5 research outputs found

    Synchronization Support and Group-Membership Services for Reliable Distributed Multimedia Applications

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    S. All local authors can be reached via e-mail at the address [email protected]. Requests and comments should be addressed to [email protected]. Recent Titles from the UBLCS Technical Report Series 94-12 Operational GSPN Semantics of MPA, M. Bernardo, L. Donatiello, R. Gorrieri, May 1994. 94-13 Experiments in Distributing and Coordinating Knowledge, P. Ciancarini, May 1994. 94-14 A Comparison of Parallel Search Algorithms Based on Tree Splitting, P. Ciancarini, May 1994. 94-15 RELACS: A Communications Infrastructure for Constructing Reliable Applications in Large-Scale Distributed Systems, O. Babao glu, M.G. Baker, R. Davoli, L.A. Giachini, June 1994. 94-16 Replicated File Management in Large-Scale Distributed Systems, O. Babao glu, A. Bartoli, G. Dini, June 1994. 94-17 Parallel Symbolic Computing with the Shared Dataspace Coordination Model, P. Ciancarini, M. Gaspari, July 1994. 94-18 An Algorithmic Method to Build GoodTraining Sets for Neural-Network Classifiers, F. Tamburi..

    Fault Tolerance through View Synchrony in Partitionable Asynchronous Distributed Systems

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    S. All local authors can be reached via e-mail at the address [email protected]. Questions and comments should be addressed to [email protected]. Recent Titles from the UBLCS Technical Report Series 95-8 Building Hypermedia for Learning: a Framework Based on the Design of User Interface, S. Mangiaracina, C. Maioli, February 1995. 95-9 The Bologna Optimal Higher-Order Machine, A. Asperti, C. Giovannetti, A. Naletto, March 1995. 95-10 Synchronization Support and Group-Membership Services for Reliable Distributed Multimedia Applications, F. Panzieri, M. Roccetti, March 1995 (Revised July 1995). 95-11 The Inherent Cost of Strong-Partial View-Synchronous Communication, O. Babao glu, R. Davoli, L.-A. Giachini, P. Sabattini, April 1995. 95-12 On the Complexity of Beta-Reduction, A. Asperti, July 1995. 95-13 Optimal Multi-Block Read Schedules for Partitioned Signature Files, P. Ciaccia, August 1995. 95-14 Integrating Performance and Functional Analysis of Concurrent Systems with EMPA,..

    A Truly Concurrent View of Linda Interprocess Communication

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    S. All local authors can be reached via e-mail at the address [email protected]. Questions and comments should be addressed to [email protected]. Recent Titles from the UBLCS Technical Report Series 95-8 Building Hypermedia for Learning: a Framework Based on the Design of User Interface, S. Mangiaracina, C. Maioli, February 1995. 95-9 The Bologna Optimal Higher-Order Machine, A. Asperti, C. Giovannetti, A. Naletto, March 1995. 95-10 Synchronization Support and Group-Membership Services for Reliable Distributed Multimedia Applications, F. Panzieri, M. Roccetti, March 1995 (Revised July 1995). 95-11 The Inherent Cost of Strong-Partial View-Synchronous Communication, O. Babao glu, R. Davoli, L.-A. Giachini, P. Sabattini, April 1995. 95-12 On the Complexity of Beta-Reduction, A. Asperti, July 1995. 95-13 Optimal Multi-Block Read Schedules for Partitioned Signature Files, P. Ciaccia, August 1995. 95-14 Integrating Performance and Functional Analysis of Concurrent Systems with EMP..