2 research outputs found

    Possibilities of applying the E-government management concept in Serbian cities

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    Recent urban transformations worldwide consequentially lead to the numerous environmental problems that have to be solved by complex structure of social interest groups which have to be included in that process. This demands initiated requisitioning and modification of concepts and methodologies of planning and managing urban development. At this moment there are different models used in world wide practice, but main bases of new methods and techniques are the same. Leaving the idea of possibility of constituting the universal urban planning model lead to very productive results in developing the disciplinary methodologies. Process of transformation of traditional comprehensive urban planning model to integrated procedural pluralistic model (based on sustainable development principles) is something that can be underlined as a main characteristic of disciplinary development. The questions of decision making mechanisms and plans implementation are put in axes of conceptual and methodological considerations. Urban planning loses the classic form of making the multi level comprehensive urban plans with exact spatial and time horizon. It means, in general that planning and managing of urban development is aiming to be realistic, decentralized, strategic and problem oriented, arbitrary, not instructive, but understood as a efficient and effective process. Operational support to the this kind of approach are Decision Support IT tools, such as GIS - Geographical Information Systems or ES -Expert Systems. Usability of IT tools is based on their capability to perform fast and complicated processing of spatial data and on their flexibility towards specific real problems which are to be solved. In order to use maximum of capabilities of these tools in practice problem solving it is necessary to adjust their structure and usage to the: - actual conditions of socioeconomic of the context in which urban development planning and management is performed, - practical demands that managing of urban development has to fore fill, - all participants in urban management process, - institutional mechanisms and procedures

    Supporting Communication Processes for Cooperative Planning and e-Government

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    Abstract: As a reaction to societal, economic and technological changes, new forms of cooperation are applied in projects of urbanand regional development. We argue that this trend can significantly be amplified by the use of information and communicationtechnologies (ICT). Through ICT more persons can participate in a more focused, open, fairer and more transparent way. Complexinformation can be analyzed, the process is documented, reproducible and comparable. Methods and media can be combined in avery flexible way to design efficient and effective processes.To the extent that projects are stored in a knowledge base, knowledge management tools can exploit accumulating experience tocontinuously improve a methodology for cooperation in spatial development.With the introduction of ICT, existing cooperative methods in government and planning should not simply be copied to the newmedia without further modifications. Electronic techniques (synchronous or asynchronous, distributed or not, audio-, video or textbasedmedia) can be used for different traditional methods in different phases of the process, and they can be combined in completelynew ways, leading to new methods and workflows. Only if this potential of ICT is taken into account by restructuring the processitself, cooperative planning processes lead to informed high-quality decisions in less time.Our approach aims to explore the opportunities that new ICT offers for new cooperation methods in government and planning -beyond the extension of traditional methods to electronic communication media. It acknowledges the need for experimentation andan evaluation, not only concerning isolated methods but the combination of methods