80 research outputs found

    Subword Encoding in Lattice LSTM for Chinese Word Segmentation

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    We investigate a lattice LSTM network for Chinese word segmentation (CWS) to utilize words or subwords. It integrates the character sequence features with all subsequences information matched from a lexicon. The matched subsequences serve as information shortcut tunnels which link their start and end characters directly. Gated units are used to control the contribution of multiple input links. Through formula derivation and comparison, we show that the lattice LSTM is an extension of the standard LSTM with the ability to take multiple inputs. Previous lattice LSTM model takes word embeddings as the lexicon input, we prove that subword encoding can give the comparable performance and has the benefit of not relying on any external segmentor. The contribution of lattice LSTM comes from both lexicon and pretrained embeddings information, we find that the lexicon information contributes more than the pretrained embeddings information through controlled experiments. Our experiments show that the lattice structure with subword encoding gives competitive or better results with previous state-of-the-art methods on four segmentation benchmarks. Detailed analyses are conducted to compare the performance of word encoding and subword encoding in lattice LSTM. We also investigate the performance of lattice LSTM structure under different circumstances and when this model works or fails.Comment: 8 page

    CASICT Tibetan Word Segmentation System for MLWS2017

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    We participated in the MLWS 2017 on Tibetan word segmentation task, our system is trained in a unrestricted way, by introducing a baseline system and 76w tibetan segmented sentences of ours. In the system character sequence is processed by the baseline system into word sequence, then a subword unit (BPE algorithm) split rare words into subwords with its corresponding features, after that a neural network classifier is adopted to token each subword into "B,M,E,S" label, in decoding step a simple rule is used to recover a final word sequence. The candidate system for submition is selected by evaluating the F-score in dev set pre-extracted from the 76w sentences. Experiment shows that this method can fix segmentation errors of baseline system and result in a significant performance gain

    Lattice-Based Transformer Encoder for Neural Machine Translation

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    Neural machine translation (NMT) takes deterministic sequences for source representations. However, either word-level or subword-level segmentations have multiple choices to split a source sequence with different word segmentors or different subword vocabulary sizes. We hypothesize that the diversity in segmentations may affect the NMT performance. To integrate different segmentations with the state-of-the-art NMT model, Transformer, we propose lattice-based encoders to explore effective word or subword representation in an automatic way during training. We propose two methods: 1) lattice positional encoding and 2) lattice-aware self-attention. These two methods can be used together and show complementary to each other to further improve translation performance. Experiment results show superiorities of lattice-based encoders in word-level and subword-level representations over conventional Transformer encoder.Comment: Accepted by ACL 201

    Glyce: Glyph-vectors for Chinese Character Representations

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    It is intuitive that NLP tasks for logographic languages like Chinese should benefit from the use of the glyph information in those languages. However, due to the lack of rich pictographic evidence in glyphs and the weak generalization ability of standard computer vision models on character data, an effective way to utilize the glyph information remains to be found. In this paper, we address this gap by presenting Glyce, the glyph-vectors for Chinese character representations. We make three major innovations: (1) We use historical Chinese scripts (e.g., bronzeware script, seal script, traditional Chinese, etc) to enrich the pictographic evidence in characters; (2) We design CNN structures (called tianzege-CNN) tailored to Chinese character image processing; and (3) We use image-classification as an auxiliary task in a multi-task learning setup to increase the model's ability to generalize. We show that glyph-based models are able to consistently outperform word/char ID-based models in a wide range of Chinese NLP tasks. We are able to set new state-of-the-art results for a variety of Chinese NLP tasks, including tagging (NER, CWS, POS), sentence pair classification, single sentence classification tasks, dependency parsing, and semantic role labeling. For example, the proposed model achieves an F1 score of 80.6 on the OntoNotes dataset of NER, +1.5 over BERT; it achieves an almost perfect accuracy of 99.8\% on the Fudan corpus for text classification. Code found at https://github.com/ShannonAI/glyce.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 201

    Is Word Segmentation Necessary for Deep Learning of Chinese Representations?

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    Segmenting a chunk of text into words is usually the first step of processing Chinese text, but its necessity has rarely been explored. In this paper, we ask the fundamental question of whether Chinese word segmentation (CWS) is necessary for deep learning-based Chinese Natural Language Processing. We benchmark neural word-based models which rely on word segmentation against neural char-based models which do not involve word segmentation in four end-to-end NLP benchmark tasks: language modeling, machine translation, sentence matching/paraphrase and text classification. Through direct comparisons between these two types of models, we find that char-based models consistently outperform word-based models. Based on these observations, we conduct comprehensive experiments to study why word-based models underperform char-based models in these deep learning-based NLP tasks. We show that it is because word-based models are more vulnerable to data sparsity and the presence of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words, and thus more prone to overfitting. We hope this paper could encourage researchers in the community to rethink the necessity of word segmentation in deep learning-based Chinese Natural Language Processing. \footnote{Yuxian Meng and Xiaoya Li contributed equally to this paper.}Comment: to appear at ACL201

    Lexicon-constrained Copying Network for Chinese Abstractive Summarization

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    Copy mechanism allows sequence-to-sequence models to choose words from the input and put them directly into the output, which is finding increasing use in abstractive summarization. However, since there is no explicit delimiter in Chinese sentences, most existing models for Chinese abstractive summarization can only perform character copy, resulting in inefficient. To solve this problem, we propose a lexicon-constrained copying network that models multi-granularity in both encoder and decoder. On the source side, words and characters are aggregated into the same input memory using a Transformerbased encoder. On the target side, the decoder can copy either a character or a multi-character word at each time step, and the decoding process is guided by a word-enhanced search algorithm that facilitates the parallel computation and encourages the model to copy more words. Moreover, we adopt a word selector to integrate keyword information. Experiments results on a Chinese social media dataset show that our model can work standalone or with the word selector. Both forms can outperform previous character-based models and achieve competitive performances

    Neural Lattice Language Models

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    In this work, we propose a new language modeling paradigm that has the ability to perform both prediction and moderation of information flow at multiple granularities: neural lattice language models. These models construct a lattice of possible paths through a sentence and marginalize across this lattice to calculate sequence probabilities or optimize parameters. This approach allows us to seamlessly incorporate linguistic intuitions - including polysemy and existence of multi-word lexical items - into our language model. Experiments on multiple language modeling tasks show that English neural lattice language models that utilize polysemous embeddings are able to improve perplexity by 9.95% relative to a word-level baseline, and that a Chinese model that handles multi-character tokens is able to improve perplexity by 20.94% relative to a character-level baseline

    Lattice Transformer for Speech Translation

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    Recent advances in sequence modeling have highlighted the strengths of the transformer architecture, especially in achieving state-of-the-art machine translation results. However, depending on the up-stream systems, e.g., speech recognition, or word segmentation, the input to translation system can vary greatly. The goal of this work is to extend the attention mechanism of the transformer to naturally consume the lattice in addition to the traditional sequential input. We first propose a general lattice transformer for speech translation where the input is the output of the automatic speech recognition (ASR) which contains multiple paths and posterior scores. To leverage the extra information from the lattice structure, we develop a novel controllable lattice attention mechanism to obtain latent representations. On the LDC Spanish-English speech translation corpus, our experiments show that lattice transformer generalizes significantly better and outperforms both a transformer baseline and a lattice LSTM. Additionally, we validate our approach on the WMT 2017 Chinese-English translation task with lattice inputs from different BPE segmentations. In this task, we also observe the improvements over strong baselines.Comment: accepted to ACL 201

    FGN: Fusion Glyph Network for Chinese Named Entity Recognition

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    Chinese NER is a challenging task. As pictographs, Chinese characters contain latent glyph information, which is often overlooked. In this paper, we propose the FGN, Fusion Glyph Network for Chinese NER. Except for adding glyph information, this method may also add extra interactive information with the fusion mechanism. The major innovations of FGN include: (1) a novel CNN structure called CGS-CNN is proposed to capture both glyph information and interactive information between glyphs from neighboring characters. (2) we provide a method with sliding window and Slice-Attention to fuse the BERT representation and glyph representation for a character, which may capture potential interactive knowledge between context and glyph. Experiments are conducted on four NER datasets, showing that FGN with LSTM-CRF as tagger achieves new state-of-the-arts performance for Chinese NER. Further, more experiments are conducted to investigate the influences of various components and settings in FGN

    Chinese Spelling Error Detection Using a Fusion Lattice LSTM

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    Spelling error detection serves as a crucial preprocessing in many natural language processing applications. Due to the characteristics of Chinese Language, Chinese spelling error detection is more challenging than error detection in English. Existing methods are mainly under a pipeline framework, which artificially divides error detection process into two steps. Thus, these methods bring error propagation and cannot always work well due to the complexity of the language environment. Besides existing methods only adopt character or word information, and ignore the positive effect of fusing character, word, pinyin1 information together. We propose an LF-LSTM-CRF model, which is an extension of the LSTMCRF with word lattices and character-pinyin-fusion inputs. Our model takes advantage of the end-to-end framework to detect errors as a whole process, and dynamically integrates character, word and pinyin information. Experiments on the SIGHAN data show that our LF-LSTM-CRF outperforms existing methods with similar external resources consistently, and confirm the feasibility of adopting the end-to-end framework and the availability of integrating of character, word and pinyin information.Comment: 8 pages,5 figure
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