19 research outputs found

    Transformers with convolutional context for ASR

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    The recent success of transformer networks for neural machine translation and other NLP tasks has led to a surge in research work trying to apply it for speech recognition. Recent efforts studied key research questions around ways of combining positional embedding with speech features, and stability of optimization for large scale learning of transformer networks. In this paper, we propose replacing the sinusoidal positional embedding for transformers with convolutionally learned input representations. These contextual representations provide subsequent transformer blocks with relative positional information needed for discovering long-range relationships between local concepts. The proposed system has favorable optimization characteristics where our reported results are produced with fixed learning rate of 1.0 and no warmup steps. The proposed model achieves a competitive 4.7% and 12.9% WER on the Librispeech ``test clean'' and ``test other'' subsets when no extra LM text is provided

    Weak-Attention Suppression For Transformer Based Speech Recognition

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    Transformers, originally proposed for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, have recently achieved great success in automatic speech recognition (ASR). However, adjacent acoustic units (i.e., frames) are highly correlated, and long-distance dependencies between them are weak, unlike text units. It suggests that ASR will likely benefit from sparse and localized attention. In this paper, we propose Weak-Attention Suppression (WAS), a method that dynamically induces sparsity in attention probabilities. We demonstrate that WAS leads to consistent Word Error Rate (WER) improvement over strong transformer baselines. On the widely used LibriSpeech benchmark, our proposed method reduced WER by 10%$ on test-clean and 5% on test-other for streamable transformers, resulting in a new state-of-the-art among streaming models. Further analysis shows that WAS learns to suppress attention of non-critical and redundant continuous acoustic frames, and is more likely to suppress past frames rather than future ones. It indicates the importance of lookahead in attention-based ASR models.Comment: submitted to interspeech 202

    Multilingual End-to-End Speech Recognition with A Single Transformer on Low-Resource Languages

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    Sequence-to-sequence attention-based models integrate an acoustic, pronunciation and language model into a single neural network, which make them very suitable for multilingual automatic speech recognition (ASR). In this paper, we are concerned with multilingual speech recognition on low-resource languages by a single Transformer, one of sequence-to-sequence attention-based models. Sub-words are employed as the multilingual modeling unit without using any pronunciation lexicon. First, we show that a single multilingual ASR Transformer performs well on low-resource languages despite of some language confusion. We then look at incorporating language information into the model by inserting the language symbol at the beginning or at the end of the original sub-words sequence under the condition of language information being known during training. Experiments on CALLHOME datasets demonstrate that the multilingual ASR Transformer with the language symbol at the end performs better and can obtain relatively 10.5\% average word error rate (WER) reduction compared to SHL-MLSTM with residual learning. We go on to show that, assuming the language information being known during training and testing, about relatively 12.4\% average WER reduction can be observed compared to SHL-MLSTM with residual learning through giving the language symbol as the sentence start token.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1805.0623

    End-to-End Speech Translation with Knowledge Distillation

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    End-to-end speech translation (ST), which directly translates from source language speech into target language text, has attracted intensive attentions in recent years. Compared to conventional pipeline systems, end-to-end ST models have advantages of lower latency, smaller model size and less error propagation. However, the combination of speech recognition and text translation in one model is more difficult than each of these two tasks. In this paper, we propose a knowledge distillation approach to improve ST model by transferring the knowledge from text translation model. Specifically, we first train a text translation model, regarded as a teacher model, and then ST model is trained to learn output probabilities from teacher model through knowledge distillation. Experiments on English- French Augmented LibriSpeech and English-Chinese TED corpus show that end-to-end ST is possible to implement on both similar and dissimilar language pairs. In addition, with the instruction of teacher model, end-to-end ST model can gain significant improvements by over 3.5 BLEU points.Comment: Submitted to Interspeech 201

    On the Comparison of Popular End-to-End Models for Large Scale Speech Recognition

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    Recently, there has been a strong push to transition from hybrid models to end-to-end (E2E) models for automatic speech recognition. Currently, there are three promising E2E methods: recurrent neural network transducer (RNN-T), RNN attention-based encoder-decoder (AED), and Transformer-AED. In this study, we conduct an empirical comparison of RNN-T, RNN-AED, and Transformer-AED models, in both non-streaming and streaming modes. We use 65 thousand hours of Microsoft anonymized training data to train these models. As E2E models are more data hungry, it is better to compare their effectiveness with large amount of training data. To the best of our knowledge, no such comprehensive study has been conducted yet. We show that although AED models are stronger than RNN-T in the non-streaming mode, RNN-T is very competitive in streaming mode if its encoder can be properly initialized. Among all three E2E models, transformer-AED achieved the best accuracy in both streaming and non-streaming mode. We show that both streaming RNN-T and transformer-AED models can obtain better accuracy than a highly-optimized hybrid model.Comment: Accepted by Interspeech 202

    Cross-task pre-training for acoustic scene classification

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    Acoustic scene classification(ASC) and acoustic event detection(AED) are different but related tasks. Acoustic scenes can be shaped by occurred acoustic events which can provide useful information in training ASC tasks. However, most of the datasets are provided without either the acoustic event or scene labels. Therefore, We explored cross-task pre-training mechanism to utilize acoustic event information extracted from the pre-trained model to optimize the ASC task. We present three cross-task pre-training architectures and evaluated them in feature-based and fine-tuning strategies on two datasets respectively: TAU Urban Acoustic Scenes 2019 dataset and TUT Acoustic Scenes 2017 dataset. Results have shown that cross-task pre-training mechanism can significantly improve the performance of ASC tasks and the performance of our best model improved relatively 9.5% in the TAU Urban Acoustic Scenes 2019 dataset, and also improved 10% in the TUT Acoustic Scenes 2017 dataset compared with the official baseline.Comment: submitted to ICASSP202

    NIESR: Nuisance Invariant End-to-end Speech Recognition

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    Deep neural network models for speech recognition have achieved great success recently, but they can learn incorrect associations between the target and nuisance factors of speech (e.g., speaker identities, background noise, etc.), which can lead to overfitting. While several methods have been proposed to tackle this problem, existing methods incorporate additional information about nuisance factors during training to develop invariant models. However, enumeration of all possible nuisance factors in speech data and the collection of their annotations is difficult and expensive. We present a robust training scheme for end-to-end speech recognition that adopts an unsupervised adversarial invariance induction framework to separate out essential factors for speech-recognition from nuisances without using any supplementary labels besides the transcriptions. Experiments show that the speech recognition model trained with the proposed training scheme achieves relative improvements of 5.48% on WSJ0, 6.16% on CHiME3, and 6.61% on TIMIT dataset over the base model. Additionally, the proposed method achieves a relative improvement of 14.44% on the combined WSJ0+CHiME3 dataset.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of Interspeech 201

    Masked Pre-trained Encoder base on Joint CTC-Transformer

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    This study (The work was accomplished during the internship in Tencent AI lab) addresses semi-supervised acoustic modeling, i.e. attaining high-level representations from unsupervised audio data and fine-tuning the parameters of pre-trained model with supervised data. The proposed approach adopts a two-stage training framework, consisting of masked pre-trained encoder (MPE) and Joint CTC-Transformer (JCT). In the MPE framework, part of input frames are masked and reconstructed after the encoder with massive unsupervised data. In JCT framework, compared with original Transformer, acoustic features are applied as input instead of plain text. CTC loss performs as the prediction target on top of the encoder, and decoder blocks remain unchanged. This paper presents a comparison between two-stage training method and the fully supervised JCT. In addition, this paper investigates the our approach's robustness against different volumns of training data. Experiments on the two-stage training method deliver much better performance than fully supervised model. The word error rate (WER) with two-stage training which only exploits 30\% of WSJ labeled data achieves 17\% reduction than which trained by 50\% of WSJ in a fully supervised way. Moreover, increasing unlabeled data for MPE from WSJ (81h) to Librispeech (960h) attains about 22\% WER reduction

    Transformer Transducer: A Streamable Speech Recognition Model with Transformer Encoders and RNN-T Loss

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    In this paper we present an end-to-end speech recognition model with Transformer encoders that can be used in a streaming speech recognition system. Transformer computation blocks based on self-attention are used to encode both audio and label sequences independently. The activations from both audio and label encoders are combined with a feed-forward layer to compute a probability distribution over the label space for every combination of acoustic frame position and label history. This is similar to the Recurrent Neural Network Transducer (RNN-T) model, which uses RNNs for information encoding instead of Transformer encoders. The model is trained with the RNN-T loss well-suited to streaming decoding. We present results on the LibriSpeech dataset showing that limiting the left context for self-attention in the Transformer layers makes decoding computationally tractable for streaming, with only a slight degradation in accuracy. We also show that the full attention version of our model beats the-state-of-the art accuracy on the LibriSpeech benchmarks. Our results also show that we can bridge the gap between full attention and limited attention versions of our model by attending to a limited number of future frames.Comment: This is the final version of the paper submitted to the ICASSP 2020 on Oct 21, 201

    Transformer with Bidirectional Decoder for Speech Recognition

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    Attention-based models have made tremendous progress on end-to-end automatic speech recognition(ASR) recently. However, the conventional transformer-based approaches usually generate the sequence results token by token from left to right, leaving the right-to-left contexts unexploited. In this work, we introduce a bidirectional speech transformer to utilize the different directional contexts simultaneously. Specifically, the outputs of our proposed transformer include a left-to-right target, and a right-to-left target. In inference stage, we use the introduced bidirectional beam search method, which can not only generate left-to-right candidates but also generate right-to-left candidates, and determine the best hypothesis by the score. To demonstrate our proposed speech transformer with a bidirectional decoder(STBD), we conduct extensive experiments on the AISHELL-1 dataset. The results of experiments show that STBD achieves a 3.6\% relative CER reduction(CERR) over the unidirectional speech transformer baseline. Besides, the strongest model in this paper called STBD-Big can achieve 6.64\% CER on the test set, without language model rescoring and any extra data augmentation strategies.Comment: Accepted by InterSpeech 202