4 research outputs found

    Development of a Graduate Course on the Transition to Internet Protocol Version 6

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    Internet and mobile connectivity has grown tremendously in the last few decades, creating an ever increasing demand for Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. The pool of Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) addresses, once assumed to be more than sufficient for every person on this planet, has reached its final stages of depletion. With The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority’s (IANA) global pools depleted, and four of the five Regional Internet Registries (RIR) pools down to the their last /8 block, the remaining addresses will not last very long. In order to ensure continuous growth of the internet in the foreseeable future, we would need a newer internet protocol, with a much larger address space. Specifically, with that goal in mind the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) was designed about two decades ago. Over the years it has matured, and has proven that it could eventually replace the existing IPv4. This thesis presents the development a graduate level course on the transition to IPv6. The course makes an attempt at understanding how the new IPv6 protocol is different than the currently used IPv4 protocol. And also tries to emphasize on the options existing to facilitate a smooth transition of production networks from IPv4 to IPv6

    Mengapa Ipv6 Gagal ?

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    ABSTRACTIPv6 was introduced to replace IPv4 as the main IP address. However, despite being more than 15 years since itsstandardization, IPv6 failed to achieve any meaningful diffusion through the Internet. While previous researchhas debated, discussed and explored the IPv6 adoption, this study provides a theoretical perspective to investigatethe failure of IPv6 to diffuse from resistance perspective. Drawing on Tornatzky and Fleischer’s TOE (Technology-Organization-Environment) framework and integrating prior adoption and resistance literatures, we propose amodel of IPv6 resistance. The antecedents of the proposed model basically represent three dimensions of TOEframework including Technological context (lack of need, satisfaction with current system, switching cost andperceived of threat), Organizational context (resource barrier and IT sophistication) and Environmental context(regulatory support). Furthermore, the model can be used to explore and recognize why most of organization asend user still resist over the IPv6.Keywords: IPv6, resistance technology, adoption technologyABSTRAKIPv6 diperkenalkan untuk menggantikan IPv4 sebagai protocol pengalamatan utama di Internet. Tetapi meskipuntelah lebih dari 15 tahun ditetapkan sebagai standard, IPv6 gagal mencapai difusi yang berarti. Sementarapenelitian sebelumnya telah memperdebatkan, membahas dan mengeksplorasi adopsi IPv6, penelitian inimemberikan perspektif teoritis untuk menyelidiki kegagalan IPv6 untuk menyebar dari perspektif resistansi.Menggunakan kerangka kerja Tornatzky & Fleischer's TOE (Technology-Organization-Environment) danintegrasi dengan literatur adopsi dan resistensi sebelumnya, kami mengusulkan sebuah model resistensi IPv6.Antescedent dari model yang diusulkan pada dasarnya mewakili tiga dimensi kerangka TOE termasuk konteksTeknologi (lack of need, satisfaction with current system, switching cost and perceived of threat), konteksorganisasi ((resource barrier and IT sophistication) dan konteks lingkungan (regulatory support). Selanjutnya,model tersebut dapat digunakan untuk mengeksplorasi dan mengenali mengapa sebagian besar organisasi masihmenolak IPv6.Keywords: IPv6, penolakan teknologi, adopsi teknolog

    Understanding IPv6 resistance: A model of resistance among Indonesian organizations

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    Since its inception in the 1970s, the Internet’s underlying protocol, IPv4, has been incredibly successful; however, the massive and unanticipated growth of the Internet has revealed its limitations. IPv6 was developed as a solution, but despite having many technological improvements its adoption remains very rare. This research examines organizational resistance to IPv6 and proposes an IPv6 Resistance Model which has been developed, empirically tested and validated in the context of Indonesian organizations

    Successful Strategies for IPv6 Rollouts. Really.

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