6 research outputs found

    Hierarchical structure-and-motion recovery from uncalibrated images

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    This paper addresses the structure-and-motion problem, that requires to find camera motion and 3D struc- ture from point matches. A new pipeline, dubbed Samantha, is presented, that departs from the prevailing sequential paradigm and embraces instead a hierarchical approach. This method has several advantages, like a provably lower computational complexity, which is necessary to achieve true scalability, and better error containment, leading to more stability and less drift. Moreover, a practical autocalibration procedure allows to process images without ancillary information. Experiments with real data assess the accuracy and the computational efficiency of the method.Comment: Accepted for publication in CVI

    Flexible and User-Centric Camera Calibration using Planar Fiducial Markers

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    The benefit of accurate camera calibration for recovering 3D structure from images is a well-studied topic. Recently 3D vision tools for end-user applications have become popular among large audiences, mostly unskilled in computer vision. This motivates the need for a flexible and user-centric camera calibration method which drastically releases the critical requirements on the calibration target and ensures that low-quality or faulty images provided by end users do not degrade the overall calibration and in effect the resulting 3D model. In this paper we present and advocate an approach to camera cal-ibration using fiducial markers, aiming at the accuracy of target calibration techniques without the requirement for a precise calibration pattern, to ease the calibration effort for the end-user. An extensive set of experiments with real images is presented which demonstrates improvements in the estimation of the parameters of the camera model as well as accuracy in the multi-view stereo reconstruction of large scale scenes. Pixel re-projection errors and ground truth errors obtained by our method are significantly lower compared to popular calibration routines, even though paper-printable and easy-to-use targets are employed.

    Surviving Dominant Planes in Uncalibrated Structure and Motion Recovery

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    In this paper we address the problem of uncalibrated structure and motion recovery from image sequences that contain dominant planes in some of the views. Traditional approaches fail when the features common to three consecutive views are all located on a plane. This is, however, a situation that is often hard to avoid in man-made environments. We propose a complete approach that detects the problem and defers the computation of parameters that are ambiguous in projective space (i.e. the registration between partial reconstructions only sharing a common plane and poses of cameras only seeing planar features) till after self-calibration. Also a new linear self-calibration algorithm is proposed that couples the intrinsics between multiple subsequences. The final result is a complete metric 3D reconstruction of both structure and motion for the whole sequence

    Methods for Structure from Motion

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