1,406 research outputs found

    Resilient networking in wireless sensor networks

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    This report deals with security in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), especially in network layer. Multiple secure routing protocols have been proposed in the literature. However, they often use the cryptography to secure routing functionalities. The cryptography alone is not enough to defend against multiple attacks due to the node compromise. Therefore, we need more algorithmic solutions. In this report, we focus on the behavior of routing protocols to determine which properties make them more resilient to attacks. Our aim is to find some answers to the following questions. Are there any existing protocols, not designed initially for security, but which already contain some inherently resilient properties against attacks under which some portion of the network nodes is compromised? If yes, which specific behaviors are making these protocols more resilient? We propose in this report an overview of security strategies for WSNs in general, including existing attacks and defensive measures. In this report we focus at the network layer in particular, and an analysis of the behavior of four particular routing protocols is provided to determine their inherent resiliency to insider attacks. The protocols considered are: Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Gradient-Based Routing (GBR), Greedy Forwarding (GF) and Random Walk Routing (RWR)

    Performance Analysis and Design of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    We focus on the performance analysis and design of a wireless ad-hoc network using a virtual-circuit or reservation based medium access layer. In a reservation based MAC network, source nodes reserve a session's link capacity end-to-end over the entire path before sending traffic over the established path. An example of a generic reservation based MAC protocol is Unifying Slot Assignment Protocol (USAP). Any reservation based medium access protocol (including USAP) uses a simple set of rules to determine the cells or timeslots available at a node to reserve link capacity along the path to the next node. Given inputs of node locations, traffic pattern between nodes and link propagation matrices, we develop models to estimate blocking probability and throughput for reservation based wireless ad-hoc networks. These models are based on extending reduced load loss network models for a wireless network. For generic USAP with multiple frequency channels, the key effect of multiuser interference on a link is modeled via reduced available link capacity where the effects of transmissions and receptions in the link neighborhood are modeled using USAP reservation rules. We compare our results with simulation and obtain good results using our extended reduced load loss network models but with reduced available link capacity distribution obtained by simulation. For the case of generic USAP using a single frequency channel, we develop models for unicast traffic using reduced load loss network models but with the sharing of the wireless medium between a node and its neighbors modeled by considering cliques of neighboring interfering links around a particular link. We compare results of this model with simulation and show good match. We also develop models to calculate source-destination throughput for the reservation MAC as used in the Joint Tactical Radio System to support both unicast and multicast traffic. These models are based on extending reduced load loss network models for wireless multicast traffic with the sharing of the wireless medium between a node and its (upto 2 hop) neighbors modeled by considering cliques of interfering nodes around a particular node. We compare results of this model with simulation and show good match with simulation. Once we have developed models to estimate throughput and blocking probabilities, we use these models to optimize total network throughput. In order to optimize total throughput, we compute throughput sensitivities of the reduced load loss network model using an implied cost formulation and use these sensitivities to choose the routing probabilities among multiple paths so that total network throughput is maximized. In any network scenario, MANETs can get disconnected into clusters. As part of the MANET design problem, we look at the problem of establishing network connectivity and satisfying required traffic capacity between disconnected clusters by placing a minimum number of advantaged high flying Aerial Platforms (APs) as relay nodes at appropriate places. We also extend the connectivity solution in order to make the network single AP survivable. The problem of providing both connectivity and required capacity between disconnected ground clusters (which contain nodes that can communicate directly with each other) is formulated as a summation-form clustering problem of the ground clusters with the APs along with inter-AP distance constraints that make the AP network connected and with complexity costs that take care of ground cluster to AP capacity constraints. The resultant clustering problem is solved using Deterministic Annealing to find (near) globally optimal solutions for the minimum number and locations of the APs to establish connectivity and provide required traffic capacity between disconnected clusters. The basic connectivity constraints are extended to include conditions that make the resultant network survivable to a single AP failure. In order to make the network single AP survivable, we extend the basic connectivity solution by adding another summation form constraint so that the AP network forms a biconnected network and also by making sure that each ground cluster is connected to atleast two APs. We establish the validity of our algorithms by comparing them with optimal exhaustive search algorithms and show that our algorithms are near-optimal for the problem of establishing connectivity between disconnected clusters

    An Overview of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for the Existing Protocols and Applications

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    Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of two or more devices or nodes or terminals with wireless communications and networking capability that communicate with each other without the aid of any centralized administrator also the wireless nodes that can dynamically form a network to exchange information without using any existing fixed network infrastructure. And it's an autonomous system in which mobile hosts connected by wireless links are free to be dynamically and some time act as routers at the same time, and we discuss in this paper the distinct characteristics of traditional wired networks, including network configuration may change at any time, there is no direction or limit the movement and so on, and thus needed a new optional path Agreement (Routing Protocol) to identify nodes for these actions communicate with each other path, An ideal choice way the agreement should not only be able to find the right path, and the Ad Hoc Network must be able to adapt to changing network of this type at any time. and we talk in details in this paper all the information of Mobile Ad Hoc Network which include the History of ad hoc, wireless ad hoc, wireless mobile approaches and types of mobile ad Hoc networks, and then we present more than 13 types of the routing Ad Hoc Networks protocols have been proposed. In this paper, the more representative of routing protocols, analysis of individual characteristics and advantages and disadvantages to collate and compare, and present the all applications or the Possible Service of Ad Hoc Networks.Comment: 24 Pages, JGraph-Hoc Journa

    A Framework to Quantify Network Resilience and Survivability

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    The significance of resilient communication networks in the modern society is well established. Resilience and survivability mechanisms in current networks are limited and domain specific. Subsequently, the evaluation methods are either qualitative assessments or context-specific metrics. There is a need for rigorous quantitative evaluation of network resilience. We propose a service oriented framework to characterize resilience of networks to a number of faults and challenges at any abstraction level. This dissertation presents methods to quantify the operational state and the expected service of the network using functional metrics. We formalize resilience as transitions of the network state in a two-dimensional state space quantifying network characteristics, from which network service performance parameters can be derived. One dimension represents the network as normally operating, partially degraded, or severely degraded. The other dimension represents network service as acceptable, impaired, or unacceptable. Our goal is to initially understand how to characterize network resilience, and ultimately how to guide network design and engineering toward increased resilience. We apply the proposed framework to evaluate the resilience of the various topologies and routing protocols. Furthermore, we present several mechanisms to improve the resilience of the networks to various challenges

    Algorithms and complexity analyses for some combinational optimization problems

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    The main focus of this dissertation is on classical combinatorial optimization problems in two important areas: scheduling and network design. In the area of scheduling, the main interest is in problems in the master-slave model. In this model, each machine is either a master machine or a slave machine. Each job is associated with a preprocessing task, a slave task and a postprocessing task that must be executed in this order. Each slave task has a dedicated slave machine. All the preprocessing and postprocessing tasks share a single master machine or the same set of master machines. A job may also have an arbitrary release time before which the preprocessing task is not available to be processed. The main objective in this dissertation is to minimize the total completion time or the makespan. Both the complexity and algorithmic issues of these problems are considered. It is shown that the problem of minimizing the total completion time is strongly NP-hard even under severe constraints. Various efficient algorithms are designed to minimize the total completion time under various scenarios. In the area of network design, the survivable network design problems are studied first. The input for this problem is an undirected graph G = (V, E), a non-negative cost for each edge, and a nonnegative connectivity requirement ruv for every (unordered) pair of vertices &ruv. The goal is to find a minimum-cost subgraph in which each pair of vertices u,v is joined by at least ruv edge (vertex)-disjoint paths. A Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme (PTAS) is designed for the problem when the graph is Euclidean and the connectivity requirement of any point is at most 2. PTASs or Quasi-PTASs are also designed for 2-edge-connectivity problem and biconnectivity problem and their variations in unweighted or weighted planar graphs. Next, the problem of constructing geometric fault-tolerant spanners with low cost and bounded maximum degree is considered. The first result shows that there is a greedy algorithm which constructs fault-tolerant spanners having asymptotically optimal bounds for both the maximum degree and the total cost at the same time. Then an efficient algorithm is developed which finds fault-tolerant spanners with asymptotically optimal bound for the maximum degree and almost optimal bound for the total cost
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