1 research outputs found

    Pentavalent symmetric graphs of order twice a prime power

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    A connected symmetric graph of prime valency is {\em basic} if its automorphism group contains no nontrivial normal subgroup having more than two orbits. Let pp be a prime and nn a positive integer. In this paper, we investigate properties of connected pentavalent symmetric graphs of order 2pn2p^n, and it is shown that a connected pentavalent symmetric graph of order 2pn2p^n is basic if and only if it is either a graph of order 66, 1616, 250250, or a graph of three infinite families of Cayley graphs on generalized dihedral groups -- one family has order 2p2p with p=5p=5 or 5∣(p−1)5 \mid (p-1), one family has order 2p22p^2 with 5∣(p±1)5 \mid (p\pm 1), and the other family has order 2p42p^4. Furthermore, the automorphism groups of these basic graphs are computed. Similar works on cubic and tetravalent symmetric graphs of order 2pn2p^n have been done. It is shown that basic graphs of connected pentavalent symmetric graphs of order 2pn2p^n are symmetric elementary abelian covers of the dipole \Dip_5, and with covering techniques, uniqueness and automorphism groups of these basic graphs are determined. Moreover, symmetric \mz_p^n-covers of the dipole \Dip_5 are classified. As a byproduct, connected pentavalent symmetric graphs of order 2p22p^2 are classified