4 research outputs found

    A Unified Framework for Symmetry Handling

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    Handling symmetries in optimization problems is essential for devising efficient solution methods. In this article, we present a general framework that captures many of the already existing symmetry handling methods (SHMs). While these SHMs are mostly discussed independently from each other, our framework allows to apply different SHMs simultaneously and thus outperforming their individual effect. Moreover, most existing SHMs only apply to binary variables. Our framework allows to easily generalize these methods to general variable types. Numerical experiments confirm that our novel framework is superior to the state-of-the-art SHMs implemented in the solver SCIP

    The SCIP Optimization Suite 9.0

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    The SCIP Optimization Suite provides a collection of software packages for mathematical optimization, centered around the constraint integer programming (CIP) framework SCIP. This report discusses the enhancements and extensions included in the SCIP Optimization Suite 9.0. The updates in SCIP 9.0 include improved symmetry handling, additions and improvements of nonlinear handlers and primal heuristics, a new cut generator and two new cut selection schemes, a new branching rule, a new LP interface, and several bug fixes. The SCIP Optimization Suite 9.0 also features new Rust and C++ interfaces for SCIP, new Python interface for SoPlex, along with enhancements to existing interfaces. The SCIP Optimization Suite 9.0 also includes new and improved features in the LP solver SoPlex, the presolving library PaPILO, the parallel framework UG, the decomposition framework GCG, and the SCIP extension SCIP-SDP. These additions and enhancements have resulted in an overall performance improvement of SCIP in terms of solving time, number of nodes in the branch-and-bound tree, as well as the reliability of the solver.Comment: The release report of the SCIP Optimization Suite version 9.

    The Impact of Symmetry Handling for the Stable Set Problem via Schreier-Sims Cuts

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    Symmetry handling inequalities (SHIs) are an appealing and popular tool for handling symmetries in integer programming. Despite their practical application, little is known about their interaction with optimization problems. This article focuses on Schreier-Sims (SST) cuts, a recently introduced family of SHIs, and investigate their impact on the computational and polyhedral complexity of optimization problems. Given that SST cuts are not unique, a crucial question is to understand how different constructions of SST cuts influence the solving process. First, we observe that SST cuts do not increase the computational complexity of solving a linear optimization problem over any polytope PP. However, separating the integer hull of PP enriched by SST cuts can be NP-hard, even if PP is integral and has a compact formulation. We study this phenomenon more in-depth for the stable set problem, particularly for subclasses of perfect graphs. For bipartite graphs, we give a complete characterization of the integer hull after adding SST cuts based on odd-cycle inequalities. For trivially perfect graphs, we observe that the separation problem is still NP-hard after adding a generic set of SST cuts. Our main contribution is to identify a specific class of SST cuts, called stringent SST cuts, that keeps the separation problem polynomial and a complete set of inequalities, namely SST clique cuts, that yield a complete linear description. We complement these results by giving SST cuts based presolving techniques and provide a computational study to compare the different approaches. In particular, our newly identified stringent SST cuts dominate other approaches