123 research outputs found

    Q-learning Channel Access Methods for Wireless Powered Internet of Things Networks

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming critical in our daily life. A key technology of interest in this thesis is Radio Frequency (RF) charging. The ability to charge devices wirelessly creates so called RF-energy harvesting IoT networks. In particular, there is a hybrid access point (HAP) that provides energy in an on-demand manner to RF-energy harvesting devices. These devices then collect data and transmit it to the HAP. In this respect, a key issue is ensuring devices have a high number of successful transmissions. There are a number of issues to consider when scheduling the transmissions of devices in the said network. First, the channel gain to/from devices varies over time. This means the efficiency to deliver energy to devices and to transmit the same amount of data is different over time. Second, during channel access, devices are not aware of the energy level of other devices nor whether they will transmit data. Third, devices have non-causal knowledge of their energy arrivals and channel gain information. Consequently, they do not know whether they should delay their transmissions in hope of better channel conditions or less contention in future time slots or doing so would result in energy overflow

    Energy Harvesting Wireless Communications: A Review of Recent Advances

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    This article summarizes recent contributions in the broad area of energy harvesting wireless communications. In particular, we provide the current state of the art for wireless networks composed of energy harvesting nodes, starting from the information-theoretic performance limits to transmission scheduling policies and resource allocation, medium access and networking issues. The emerging related area of energy transfer for self-sustaining energy harvesting wireless networks is considered in detail covering both energy cooperation aspects and simultaneous energy and information transfer. Various potential models with energy harvesting nodes at different network scales are reviewed as well as models for energy consumption at the nodes.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications (Special Issue: Wireless Communications Powered by Energy Harvesting and Wireless Energy Transfer

    Optimal Random Access and Random Spectrum Sensing for an Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio

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    We consider a secondary user with energy harvesting capability. We design access schemes for the secondary user which incorporate random spectrum sensing and random access, and which make use of the primary automatic repeat request (ARQ) feedback. The sensing and access probabilities are obtained such that the secondary throughput is maximized under the constraints that both the primary and secondary queues are stable and that the primary queueing delay is kept lower than a specified value needed to guarantee a certain quality of service (QoS) for the primary user. We consider spectrum sensing errors and assume multipacket reception (MPR) capabilities. Numerical results are presented to show the enhanced performance of our proposed system over a random access system, and to demonstrate the benefit of leveraging the primary feedback.Comment: in WiMob 201

    Energy harvesting-aware design of wireless networks

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    Recent advances in low-power electronics and energy-harvesting (EH) technologies enable the design of self-sustained devices that collect part, or all, of the needed energy from the environment. Several systems can take advantage of EH, ranging from portable devices to wireless sensor networks (WSNs). While conventional design for battery-powered systems is mainly concerned with the battery lifetime, a key advantage of EH is that it enables potential perpetual operation of the devices, without requiring maintenance for battery substitutions. However, the inherent unpredictability regarding the amount of energy that can be collected from the environment might cause temporary energy shortages, which might prevent the devices to operate regularly. This uncertainty calls for the development of energy management techniques that are tailored to the EH dynamics. While most previous work on EH-capable systems has focused on energy management for single devices, the main contributions of this dissertation is the analysis and design of medium access control (MAC) protocols for WSNs operated by EH-capable devices. In particular, the dissertation first considers random access MAC protocols for single-hop EH networks, in which a fusion center collects data from a set of nodes distributed in its surrounding. MAC protocols commonly used in WSNs, such as time division multiple access (TDMA), framed-ALOHA (FA) and dynamic-FA (DFA) are investigated in the presence of EH-capable devices. A new ALOHA-based MAC protocol tailored to EH-networks, referred to as energy group-DFA (EG-DFA), is then proposed. In EG-DFA nodes with similar energy availability are grouped together and access the channel independently from other groups. It is shown that EG-DFA significantly outperforms the DFA protocol. Centralized scheduling-based MAC protocols for single-hop EH-networks with communication resource constraints are considered next. Two main scenarios are addressed, namely: i) nodes exclusively powered via EH; ii) nodes powered by a hybrid energy storage system, which is composed by a non-rechargeable battery and a capacitor charged via EH. For the former case the goal is the maximization of the network throughput, while in the latter the aim is maximizing the lifetime of the non-rechargeable batteries. For both scenarios optimal scheduling policies are derived by assuming different levels of information available at the fusion center about the energy availability at the nodes. When optimal policies are not derived explicitly, suboptimal policies are proposed and compared with performance upper bounds. Energy management policies for single devices have been investigated as well by focusing on radio frequency identification (RFID) systems, when the latter are operated by enhanced RFID tags with energy harvesting capabilities

    Optimal Random Access and Random Spectrum Sensing for an Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio with and without Primary Feedback Leveraging

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    We consider a secondary user (SU) with energy harvesting capability. We design access schemes for the SU which incorporate random spectrum sensing and random access, and which make use of the primary automatic repeat request (ARQ) feedback. We study two problem-formulations. In the first problem-formulation, we characterize the stability region of the proposed schemes. The sensing and access probabilities are obtained such that the secondary throughput is maximized under the constraints that both the primary and secondary queues are stable. Whereas in the second problem-formulation, the sensing and access probabilities are obtained such that the secondary throughput is maximized under the stability of the primary queue and that the primary queueing delay is kept lower than a specified value needed to guarantee a certain quality of service (QoS) for the primary user (PU). We consider spectrum sensing errors and assume multipacket reception (MPR) capabilities. Numerical results show the enhanced performance of our proposed systems.Comment: ACCEPTED in EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cognitive Communications. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1208.565

    Analysis and Design of Communication Policies for Energy-Constrained Machine-Type Devices

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    This thesis focuses on the modelling, analysis and design of novel communication strategies for wireless machine-type communication (MTC) systems to realize the notion of Internet of things (IoT). We consider sensor based MTC devices which acquire physical information from the environment and transmit it to a base station (BS) while satisfying application specific quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. Due to the wireless and unattended operation, these MTC devices are mostly battery-operated and are severely energy-constrained. In addition, MTC systems require low-latency, perpetual operation, massive-access, etc. Motivated by these critical requirements, this thesis proposes optimal data communication policies for four different network scenarios. In the first two scenarios, each MTC device transmits data on a dedicated orthogonal channel and either (i) possess an initially fully charged battery of finite capacity, or (ii) possess the ability to harvest energy and store it in a battery of finite capacity. In the other two scenarios, all MTC devices share a single channel and are either (iii) allocated individual non-overlapping transmission times, or (iv) randomly transmit data on predefined time slots. The proposed novel techniques and insights gained from this thesis aim to better utilize the limited energy resources of machine-type devices in order to effectively serve the future wireless networks. Firstly, we consider a sensor based MTC device communicates with a BS, and devise optimal data compression and transmission policies with an objective to prolong the device-lifetime. We formulate joint optimization problems aiming to maximize the device-lifetime whilst satisfying the delay and bit-error-rate constraints. Our results show significant improvement in device-lifetime. Importantly, the gain is most profound in the low latency regime. Secondly, we consider a sensor based MTC device that is served by a hybrid BS which wirelessly transfers power to the device and receives data transmission from the device. The MTC device employs data compression in order to reduce the energy cost of data transmission. Thus, we propose to jointly optimize the harvesting-time, compression and transmission design, to minimize the energy cost of the system under given delay constraint. The proposed scheme reduces energy consumption up to 19% when data compression is employed. Thirdly, we consider multiple MTC devices transmit data to a BS following the time division multiple access (TDMA). Conventionally, the energy-efficiency performance in TDMA is optimized through multi-user scheduling, i.e., changing the transmission time allocated to different devices. In such a system, the sequence of devices for transmission, i.e., who transmits first and who transmits second, etc., does not have any impact on the energy-efficiency. We consider that data compression is performed before transmission. We jointly optimize both multi-user sequencing and scheduling along with the compression and transmission rate. Our results show that multi-user sequence optimization achieves up to 45% improvement in the energy-efficiency at MTC devices. Lastly, we consider contention resolution diversity slotted ALOHA (CRDSA) with transmit power diversity where each packet copy from a device is transmitted at a randomly selected power level. It results in inter-slot received power diversity, which is exploited by employing a signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio based successive interference cancellation (SIC) receiver. We propose a message passing algorithm to model the SIC decoding and formulate an optimization problem to determine the optimal transmit power distribution subject to energy constraints. We show that the proposed strategy provides up to 88% system load performance improvement for massive-MTC systems


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    This dissertation deals with various newly emerging topics in the context of cooperative networking. The first part is about the cognitive radio. To guarantee the performance of high priority users, it is important to know the activity of the high priority communication system but the knowledge is usually imperfect due to randomness in the observed signal. In such a context, the stability property of cognitive radio systems in the presence of sensing errors is studied. General guidelines on controlling the operating point of the sensing device over its receiver operating characteristics are also given. We then consider the hybrid of different modes of operation for cognitive radio systems with time-varying connectivity. The random connectivity gives additional chances that can be utilized by the low priority communication system. The second part of this dissertation is about the random access. We are specifically interested in the scenario when the nodes are harvesting energy from the environment. For such a system, we accurately assess the effect of limited, but renewable, energy availability on the stability region. The effect of finite capacity batteries is also studied. We next consider the exploitation of diversity amongst users under random access framework. That is, each user adapts its transmission probability based on the local channel state information in a decentralized manner. The impact of imperfect channel state information on the stability region is investigated. Furthermore, it is compared to the class of stationary scheduling policies that make centralized decisions based on the channel state feedback. The backpressure policy for cross-layer control of wireless multi-hop networks is known to be throughput-optimal for i.i.d. arrivals. The third part of this dissertation is about the backpressure-based control for networks with time-correlated arrivals that may exhibit long-range dependency. It is shown that the original backpressure policy is still throughput-optimal but with increased average network delay. The case when the arrival rate vector is possibly outside the stability region is also studied by augmenting the backpressure policy with the flow control mechanism. Lastly, the problem of neighbor discovery in a wireless sensor network is dealt. We first introduce the realistic effect of physical layer considerations in the evaluation of the performance of logical discovery algorithms by incorporating physical layer parameters. Secondly, given the lack of knowledge of the number of neighbors along with the lack of knowledge of the individual signal parameters, we adopt the viewpoint of random set theory to the problem of detecting the transmitting neighbors. Random set theory is a generalization of standard probability theory by assigning sets, rather than values, to random outcomes and it has been applied to multi-user detection problem when the set of transmitters are unknown and dynamically changing
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