9,921 research outputs found

    Classification of integrable two-component Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type in 2+1 dimensions

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    Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type occur in a wide range of applications including fluid dynamics, the Whitham averaging procedure and the theory of Frobenius manifolds. In 1+1 dimensions, the requirement of the integrability of such systems by the generalised hodograph transform implies that integrable Hamiltonians depend on a certain number of arbitrary functions of two variables. On the contrary, in 2+1 dimensions the requirement of the integrability by the method of hydrodynamic reductions, which is a natural analogue of the generalised hodograph transform in higher dimensions, leads to finite-dimensional moduli spaces of integrable Hamiltonians. In this paper we classify integrable two-component Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type for all existing classes of differential-geometric Poisson brackets in 2D, establishing a parametrisation of integrable Hamiltonians via elliptic/hypergeometric functions. Our approach is based on the Godunov-type representation of Hamiltonian systems, and utilises a novel construction of Godunov's systems in terms of generalised hypergeometric functions.Comment: Latex, 34 page

    Conditional symmetries and Riemann invariants for inhomogeneous hydrodynamic-type systems

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    A new approach to the solution of quasilinear nonelliptic first-order systems of inhomogeneous PDEs in many dimensions is presented. It is based on a version of the conditional symmetry and Riemann invariant methods. We discuss in detail the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of rank-2 and rank-3 solutions expressible in terms of Riemann invariants. We perform the analysis using the Cayley-Hamilton theorem for a certain algebraic system associated with the initial system. The problem of finding such solutions has been reduced to expanding a set of trace conditions on wave vectors and their profiles which are expressible in terms of Riemann invariants. A couple of theorems useful for the construction of such solutions are given. These theoretical considerations are illustrated by the example of inhomogeneous equations of fluid dynamics which describe motion of an ideal fluid subjected to gravitational and Coriolis forces. Several new rank-2 solutions are obtained. Some physical interpretation of these results is given.Comment: 19 page

    Method of group foliation, hodograph transformation and non-invariant solutions of the Boyer-Finley equation

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    We present the method of group foliation for constructing non-invariant solutions of partial differential equations on an important example of the Boyer-Finley equation from the theory of gravitational instantons. We show that the commutativity constraint for a pair of invariant differential operators leads to a set of its non-invariant solutions. In the second part of the paper we demonstrate how the hodograph transformation of the ultra-hyperbolic version of Boyer-Finley equation in an obvious way leads to its non-invariant solution obtained recently by Manas and Alonso. Due to extra symmetries, this solution is conditionally invariant, unlike non-invariant solutions obtained previously. We make the hodograph transformation of the group foliation structure and derive three invariant relations valid for the hodograph solution, additional to resolving equations, in an attempt to obtain the orbit of this solution.Comment: to appear in the special issue of Theor. Math. Phys. for the Proceedings of NEEDS2002; Keywords: Heavenly equation, group foliation, non-invariant solutions, hodograph transformatio

    Integrable equations of the dispersionless Hirota type and hypersurfaces in the Lagrangian Grassmannian

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    We investigate integrable second order equations of the form F(u_{xx}, u_{xy}, u_{yy}, u_{xt}, u_{yt}, u_{tt})=0. Familiar examples include the Boyer-Finley equation, the potential form of the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation, the dispersionless Hirota equation, etc. The integrability is understood as the existence of infinitely many hydrodynamic reductions. We demonstrate that the natural equivalence group of the problem is isomorphic to Sp(6), revealing a remarkable correspondence between differential equations of the above type and hypersurfaces of the Lagrangian Grassmannian. We prove that the moduli space of integrable equations of the dispersionless Hirota type is 21-dimensional, and the action of the equivalence group Sp(6) on the moduli space has an open orbit.Comment: 32 page