30 research outputs found

    Accurate gradient computations at interfaces using finite element methods

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    New finite element methods are proposed for elliptic interface problems in one and two dimensions. The main motivation is not only to get an accurate solution but also an accurate first order derivative at the interface (from each side). The key in 1D is to use the idea from \cite{wheeler1974galerkin}. For 2D interface problems, the idea is to introduce a small tube near the interface and introduce the gradient as part of unknowns, which is similar to a mixed finite element method, except only at the interface. Thus the computational cost is just slightly higher than the standard finite element method. We present rigorous one dimensional analysis, which show second order convergence order for both of the solution and the gradient in 1D. For two dimensional problems, we present numerical results and observe second order convergence for the solution, and super-convergence for the gradient at the interface

    Polynomial Preserving Recovery For Weak Galerkin Methods And Their Applications

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    Gradient recovery technique is widely used to reconstruct a better numerical gradient from a finite element solution, for mesh smoothing, a posteriori error estimate and adaptive finite element methods. The PPR technique generates a higher order approximation of the gradient on a patch of mesh elements around each mesh vertex. It can be used for different finite element methods for different problems. This dissertation presents recovery techniques for the weak Galerkin methods and as well as applications of gradient recovery on various of problems, including elliptic problems, interface problems, and Stokes problems. Our first target is to develop a boundary strategy for the current PPR algorithm. The current accuracy of PPR near boundaries is not as good as that in the interior of the domain. It might be even worse than without recovery. Some special treatments are needed to improve the accuracy of PPR on the boundary. In this thesis, we present two boundary recovery strategies to resolve the problem caused by boundaries. Numerical experiments indicate that both of the newly proposed strategies made an improvement to the original PPR. Our second target is to generalize PPR to the weak Galerkin methods. Different from the standard finite element methods, the weak Galerkin methods use a different set of degrees of freedom. Instead of the weak gradient information, we are able to obtain the recovered gradient information for the numerical solution in the generalization of PPR. In the PPR process, we are also able to recover the function value at the nodal points which will produce a global continuous solution instead of piecewise continuous function. Our third target is to apply our proposed strategy and WGPPR to interface problems. We treat an interface as a boundary when performing gradient recovery, and the jump condition on the interface can be well captured by the function recovery process. In addition, adaptive methods based on WGPPR recovery type a posteriori error estimator is proposed and numerically tested in this thesis. Application on the elliptic problem and interface problem validate the effectiveness and robustness of our algorithm. Furthermore, WGPPR has been applied to 3D problem and Stokes problem as well. Superconvergent phenomenon is again observed

    A Hybrid High-Order Method for a Class of Strongly Nonlinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems

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    In this article, we design and analyze a Hybrid High-Order (HHO) finite element approximation for a class of strongly nonlinear boundary value problems. We consider an HHO discretization for a suitable linearized problem and show its well-posedness using the Gardings type inequality. The essential ingredients for the HHO approximation involve local reconstruction and high-order stabilization. We establish the existence of a unique solution for the HHO approximation using the Brouwer fixed point theorem and contraction principle. We derive an optimal order a priori error estimate in the discrete energy norm. Numerical experiments are performed to illustrate the convergence histories.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2110.1557

    Hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin p-adaptivity for wave propagation problems

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    A p-adaptive hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the solution of wave problems is presented in a challenging engineering problem. Moreover, its performance is compared with a high-order continuous Galerkin. The hybridization technique allows to reduce the coupled degrees of freedom to only those on the mesh element boundaries, whereas the particular choice of the numerical fluxes opens the path to a superconvergent postprocessed solution. This superconvergent postprocessed solution is used to construct a simple and inexpensive error estimator. The error estimator is employed to obtain solutions with the prescribed accuracy in the area (or areas) of interest and also drives a proposed iterative mesh adaptation procedure. The proposed method is applied to a nonhomogeneous scattering problem in an unbounded domain. This is a challenging problem because, on the one hand, for high frequencies, numerical difficulties are an important issue because of the loss of the ellipticity and the oscillatory behavior of the solution. And on the other hand, it is applied to real harbor agitation problems. That is, the mild slope equation in frequency domain (Helmholtz equation with nonconstant coefficients) is solved on real geometries with the corresponding perfectly matched layer to damp the diffracted waves. The performance of the method is studied on two practical examples. The adaptive hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method exhibits better efficiency compared with a high-order continuous Galerkin method using static condensation of the interior nodes

    Adaptive hybrid discontinuous methods for fluid and wave problems

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    This PhD thesis proposes a p-adaptive technique for the Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin method (HDG). The HDG method is a novel discontinuous Galerkin method (DG) with interesting characteristics. While retaining all the advantages of the common DG methods, such as the inherent stabilization and the local conservation properties, HDG allows to reduce the coupled degrees of freedom of the problem to those of an approximation of the solution de¿ned only on the faces of the mesh. Moreover, the convergence properties of the HDG solution allow to perform an element-by-element postprocess resulting in a superconvergent solution. Due to the discontinuous character of the approximation in HDG, p-variable computations are easily implemented. In this work the superconvergent postprocess is used to de¿ne a reliable and computationally cheap error estimator, that is used to drive an automatic adaptive process. The polynomial degree in each element is automatically adjusted aiming at obtaining a uniform error distribution below a user de¿ned tolerance. Since no topological modi¿cation of the discretization is involved, fast adaptations of the mesh are obtained. First, the p-adaptive HDG is applied to the solution of wave problems. In particular, the Mild Slope equation is used to model the problem of sea wave propagation is coastal areas and harbors. The HDG method is compared with the continuous Galerkin (CG) ¿nite element method, which is nowadays the common method used in the engineering practice for this kind of applications. Numerical experiments reveal that the e¿ciency of HDG is close to CG for uniform degree computations, clearly outperforming other DG methods such as the Compact Discontinuous Galerkin method. When p-adaptivity is considered, an important saving in computational cost is shown. Then, the methodology is applied to the solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for the simulation of laminar ¿ows. Both steady state and transient applications are considered. Various numerical experiments are presented, in 2D and 3D, including academic examples and more challenging applications of engineering interest. Despite the simplicity and low cost of the error estimator, high e¿ciency is exhibited for analytical examples. Moreover, even though the adaptive technique is based on an error estimate for just the velocity ¿eld, high accuracy is attained for all variables, with sharp resolution of the key features of the ¿ow and accurate evaluation of the ¿uid-dynamic forces. In particular, high degrees are automatically located along boundary layers, reducing the need for highly distorted elements in the computational mesh. Numerical tests show an important reduction in computational cost, compared to uniform degree computations, for both steady and unsteady computations

    Hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin p-adaptivity for wave propagation problems

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    A p-adaptive hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the solution of wave problems is presented in a challenging engineering problem. Moreover, its performance is compared with a high-order continuous Galerkin. The hybridization technique allows to reduce the coupled degrees of freedom to only those on the mesh element boundaries, whereas the particular choice of the numerical fluxes opens the path to a superconvergent postprocessed solution. This superconvergent postprocessed solution is used to construct a simple and inexpensive error estimator. The error estimator is employed to obtain solutions with the prescribed accuracy in the area (or areas) of interest and also drives a proposed iterative mesh adaptation procedure. The proposed method is applied to a nonhomogeneous scattering problem in an unbounded domain. This is a challenging problem because, on the one hand, for high frequencies, numerical difficulties are an important issue because of the loss of the ellipticity and the oscillatory behavior of the solution. And on the other hand, it is applied to real harbor agitation problems. That is, the mild slope equation in frequency domain (Helmholtz equation with nonconstant coefficients) is solved on real geometries with the corresponding perfectly matched layer to damp the diffracted waves. The performance of the method is studied on two practical examples. The adaptive hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method exhibits better efficiency compared with a high-order continuous Galerkin method using static condensation of the interior nodes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft