2 research outputs found

    Summing Symbols in Mutual Recurrences

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    Abstract. The problem of summing a set of mutual recurrence relations with constant coefficients is investigated. A method is presented for summing an order d system of the form for some field K and natural number m. The procedure expresses the sum n i=0 A(i) in terms of A(n), . . . , A(n βˆ’ d), initial conditions and sums of the inhomogeneous term G(n). Problem Statement An important task in computer algebra systems is evaluating indefinite sums, that is computing values s n = n k=0 a k where the a k are some sequence depending only on k. Today many functions can be summed, in part due to the pioneering work of many researchers [3], [5], One area of interest is summing recurrence relations. Summing any a k is a special case of computing the value of A n where A n = A nβˆ’1 + a k and A 0 = 0. Recurrence relations arise frequently in algorithm analysis and numerical analysis of differential equations. The classical example is the Fibonacci sequence, defined as a function f : N β†’ N 3 given by F (n) = F (n βˆ’ 1) + F (n βˆ’ 2) βˆ€n β‰₯ 2 with F (0) = 0, F (1) = 1. It is well known 4 that this sequence satisfies the property n i=0 F i = F n+2 βˆ’ 1. This identity is nice because it presents the sum in terms of the original Fibonacci symbol. An even trickier situation is a system of linear recurrences, often referred to as mutual recurrences in the literature. Consider the following example: A, B : N β†’ Q satisfy A(n + 2) βˆ’ A(n + 1) βˆ’ A(n) βˆ’ B(n) = 1 and βˆ’A(n)+

    Summing symbols in mutual recurrences

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    The problem of summing a set of mutual recurrence relations with constant coefficients is investigated. A method is presented for summing an order d system of the form A(n) = βˆ‘i=1d MiA(n-i) + G(n), where A,G:β„• β†’ Km and M1...,Md ∈ Mm (K) for some field K and natural number m. The procedure expresses the sum βˆ‘i=0n in terms of A(n),...,A(n-d), initial conditions and sums of the inhomogeneous term G(n). Β© 2011 Springer-Verlag