20,910 research outputs found

    Efficient AUC Optimization for Information Ranking Applications

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    Adequate evaluation of an information retrieval system to estimate future performance is a crucial task. Area under the ROC curve (AUC) is widely used to evaluate the generalization of a retrieval system. However, the objective function optimized in many retrieval systems is the error rate and not the AUC value. This paper provides an efficient and effective non-linear approach to optimize AUC using additive regression trees, with a special emphasis on the use of multi-class AUC (MAUC) because multiple relevance levels are widely used in many ranking applications. Compared to a conventional linear approach, the performance of the non-linear approach is comparable on binary-relevance benchmark datasets and is better on multi-relevance benchmark datasets.Comment: 12 page

    Workers Rights Consortium Assessment re Easy Group (Mariveles/BEZ, Philippines): Easy Fashion Corporation, Allen Garments, & Kasumi Apparel Ltd. Corporation: Summary of Findings and Recommendations

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    Report of an assessment of labor practices at three closely related manufacturing facilities located in the Bataan Economic Zone (BEZ) in Mariveles, Phillipines. The WRC’s assessment has been carried out in response to three principal complaints: working hours and compensation, misuse of a contract labor system, and freedom of association and collective bargaining

    An Axiomatic Analysis of Diversity Evaluation Metrics: Introducing the Rank-Biased Utility Metric

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    Many evaluation metrics have been defined to evaluate the effectiveness ad-hoc retrieval and search result diversification systems. However, it is often unclear which evaluation metric should be used to analyze the performance of retrieval systems given a specific task. Axiomatic analysis is an informative mechanism to understand the fundamentals of metrics and their suitability for particular scenarios. In this paper, we define a constraint-based axiomatic framework to study the suitability of existing metrics in search result diversification scenarios. The analysis informed the definition of Rank-Biased Utility (RBU) -- an adaptation of the well-known Rank-Biased Precision metric -- that takes into account redundancy and the user effort associated to the inspection of documents in the ranking. Our experiments over standard diversity evaluation campaigns show that the proposed metric captures quality criteria reflected by different metrics, being suitable in the absence of knowledge about particular features of the scenario under study.Comment: Original version: 10 pages. Preprint of full paper to appear at SIGIR'18: The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information Retrieval, July 8-12, 2018, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. ACM, New York, NY, US

    Examining and improving the effectiveness of relevance feedback for retrieval of scanned text documents

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    Important legacy paper documents are digitized and collected in online accessible archives. This enables the preservation, sharing, and significantly the searching of these documents. The text contents of these document images can be transcribed automatically using OCR systems and then stored in an information retrieval system. However, OCR systems make errors in character recognition which have previously been shown to impact on document retrieval behaviour. In particular relevance feedback query-expansion methods, which are often effective for improving electronic text retrieval, are observed to be less reliable for retrieval of scanned document images. Our experimental examination of the effects of character recognition errors on an ad hoc OCR retrieval task demonstrates that, while baseline information retrieval can remain relatively unaffected by transcription errors, relevance feedback via query expansion becomes highly unstable. This paper examines the reason for this behaviour, and introduces novel modifications to standard relevance feedback methods. These methods are shown experimentally to improve the effectiveness of relevance feedback for errorful OCR transcriptions. The new methods combine similar recognised character strings based on term collection frequency and a string edit-distance measure. The techniques are domain independent and make no use of external resources such as dictionaries or training data

    Identifiability of parameters in latent structure models with many observed variables

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    While hidden class models of various types arise in many statistical applications, it is often difficult to establish the identifiability of their parameters. Focusing on models in which there is some structure of independence of some of the observed variables conditioned on hidden ones, we demonstrate a general approach for establishing identifiability utilizing algebraic arguments. A theorem of J. Kruskal for a simple latent-class model with finite state space lies at the core of our results, though we apply it to a diverse set of models. These include mixtures of both finite and nonparametric product distributions, hidden Markov models and random graph mixture models, and lead to a number of new results and improvements to old ones. In the parametric setting, this approach indicates that for such models, the classical definition of identifiability is typically too strong. Instead generic identifiability holds, which implies that the set of nonidentifiable parameters has measure zero, so that parameter inference is still meaningful. In particular, this sheds light on the properties of finite mixtures of Bernoulli products, which have been used for decades despite being known to have nonidentifiable parameters. In the nonparametric setting, we again obtain identifiability only when certain restrictions are placed on the distributions that are mixed, but we explicitly describe the conditions.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOS689 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org