of flat outputs over an adaptive lattice. In common approximated OCP solutions, the number of discretization points composing the lattice represents a critical upper bound for real-time applications. The proposed NMPC-based technique refines the initially uniform time horizon by adding time steps with a sampling criterion that aims to reduce the discretization error. This enables a higher accuracy in the initial part of the receding horizon, which is more relevant to NMPC, while keeping bounded the number of discretization points. By combining this feature with an efficient Least Square formulation, our solver is also extremely time-efficient, generating trajectories of multiple seconds within only a few milliseconds. The performance of the proposed approach has been validated in a high fidelity simulation environment, by using an UAV platform. We also released our implementation as open source C++ code.Comment: In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR 2018

    Differential Dynamic Programming for time-delayed systems

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    Trajectory optimization considers the problem of deciding how to control a dynamical system to move along a trajectory which minimizes some cost function. Differential Dynamic Programming (DDP) is an optimal control method which utilizes a second-order approximation of the problem to find the control. It is fast enough to allow real-time control and has been shown to work well for trajectory optimization in robotic systems. Here we extend classic DDP to systems with multiple time-delays in the state. Being able to find optimal trajectories for time-delayed systems with DDP opens up the possibility to use richer models for system identification and control, including recurrent neural networks with multiple timesteps in the state. We demonstrate the algorithm on a two-tank continuous stirred tank reactor. We also demonstrate the algorithm on a recurrent neural network trained to model an inverted pendulum with position information only.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, conference, Decision and Control (CDC), 2016 IEEE 55th Conference o
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