2 research outputs found

    From Graph Isoperimetric Inequality to Network Connectivity -- A New Approach

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    We present a new, novel approach to obtaining a network's connectivity. More specifically, we show that there exists a relationship between a network's graph isoperimetric properties and its conditional connectivity. A network's connectivity is the minimum number of nodes, whose removal will cause the network disconnected. It is a basic and important measure for the network's reliability, hence its overall robustness. Several conditional connectivities have been proposed in the past for the purpose of accurately reflecting various realistic network situations, with extra connectivity being one such conditional connectivity. In this paper, we will use isoperimetric properties of the hypercube network to obtain its extra connectivity. The result of the paper for the first time establishes a relationship between the age-old isoperimetric problem and network connectivity.Comment: 17 pages, 0 figure

    Vulnerability of super edge-connected graphs

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    A subset FF of edges in a connected graph GG is a hh-extra edge-cut if GFG-F is disconnected and every component has more than hh vertices. The hh-extra edge-connectivity \la^{(h)}(G) of GG is defined as the minimum cardinality over all hh-extra edge-cuts of GG. A graph GG, if \la^{(h)}(G) exists, is super-\la^{(h)} if every minimum hh-extra edge-cut of GG isolates at least one connected subgraph of order h+1h+1. The persistence ρ(h)(G)\rho^{(h)}(G) of a super-\la^{(h)} graph GG is the maximum integer mm for which GFG-F is still super-\la^{(h)} for any set FE(G)F\subseteq E(G) with Fm|F|\leqslant m. Hong {\it et al.} [Discrete Appl. Math. 160 (2012), 579-587] showed that \min\{\la^{(1)}(G)-\delta(G)-1,\delta(G)-1\}\leqslant \rho^{(0)}(G)\leqslant \delta(G)-1, where δ(G)\delta(G) is the minimum vertex-degree of GG. This paper shows that \min\{\la^{(2)}(G)-\xi(G)-1,\delta(G)-1\}\leqslant \rho^{(1)}(G)\leqslant \delta(G)-1, where ξ(G)\xi(G) is the minimum edge-degree of GG. In particular, for a kk-regular super-\la' graph GG, ρ(1)(G)=k1\rho^{(1)}(G)=k-1 if \la^{(2)}(G) does not exist or GG is super-\la^{(2)} and triangle-free, from which the exact values of ρ(1)(G)\rho^{(1)}(G) are determined for some well-known networks