8 research outputs found

    Adapting IT management for effective IT strategy leadership

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    Abstract: This article argues that the lack of consistent information technology (IT) and organisational strategies heightens the proclivity to cancel IT initiatives. Organisational strategy loosely conveys a compounded perspective pertaining to business and organisational strategies. The combination of these strategies logically hinge on efficient enterprise IT integration concepts contextualising conceptual links between their respective architectures to best suit prevailing business and socioeconomic needs. However, an effective socioeconomy demands contextual strategic management of IT, aligned with geopolitical and other factors affecting the nature of IT, to optimise the applied context of principles of governance and management. Strategic management of IT is alleviated by the concept of levels of abstraction inherent in the principle of separation of concerns. Hence the strategic use of the concept in ‘opinion’ formulation within the paradigm of a sociotechnical system design, development and management. Accordingly, optimal business performance demands that business and IT leadership and management develop mechanisms to establish symbiosis between governance and management principles, glued together by an adaptive enterprise‐wide standard architecture. There is therefore a contended need to integrate IT, processes and strategies. This demands that business and IT professionals possess an interdisciplinary and a multidisciplinary set of competencies. The perceived set of competencies supposedly help professionals to effectively navigate the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary nature of information technology management (ITM). Thus the ensuing sociotechnical system constructs represent the challenge imposed by the journey to purposefully adapt ITM for effective IT strategy leadership for a competitive economic system. The research used an advanced mixed research methodology embedding quantitative methods in a qualitative study..

    Analisis Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan COBIT 5.0 Domain DSS 01 Pada PDAM Kota Tegal

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    Abstrak Proses monitoring teknologi informasi merupakan salah satu faktor penting di dalam sebuah proses. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PDAM Kota Tegal, dan berdasarkan hasil survey yang dilakukan, ditemukan masalah seperti: masih kurangnya monitoring secara realtime dan sistem yang masih sering terjadi error. Oleh karena itu, PDAM Kota Tegal membutuhkan sebuah tata kelola teknologi informasi agar dapat meningkatkan kinerjanya. PDAM Kota Tegal membutuhkan sebuah metode untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut, metode tersebut adalah COBIT 5.0, dan pada penelitian ini dihasilkan bahwa domain yang sesuai dengan permasalahan yang ada adalah DSS01 (manage operations). Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa PDAM Kota Tegal masih berada di level 2, yaitu sebesar 66.01% (2.79) dan untuk dapat meningkatkan level tersebut, PDAM Kota Tegal membutuhkan strategi perbaikan agar dapat meningkat mencapai level 3. Sumber daya manusia yang juga merupakan salah satu faktor utama juga perlu diperhatikan, tetapi penelitian ini pada saat ini akan berfokus terlebih dahulu untuk memperbaiki permasalahan yang telah disebutkan di atas. PDAM Kota Tegal harus terus meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitifnya agar dapat meningkatkan layanan dan dapat terus berjalan sesuai dengan kemajuan teknologi informasi serta mampu dalam menghadapi globalisasi. Inilah faktor-faktor yang harus segera diantisipasi dalam menghadapi kemajuan teknologi, yaitu memiliki tata kelola teknologi informasi yang baik,efektif dan efesien.   Kata kunci— COBIT 5.0, Tata Kelola, Manage Operations, PDAM Kota Tega


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    Inconsistency always occurs between digital transformation (DT) strategy and information system(IS)and enterprise architecture (EA) planning. This symptom leads to repeated investment, de-lay, or failure in DT projects. In addition, it will create leakages in DT value. Moreover, in the dy-namic digital environment, the inconsistency of between DT strategy and EA planning process is exacerbated due to dynamic business strategies. This paper applies SEAM and BPM theories to explore the scenario method for applying EA to DT strategies operation to explain inconsistent strategic planning symptoms and outline the DT-EA strategy planning integration process frame-work. The research method of this paper is multiple case studies, and the data collection sources include semi-structured interviews of 106 interviewees, material collection, literature comparison, and observation. By comparing four critical cases, this research shows the relationship between DT and EA and reveals the dysfunction in DT strategic implementation from the SEAM and BPM perspective. In practice, this research integrates DT and EA to provide a context method for enter-prise DT strategy planning design

    Socio-Economic Management Theory Related to BPM: A Case Study of Dysfunctions in Digital Transformation Strategy

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    This research claims that dynamic strategies demanded by today’s digital environment exacerbate inconsistency between an organization’s digital transformation efforts and its enterprise architecture (EA) planning process. This phenomenon leads to redundant investments, delayed implementation, and frequent failures in digital transformation projects. In order to investigate this inconsistency, we apply the socioeconomic approach to management (SEAM) theory. Through critical analysis of four case studies in a large manufacturing organization, we clarify the relationship between digital transformation and EA and reveal the dysfunction in strategic implementation from a SEAM and business process management (BPM) perspective. In practice, this research integrates digital transformation and EA to provide a context-specific approach for planning and designing enterprise digital transformation strategies

    A new paradigm for the continuous alignment of business and IT : combining enterprise architecture modelling and enterprise ontology

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    The paper deals with Next Generation Enterprise Information Systems in the context of Enterprise Engineering. The continuous alignment of business and IT in a rapidly changing environment is a grand challenge for today’s enterprises. The ability to react timeously to continuous and unexpected change is called agility and is an essential quality of the modern enterprise. Being agile has consequences for the engineering of enterprises and enterprise information systems. In this paper a new paradigm for next generation enterprise information systems is proposed, which shifts the development approach of model-driven engineering to continuous alignment of business and IT for the agile enterprise. It is based on a metamodelling approach, which supports both human-interpretable graphical enterprise architecture and machine-interpretable enterprise ontologies. Furthermore, next generation enterprise information systems are described, which embed modelling tools and algorithms for model analysis.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/compind2017-06-30hb201

    Supporting Business and IT Alignment by Modeling Business and IT Strategy and its Relations to Enterprise Architecture

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    Abstract-In this study, the literature on strategic alignment, strategy modeling and infrastructure architecture modeling has been analyzed and a prototype has been developed for modeling business strategy and IT strategy as well as the relationship between. This modeling technique allows improving the business and IT alignment based on the Strategic Alignment Model of Henderson and Venkatraman. The modeling language is an extension and adaptation of the Business Motivation Model of OMG. The elements, which constitute the overall strategy, can belong to a business view, an IT view or to both. Due to this feature, it is possible to visualize the IT view (IT strategy) or the business view (business strategy) of the generic strategy separately. A concrete example shows how a strategy may be developed

    Strategic alignment of information technology and business

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    Dissertation Submitted in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Engineering (Industrial Engineering) University of the Witwatersrand 2016The importance of information technology (IT) strategic alignment with organisational goals is considered and discussed. Internal and external factors that affect this alignment are identified. A method to strategically align business and IT is developed. A case study methodology was used, which relied on both quantitative and qualitative methods. The focus of the case study is the School of Mechanical, Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. The research identified current IT alignment barriers and the special requirements of this domain by conducting interviews, using questionnaires and focusing on relevant strategic documentation. Data from the case-study environment was used to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The researcher identified a lack of commitment on the part of management both within the School and in the broader University to the University’s strategic objectives as the main obstacle to IT and business strategic alignment. A revised IT strategic plan is developed for the School.MT 201