759 research outputs found

    Distributed Channel Synthesis

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    Two familiar notions of correlation are rediscovered as the extreme operating points for distributed synthesis of a discrete memoryless channel, in which a stochastic channel output is generated based on a compressed description of the channel input. Wyner's common information is the minimum description rate needed. However, when common randomness independent of the input is available, the necessary description rate reduces to Shannon's mutual information. This work characterizes the optimal trade-off between the amount of common randomness used and the required rate of description. We also include a number of related derivations, including the effect of limited local randomness, rate requirements for secrecy, applications to game theory, and new insights into common information duality. Our proof makes use of a soft covering lemma, known in the literature for its role in quantifying the resolvability of a channel. The direct proof (achievability) constructs a feasible joint distribution over all parts of the system using a soft covering, from which the behavior of the encoder and decoder is inferred, with no explicit reference to joint typicality or binning. Of auxiliary interest, this work also generalizes and strengthens this soft covering tool.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. on Information Theory (submitted Aug., 2012, accepted July, 2013), 26 pages, using IEEEtran.cl

    Notes on Information-Theoretic Privacy

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    We investigate the tradeoff between privacy and utility in a situation where both privacy and utility are measured in terms of mutual information. For the binary case, we fully characterize this tradeoff in case of perfect privacy and also give an upper-bound for the case where some privacy leakage is allowed. We then introduce a new quantity which quantifies the amount of private information contained in the observable data and then connect it to the optimal tradeoff between privacy and utility.Comment: The corrected version of a paper appeared in Allerton 201

    Wyner-Ziv Coding over Broadcast Channels: Digital Schemes

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    This paper addresses lossy transmission of a common source over a broadcast channel when there is correlated side information at the receivers, with emphasis on the quadratic Gaussian and binary Hamming cases. A digital scheme that combines ideas from the lossless version of the problem, i.e., Slepian-Wolf coding over broadcast channels, and dirty paper coding, is presented and analyzed. This scheme uses layered coding where the common layer information is intended for both receivers and the refinement information is destined only for one receiver. For the quadratic Gaussian case, a quantity characterizing the overall quality of each receiver is identified in terms of channel and side information parameters. It is shown that it is more advantageous to send the refinement information to the receiver with "better" overall quality. In the case where all receivers have the same overall quality, the presented scheme becomes optimal. Unlike its lossless counterpart, however, the problem eludes a complete characterization
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