52,233 research outputs found

    Pseudo-random operators of the circular ensembles

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    We demonstrate quantum algorithms to implement pseudo-random operators that closely reproduce statistical properties of random matrices from the three universal classes: unitary, symmetric, and symplectic. Modified versions of the algorithms are introduced for the less experimentally challenging quantum cellular automata. For implementing pseudo-random symplectic operators we provide gate sequences for the unitary part of the time-reversal operator.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published PR

    Pseudo-unitary symmetry and the Gaussian pseudo-unitary ensemble of random matrices

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    Employing the currently discussed notion of pseudo-Hermiticity, we define a pseudo-unitary group. Further, we develop a random matrix theory which is invariant under such a group and call this ensemble of pseudo-Hermitian random matrices as the pseudo-unitary ensemble. We obtain exact results for the nearest-neighbour level spacing distribution for (2 X 2) PT-symmetric Hamiltonian matrices which has a novel form, s log (1/s) near zero spacing. This shows a level repulsion in marked distinction with an algebraic form in the Wigner surmise. We believe that this paves way for a description of varied phenomena in two-dimensional statistical mechanics, quantum chromodynamics, and so on.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX, submitted to the Physical Review Letters on August 20, 200

    Entanglement of pseudo-Hermitian random states

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    In a recent paper (arXiv:1905.07348v1), Dyson scheme to deal with density matrix of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians has been used to investigate the entanglement of states of a PT-symmetric bosonic system. They found that von Neumann entropy can show a different behavior in the broken and unbroken regime. We show that their results can be recast in terms of an abstract model of pseudo-Hermitian random matrices. It is found however that, although the formalism is practically the same, the entanglement is not of Fock states but of Bell states.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Gaussian-random Ensembles of Pseudo-Hermitian Matrices

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    Attention has been brought to the possibility that statistical fluctuation properties of several complex spectra, or, well-known number sequences may display strong signatures that the Hamiltonian yielding them as eigenvalues is PT-symmetric (Pseudo-Hermitian). We find that the random matrix theory of pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians gives rise to new universalities of level-spacing distributions other than those of GOE, GUE and GSE of Wigner and Dyson. We call the new proposals as Gaussian Pseudo-Orthogonal Ensemble and Gaussian Pseudo-Unitary Ensemble. We are also led to speculate that the enigmatic Riemann-zeros (12±itn){1 \over 2}\pm i t_n) would rather correspond to some PT-symmetric (pseudo-Hermitian) Hamiltonian.Comment: Invited Talk Delivered in II International Workshop on `Pseudo-Hermitian Hanmiltonians in Physics' at Prague, June 14-16, 200
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