19 research outputs found

    Adaptive Image Denoising by Targeted Databases

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    We propose a data-dependent denoising procedure to restore noisy images. Different from existing denoising algorithms which search for patches from either the noisy image or a generic database, the new algorithm finds patches from a database that contains only relevant patches. We formulate the denoising problem as an optimal filter design problem and make two contributions. First, we determine the basis function of the denoising filter by solving a group sparsity minimization problem. The optimization formulation generalizes existing denoising algorithms and offers systematic analysis of the performance. Improvement methods are proposed to enhance the patch search process. Second, we determine the spectral coefficients of the denoising filter by considering a localized Bayesian prior. The localized prior leverages the similarity of the targeted database, alleviates the intensive Bayesian computation, and links the new method to the classical linear minimum mean squared error estimation. We demonstrate applications of the proposed method in a variety of scenarios, including text images, multiview images and face images. Experimental results show the superiority of the new algorithm over existing methods.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables, journa

    On the Contractivity of Plug-and-Play Operators

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    In plug-and-play (PnP) regularization, the proximal operator in algorithms such as ISTA and ADMM is replaced by a powerful denoiser. This formal substitution works surprisingly well in practice. In fact, PnP has been shown to give state-of-the-art results for various imaging applications. The empirical success of PnP has motivated researchers to understand its theoretical underpinnings and, in particular, its convergence. It was shown in prior work that for kernel denoisers such as the nonlocal means, PnP-ISTA provably converges under some strong assumptions on the forward model. The present work is motivated by the following questions: Can we relax the assumptions on the forward model? Can the convergence analysis be extended to PnP-ADMM? Can we estimate the convergence rate? In this letter, we resolve these questions using the contraction mapping theorem: (i) for symmetric denoisers, we show that (under mild conditions) PnP-ISTA and PnP-ADMM exhibit linear convergence; and (ii) for kernel denoisers, we show that PnP-ISTA and PnP-ADMM converge linearly for image inpainting. We validate our theoretical findings using reconstruction experiments.Comment: Errors in the proof of Lemma 1 and the statement of Theorem 2 were identified after the publication; these have been rectified in the revised version (v2

    Fast bilateral-space stereo for synthetic defocus

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