633 research outputs found

    Sum-of-squares lower bounds for planted clique

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    Finding cliques in random graphs and the closely related "planted" clique variant, where a clique of size k is planted in a random G(n, 1/2) graph, have been the focus of substantial study in algorithm design. Despite much effort, the best known polynomial-time algorithms only solve the problem for k ~ sqrt(n). In this paper we study the complexity of the planted clique problem under algorithms from the Sum-of-squares hierarchy. We prove the first average case lower bound for this model: for almost all graphs in G(n,1/2), r rounds of the SOS hierarchy cannot find a planted k-clique unless k > n^{1/2r} (up to logarithmic factors). Thus, for any constant number of rounds planted cliques of size n^{o(1)} cannot be found by this powerful class of algorithms. This is shown via an integrability gap for the natural formulation of maximum clique problem on random graphs for SOS and Lasserre hierarchies, which in turn follow from degree lower bounds for the Positivestellensatz proof system. We follow the usual recipe for such proofs. First, we introduce a natural "dual certificate" (also known as a "vector-solution" or "pseudo-expectation") for the given system of polynomial equations representing the problem for every fixed input graph. Then we show that the matrix associated with this dual certificate is PSD (positive semi-definite) with high probability over the choice of the input graph.This requires the use of certain tools. One is the theory of association schemes, and in particular the eigenspaces and eigenvalues of the Johnson scheme. Another is a combinatorial method we develop to compute (via traces) norm bounds for certain random matrices whose entries are highly dependent; we hope this method will be useful elsewhere

    Machinery for Proving Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds on Certification Problems

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    In this paper, we construct general machinery for proving Sum-of-Squares lower bounds on certification problems by generalizing the techniques used by Barak et al. [FOCS 2016] to prove Sum-of-Squares lower bounds for planted clique. Using this machinery, we prove degree nϵn^{\epsilon} Sum-of-Squares lower bounds for tensor PCA, the Wishart model of sparse PCA, and a variant of planted clique which we call planted slightly denser subgraph.Comment: 134 page

    Algorithms approaching the threshold for semi-random planted clique

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    We design new polynomial-time algorithms for recovering planted cliques in the semi-random graph model introduced by Feige and Kilian~\cite{FK01}. The previous best algorithms for this model succeed if the planted clique has size at least n2/3n^{2/3} in a graph with nn vertices (Mehta, Mckenzie, Trevisan, 2019 and Charikar, Steinhardt, Valiant 2017). Our algorithms work for planted-clique sizes approaching n1/2n^{1/2} -- the information-theoretic threshold in the semi-random model~\cite{steinhardt2017does} and a conjectured computational threshold even in the easier fully-random model. This result comes close to resolving open questions by Feige and Steinhardt. Our algorithms are based on higher constant degree sum-of-squares relaxation and rely on a new conceptual connection that translates certificates of upper bounds on biclique numbers in \emph{unbalanced} bipartite Erd\H{o}s--R\'enyi random graphs into algorithms for semi-random planted clique. The use of a higher-constant degree sum-of-squares is essential in our setting: we prove a lower bound on the basic SDP for certifying bicliques that shows that the basic SDP cannot succeed for planted cliques of size k=o(n2/3)k =o(n^{2/3}). We also provide some evidence that the information-computation trade-off of our current algorithms may be inherent by proving an average-case lower bound for unbalanced bicliques in the low-degree-polynomials model.Comment: 51 pages, the arxiv landing page contains a shortened abstrac

    The power of sum-of-squares for detecting hidden structures

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    We study planted problems---finding hidden structures in random noisy inputs---through the lens of the sum-of-squares semidefinite programming hierarchy (SoS). This family of powerful semidefinite programs has recently yielded many new algorithms for planted problems, often achieving the best known polynomial-time guarantees in terms of accuracy of recovered solutions and robustness to noise. One theme in recent work is the design of spectral algorithms which match the guarantees of SoS algorithms for planted problems. Classical spectral algorithms are often unable to accomplish this: the twist in these new spectral algorithms is the use of spectral structure of matrices whose entries are low-degree polynomials of the input variables. We prove that for a wide class of planted problems, including refuting random constraint satisfaction problems, tensor and sparse PCA, densest-k-subgraph, community detection in stochastic block models, planted clique, and others, eigenvalues of degree-d matrix polynomials are as powerful as SoS semidefinite programs of roughly degree d. For such problems it is therefore always possible to match the guarantees of SoS without solving a large semidefinite program. Using related ideas on SoS algorithms and low-degree matrix polynomials (and inspired by recent work on SoS and the planted clique problem by Barak et al.), we prove new nearly-tight SoS lower bounds for the tensor and sparse principal component analysis problems. Our lower bounds for sparse principal component analysis are the first to suggest that going beyond existing algorithms for this problem may require sub-exponential time

    Improved Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Hidden Clique and Hidden Submatrix Problems

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    Given a large data matrix ARn×nA\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}, we consider the problem of determining whether its entries are i.i.d. with some known marginal distribution AijP0A_{ij}\sim P_0, or instead AA contains a principal submatrix AQ,QA_{{\sf Q},{\sf Q}} whose entries have marginal distribution AijP1P0A_{ij}\sim P_1\neq P_0. As a special case, the hidden (or planted) clique problem requires to find a planted clique in an otherwise uniformly random graph. Assuming unbounded computational resources, this hypothesis testing problem is statistically solvable provided QClogn|{\sf Q}|\ge C \log n for a suitable constant CC. However, despite substantial effort, no polynomial time algorithm is known that succeeds with high probability when Q=o(n)|{\sf Q}| = o(\sqrt{n}). Recently Meka and Wigderson \cite{meka2013association}, proposed a method to establish lower bounds within the Sum of Squares (SOS) semidefinite hierarchy. Here we consider the degree-44 SOS relaxation, and study the construction of \cite{meka2013association} to prove that SOS fails unless kCn1/3/lognk\ge C\, n^{1/3}/\log n. An argument presented by Barak implies that this lower bound cannot be substantially improved unless the witness construction is changed in the proof. Our proof uses the moments method to bound the spectrum of a certain random association scheme, i.e. a symmetric random matrix whose rows and columns are indexed by the edges of an Erd\"os-Renyi random graph.Comment: 40 pages, 1 table, conferenc

    A Nearly Tight Sum-of-Squares Lower Bound for the Planted Clique Problem

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    We prove that with high probability over the choice of a random graph GG from the Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi distribution G(n,1/2)G(n,1/2), the nO(d)n^{O(d)}-time degree dd Sum-of-Squares semidefinite programming relaxation for the clique problem will give a value of at least n1/2c(d/logn)1/2n^{1/2-c(d/\log n)^{1/2}} for some constant c>0c>0. This yields a nearly tight n1/2o(1)n^{1/2 - o(1)} bound on the value of this program for any degree d=o(logn)d = o(\log n). Moreover we introduce a new framework that we call \emph{pseudo-calibration} to construct Sum of Squares lower bounds. This framework is inspired by taking a computational analog of Bayesian probability theory. It yields a general recipe for constructing good pseudo-distributions (i.e., dual certificates for the Sum-of-Squares semidefinite program), and sheds further light on the ways in which this hierarchy differs from others.Comment: 55 page