112 research outputs found

    Multi-messenger astronomy of gravitational-wave sources with flexible wide-area radio transient surveys

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    We explore opportunities for multi-messenger astronomy using gravitational waves (GWs) and prompt, transient low-frequency radio emission to study highly energetic astrophysical events. We review the literature on possible sources of correlated emission of gravitational waves and radio transients, highlighting proposed mechanisms that lead to a short-duration, high-flux radio pulse originating from the merger of two neutron stars or from a superconducting cosmic string cusp. We discuss the detection prospects for each of these mechanisms by low-frequency dipole array instruments such as LWA1, LOFAR and MWA. We find that a broad range of models may be tested by searching for radio pulses that, when de-dispersed, are temporally and spatially coincident with a LIGO/Virgo GW trigger within a \usim 30 second time window and \usim 200 \mendash 500 \punits{deg}^{2} sky region. We consider various possible observing strategies and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. Uniquely, for low-frequency radio arrays, dispersion can delay the radio pulse until after low-latency GW data analysis has identified and reported an event candidate, enabling a \emph{prompt} radio signal to be captured by a deliberately targeted beam. If neutron star mergers do have detectable prompt radio emissions, a coincident search with the GW detector network and low-frequency radio arrays could increase the LIGO/Virgo effective search volume by up to a factor of \usim 2. For some models, we also map the parameter space that may be constrained by non-detections.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figure

    High density pixel array

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    A pixel array device is fabricated by a laser micro-milling method under strict process control conditions. The device has an array of pixels bonded together with an adhesive filling the grooves between adjacent pixels. The array is fabricated by moving a substrate relative to a laser beam of predetermined intensity at a controlled, constant velocity along a predetermined path defining a set of grooves between adjacent pixels so that a predetermined laser flux per unit area is applied to the material, and repeating the movement for a plurality of passes of the laser beam until the grooves are ablated to a desired depth. The substrate is of an ultrasonic transducer material in one example for fabrication of a 2D ultrasonic phase array transducer. A substrate of phosphor material is used to fabricate an X-ray focal plane array detector

    Space-time sampling strategies for electronically steerable incoherent scatter radar

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    Incoherent scatter radar (ISR) systems allow researchers to peer into the ionosphere via remote sensing of intrinsic plasma parameters. ISR sensors have been used since the 1950s and until the past decade were mainly equipped with a single mechanically steerable antenna. As such, the ability to develop a two or three dimensional picture of the plasma parameters in the ionosphere has been constrained by the relatively slow mechanical steering of the antennas. A newer class of systems using electronically steerable array (ESA) antennas have broken the chains of this constraint, allowing researchers to create 3-D reconstructions of plasma parameters. There have been many studies associated with reconstructing 3-D fields of plasma parameters, but there has not been a systematic analysis into the sampling issues that arise. Also, there has not been a systematic study as to how to reconstruct these plasma parameters in an optimum sense as opposed to just using different forms of interpolation. The research presented here forms a framework that scientists and engineers can use to plan experiments with ESA ISR capabilities and to better analyze the resulting data. This framework attacks the problem of space-time sampling by ESA ISR systems from the point of view of signal processing, simulation and inverse theoretic image reconstruction. We first describe a physics based model of incoherent scatter from the ionospheric plasma, along with processing methods needed to create the plasma parameter measurements. Our approach leads to development of the space-time ambiguity function, forming a theoretical foundation of the forward model for ISR. This forward model is novel in that it takes into account the shape of the antenna beam and scanning method along with integration time to develop the proper statistics for a desired measurement precision. Once the forward model is developed, we present the simulation method behind the Simulator for ISR (SimISR). SimISR uses input plasma parameters over space and time and creates complex voltage samples in a form similar to that produced by a real ISR system. SimISR allows researchers to evaluate different experiment configurations in order to efficiently and accurately sample specific phenomena. We present example simulations using input conditions derived from a multi-fluid ionosphere model and reconstructions using standard interpolation techniques. Lastly, methods are presented to invert the space-time ambiguity function using techniques from image reconstruction literature. These methods are tested using SimISR to quantify accurate plasma parameter reconstruction over a simulated ionospheric region

    Spatial characteristics of the midnight temperature maximum and equatorial spread F from multi-instrument and magnetically conjugate observations

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    The upper atmosphere, a region above ~85 km called the ionosphere and thermosphere, has been studied extensively for over one hundred years. Measurements were often considered in isolation, but today, advances in technology and ground-based distributed arrays have allowed concurrent multi-instruments measurements. In this dissertation, I combine measurements from all-sky imagers (ASIs), coherent scatter radars, incoherent scatter radars (ISRs), and Fabry-Perot interferometers (FPIs). I focus on two phenomena, the midnight temperature maximum (MTM) and equatorial spread F (ESF), using observations from equatorial to mid-latitudes. The spatial characteristics of these phenomena are not fully understood. I combine observations at various latitudes and longitudes to extend MTM detection to mid-latitudes. I present the first simultaneous detections of the MTM at multiple altitudes and latitudes over North America and the first observations below the F-region peak using the Millstone Hill Observatory ISR in a south pointing, low-elevation mode. The MTM can also be observed with an ASI and I present concurrent measurements of the MTM with an ASI and ISR. The Whole Atmosphere Model, a global circulation model, was found to be consistent with these observations. This further verifies that the MTM is partially created by lower atmospheric tides, demonstrating coupling between the lower and upper atmosphere. In addition to the MTM, I investigate different aspects of ESF using ASIs concurrently with other instruments. I compare various scale sizes (sub-meter to kilometers) using coherent scatter radar and an ASI and conclude that the lower hybrid drift instability causes radar echoes to occur preferentially on the western wall of large-scale depletions. The source of day-to-day variability in ESF is not fully known but I show that one driver may be large-scale wave structures (~400 km) that modulate the development of ESF. Finally, I compare concurrent observations of ESF plasma depletions with ASIs at magnetically-conjugate foot points and show how the magnitude and structure of the Earth’s magnetic field is responsible for differences in the morphology and velocity of these depletions. In summary, I have used multi-instrument observations of ESF and the MTM to provide a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the upper atmosphere

    Matrix Transform Imager Architecture for On-Chip Low-Power Image Processing

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    Camera-on-a-chip systems have tried to include carefully chosen signal processing units for better functionality, performance and also to broaden the applications they can be used for. Image processing sensors have been possible due advances in CMOS active pixel sensors (APS) and neuromorphic focal plane imagers. Some of the advantages of these systems are compact size, high speed and parallelism, low power dissipation, and dense system integration. One can envision using these chips for portable and inexpensive video cameras on hand-held devices like personal digital assistants (PDA) or cell-phones In neuromorphic modeling of the retina it would be very nice to have processing capabilities at the focal plane while retaining the density of typical APS imager designs. Unfortunately, these two goals have been mostly incompatible. We introduce our MAtrix Transform Imager Architecture (MATIA) that uses analog floating--gate devices to make it possible to have computational imagers with high pixel densities. The core imager performs computations at the pixel plane, but still has a fill-factor of 46 percent - comparable to the high fill-factors of APS imagers. The processing is performed continuously on the image via programmable matrix operations that can operate on the entire image or blocks within the image. The resulting data-flow architecture can directly perform all kinds of block matrix image transforms. Since the imager operates in the subthreshold region and thus has low power consumption, this architecture can be used as a low-power front end for any system that utilizes these computations. Various compression algorithms (e.g. JPEG), that use block matrix transforms, can be implemented using this architecture. Since MATIA can be used for gradient computations, cheap image tracking devices can be implemented using this architecture. Other applications of this architecture can range from stand-alone universal transform imager systems to systems that can compute stereoscopic depth.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Hasler, Paul; Committee Member: David Anderson; Committee Member: DeWeerth, Steve; Committee Member: Jackson, Joel; Committee Member: Smith, Mar

    Remote Detection of Concealed Guns and Explosives

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    A reliable method of remotely detecting concealed guns and explosives attached to the human body is of great interest to governments and security forces throughout the world. This thesis describes the development and trials of a new remote non-imaging concealed threat detection method using active millimetre wave radar using the microwave and mmwave frequencies bands 14 – 40 and 75 – 110 GHz (Ku, K, Ka and W). The method is capable of not only screening for concealed objects, like the current generation of concealed object detectors, but also of differentiating between mundane and threat objects. The areas focused upon during this investigation were: identifying the impact of different commonly worn fabrics as barriers to detection; consulting with end users about their requirements and operational needs; a comparison of different frequency bands for the detection of guns and explosives; exploring the effects of polarisation on object detection; a performance comparison of different detection schemes using Artificial Neural Networks; improving existing data acquisition systems and prototyping of a real-time capture system

    Computational imaging and automated identification for aqueous environments

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution June 2011Sampling the vast volumes of the ocean requires tools capable of observing from a distance while retaining detail necessary for biology and ecology, ideal for optical methods. Algorithms that work with existing SeaBED AUV imagery are developed, including habitat classi fication with bag-of-words models and multi-stage boosting for rock sh detection. Methods for extracting images of sh from videos of longline operations are demonstrated. A prototype digital holographic imaging device is designed and tested for quantitative in situ microscale imaging. Theory to support the device is developed, including particle noise and the effects of motion. A Wigner-domain model provides optimal settings and optical limits for spherical and planar holographic references. Algorithms to extract the information from real-world digital holograms are created. Focus metrics are discussed, including a novel focus detector using local Zernike moments. Two methods for estimating lateral positions of objects in holograms without reconstruction are presented by extending a summation kernel to spherical references and using a local frequency signature from a Riesz transform. A new metric for quickly estimating object depths without reconstruction is proposed and tested. An example application, quantifying oil droplet size distributions in an underwater plume, demonstrates the efficacy of the prototype and algorithms.Funding was provided by NOAA Grant #5710002014, NOAA NMFS Grant #NA17RJ1223, NSF Grant #OCE-0925284, and NOAA Grant #NA10OAR417008
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