5 research outputs found

    Symbol Synchronization for Diffusion-Based Molecular Communications

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    Symbol synchronization refers to the estimation of the start of a symbol interval and is needed for reliable detection. In this paper, we develop several symbol synchronization schemes for molecular communication (MC) systems where we consider some practical challenges which have not been addressed in the literature yet. In particular, we take into account that in MC systems, the transmitter may not be equipped with an internal clock and may not be able to emit molecules with a fixed release frequency. Such restrictions hold for practical nanotransmitters, e.g. modified cells, where the lengths of the symbol intervals may vary due to the inherent randomness in the availability of food and energy for molecule generation, the process for molecule production, and the release process. To address this issue, we develop two synchronization-detection frameworks which both employ two types of molecule. In the first framework, one type of molecule is used for symbol synchronization and the other one is used for data detection, whereas in the second framework, both types of molecule are used for joint symbol synchronization and data detection. For both frameworks, we first derive the optimal maximum likelihood (ML) symbol synchronization schemes as performance upper bounds. Since ML synchronization entails high complexity, for each framework, we also propose three low-complexity suboptimal schemes, namely a linear filter-based scheme, a peak observation-based scheme, and a threshold-trigger scheme which are suitable for MC systems with limited computational capabilities. Furthermore, we study the relative complexity and the constraints associated with the proposed schemes and the impact of the insertion and deletion errors that arise due to imperfect synchronization.Comment: This paper has been submitted to IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscienc

    Magnetic Nanoparticle Based Molecular Communication in Microfluidic Environments

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    The possibility to guide and control magnetic nanoparticles in a non-invasive manner has spawned various applications in biotechnology such as targeted drug delivery and sensing of biological substances. These applications are facilitated by the engineering of the size, selective chemical reactivity, and general chemical composition of the employed particles. Motivated by their widespread use and favorable properties, in this paper, we provide a theoretical study of the potential benefits of magnetic nanoparticles for the design of molecular communication systems. In particular, we consider magnetic nanoparticle based communication in a microfluidic channel where an external magnetic field is employed to attract the information-carrying particles to the receiver. We show that the particle transport affected by Brownian motion, fluid flow, and an external magnetic field can be mathematically modeled as diffusion with drift. Thereby, we reveal that the key parameters determining the magnetic force are the particle size and the magnetic field gradient. Moreover, we derive an analytical expression for the channel impulse response, which is used to evaluate the potential gain in the expected number of observed nanoparticles due to the magnetic field. Furthermore, adopting the symbol error rate as performance metric, we show that using magnetic nanoparticles can enable reliable communication in the presence of disruptive fluid flow. Numerical results obtained by particle-based simulation validate the accuracy of the derived analytical expressions.Comment: 15 pages (double column), 8 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience (TNB). (Author's comment: This is the extended journal version of the conference paper arXiv:1704.04206

    A Survey of Biological Building Blocks for Synthetic Molecular Communication Systems

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    Synthetic molecular communication (MC) is a new communication engineering paradigm which is expected to enable revolutionary applications such as smart drug delivery and real-time health monitoring. The design and implementation of synthetic MC systems (MCSs) at nano- and microscale is very challenging. This is particularly true for synthetic MCSs employing biological components as transmitters and receivers or as interfaces with natural biological MCSs. Nevertheless, since such biological components have been optimized by nature over billions of years, using them in synthetic MCSs is highly promising. This paper provides a survey of biological components that can potentially serve as the main building blocks, i.e., transmitter, receiver, and signaling particles, for the design and implementation of synthetic MCSs. Nature uses a large variety of signaling particles of different sizes and with vastly different properties for communication among biological entities. Here, we focus on three important classes of signaling particles: cations (specifically protons and calcium ions), neurotransmitters (specifically acetylcholine, dopamine, and serotonin), and phosphopeptides. For each of these candidate signaling particles, we present several specific transmitter and receiver structures mainly built upon proteins that are capable of performing the distinct physiological functionalities required from the transmitters and receivers of MCSs. Moreover, we present options for both microscale implementation of MCSs as well as the micro-to-macroscale interfaces needed for experimental evaluation of MCSs. Furthermore, we outline new research directions for the implementation and the theoretical design and analysis of the proposed transmitter and receiver architectures.Comment: 70 pages, 11 figures, 9 tables; Accepted for publication in the IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorial

    Molecular Communication with Anomalous Diffusion in Stochastic Nanonetworks

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    Molecular communication in nature can incorporate a large number of nano-things in nanonetworks as well as demonstrate how nano-things communicate. This paper presents molecular communication where transmit nanomachines deliver information molecules to a receive nanomachine over an anomalous diffusion channel. By considering a random molecule concentration in a space-time fractional diffusion channel, an analytical expression is derived for the first passage time (FPT) of the molecules. Then, the bit error rate of the lth nearest molecular communication with timing binary modulation is derived in terms of Fox's H-function. In the presence of interfering molecules, the mean and variance of the number of the arrived interfering molecules in a given time interval are presented. Using these statistics, a simple mitigation scheme for timing modulation is provided. The results in this paper provide the network performance on the error probability by averaging over a set of random distances between the communicating links as well as a set of random FPTs caused by the anomalous diffusion of molecules. This result will help in designing and developing molecular communication systems for various design purposes.Comment: accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Towards High Data-Rate Diffusive Molecular Communications: Performance Enhancement Strategies

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    Diffusive molecular communications (DiMC) have recently gained attention as a candidate for nano- to micro- and macro-scale communications due to its simplicity and energy efficiency. As signal propagation is solely enabled by Brownian motion mechanics, DiMC faces severe inter-symbol interference (ISI), which limits reliable and high data-rate communications. Herein, recent literature on DiMC performance enhancement strategies is surveyed; key research directions are identified. Signaling design and associated design constraints are presented. Classical and novel transceiver designs are reviewed with an emphasis on methods for ISI mitigation and performance-complexity tradeoffs. Key parameter estimation strategies such as synchronization and channel estimation are considered in conjunction with asynchronous and timing error robust receiver methods. Finally, source and channel coding in the context of DiMC is presented.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure