69 research outputs found

    Sustainable Wireless Networks

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    Power efficient dynamic resource scheduling algorithms for LTE

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    Handling Interference in Integrated HAPS-Terrestrial Networks through Radio Resource Management

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    Vertical heterogeneous networks (vHetNets) are promising architectures to bring significant advantages for 6G and beyond mobile communications. High altitude platform station (HAPS), one of the nodes in the vHetNets, can be considered as a complementary platform for terrestrial networks to meet the ever-increasing dynamic capacity demand and provide sustainable wireless networks for future. However, the problem of interference is the bottleneck for the optimal operation of such an integrated network. Thus, designing efficient interference management techniques is inevitable. In this work, we aim to design a joint power-subcarrier allocation scheme in order to achieve fairness for all users. We formulate the max-min fairness (MMF) optimization problem and develop a rapid converging iterative algorithm to solve it. Numerical results validate the superiority of the proposed algorithm and show better performance over other conventional network scenarios.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications Letter

    Erlang analysis of cellular networks using stochastic Petri nets and user-in-the-loop extension for demand control

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    Abstract—Cellular networks face severe challenges due to the expected growth of application data rate demand with an increase rate of 100 % per year. Over-provisioning capacity has been the standard approach to reduce the risk of overload situations. Traditionally in telephony networks, call blocking and overload probability have been analyzed using the Erlang-B and Erlang-C formulas, which model limited capacity communication systems without or with session request buffers, respectively. While a closed-form expression exists for the blocking probability for constant load and service, a steady-state Markov chain (MC) analysis can always provide more detailed data, as long as the Markov property of the arrival and service processes hold. However, there is a significant modeling advantage by using the stochastic Petri net (SPN) paradigm to model the details of such a system. In addition, software tool support allows getting numeric analysis results quickly by solving the state probabilities in the background and without the need to run any simulation. Because of this efficiency, the equivalent SPN model of the Engset, Erlang-B and Erlang-C situation is introduced as novelty in this paper. Going beyond the original Erlang scenario, the user-in-the-loop (UIL) approach of demand shaping by closed-loop control is studied as an extension. In UIL, demand control is implemented by a dynamic usage-based tariff which motivates users to reduce or postpone the use of applications on their smart phone in times of light to severe congestion. In this paper, the effect of load on the price and demand reduction is modeled with an SPN based on the classical Erlang Markov chain structure. Numeric results are easily obtained and presented in this paper, including probability density functions (PDF) of the load situation, and a parameter analysis showing the effectiveness of UIL to reduce the overload probability. Keywords—User-in-the-loop (UIL); demand shaping; demand control; congestion; Erlang; stochastic Petri-net (SPN). I

    Provisioning quality-of-service to energy harvesting wireless communications

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Energy harvesting (EH) is an innovative way to build long-term and self-sustainable wireless networks. However, an inconstant EH rate may have an adverse effect on the quality-of-service (QoS) of wireless traffic, such as packet delay and error. In this article we discuss techniques that provide QoS to EH powered wireless communications. A new "dynamic string tautening" method is presented to produce the most energy efficient schedule with substantially lower complexity, compared to convex optimization techniques. The method adapts to the bursty arrivals of wireless traffic and harvested energy, and ensures that delay-sensitive data will be delivered by deadline. Comprehensive designs of EH powered transmitters are also discussed, where the EH rate, battery capacity, and deadline requirement can be jointly adjusted to leverage QoS and the cost.Peer reviewe

    Energy-Efficient Wireless Communications with Distributed Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

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    This paper investigates the problem of resource allocation for a wireless communication network with distributed reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs). In this network, multiple RISs are spatially distributed to serve wireless users and the energy efficiency of the network is maximized by dynamically controlling the on-off status of each RIS as well as optimizing the reflection coefficients matrix of the RISs. This problem is posed as a joint optimization problem of transmit beamforming and RIS control, whose goal is to maximize the energy efficiency under minimum rate constraints of the users. To solve this problem, two iterative algorithms are proposed for the single-user case and multi-user case. For the single-user case, the phase optimization problem is solved by using a successive convex approximation method, which admits a closed-form solution at each step. Moreover, the optimal RIS on-off status is obtained by using the dual method. For the multi-user case, a low-complexity greedy searching method is proposed to solve the RIS on-off optimization problem. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme achieves up to 33\% and 68\% gains in terms of the energy efficiency in both single-user and multi-user cases compared to the conventional RIS scheme and amplify-and-forward relay scheme, respectively
