569 research outputs found

    Dynamic Mutant Subsumption Analysis using LittleDarwin

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    Many academic studies in the field of software testing rely on mutation testing to use as their comparison criteria. However, recent studies have shown that redundant mutants have a significant effect on the accuracy of their results. One solution to this problem is to use mutant subsumption to detect redundant mutants. Therefore, in order to facilitate research in this field, a mutation testing tool that is capable of detecting redundant mutants is needed. In this paper, we describe how we improved our tool, LittleDarwin, to fulfill this requirement

    LittleDarwin: a Feature-Rich and Extensible Mutation Testing Framework for Large and Complex Java Systems

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    Mutation testing is a well-studied method for increasing the quality of a test suite. We designed LittleDarwin as a mutation testing framework able to cope with large and complex Java software systems, while still being easily extensible with new experimental components. LittleDarwin addresses two existing problems in the domain of mutation testing: having a tool able to work within an industrial setting, and yet, be open to extension for cutting edge techniques provided by academia. LittleDarwin already offers higher-order mutation, null type mutants, mutant sampling, manual mutation, and mutant subsumption analysis. There is no tool today available with all these features that is able to work with typical industrial software systems.Comment: Pre-proceedings of the 7th IPM International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineerin

    Threats to the validity of mutation-based test assessment

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    Much research on software testing and test techniques relies on experimental studies based on mutation testing. In this paper we reveal that such studies are vulnerable to a potential threat to validity, leading to possible Type I errors; incorrectly rejecting the Null Hypothesis. Our findings indicate that Type I errors occur, for arbitrary experiments that fail to take countermeasures, approximately 62% of the time. Clearly, a Type I error would potentially compromise any scientific conclusion. We show that the problem derives from such studies’ combined use of both subsuming and subsumed mutants. We collected articles published in the last two years at three leading software engineering conferences. Of those that use mutation-based test assessment, we found that 68% are vulnerable to this threat to validity

    Do Null-Type Mutation Operators Help Prevent Null-Type Faults?

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    The null-type is a major source of faults in Java programs, and its overuse has a severe impact on software maintenance. Unfortunately traditional mutation testing operators do not cover null-type faults by default, hence cannot be used as a preventive measure. We address this problem by designing four new mutation operators which model null-type faults explicitly. We show how these mutation operators are capable of revealing the missing tests, and we demonstrate that these mutation operators are useful in practice. For the latter, we analyze the test suites of 15 open-source projects to describe the trade-offs related to the adoption of these operators to strengthen the test suite

    An empirical study on mutation testing of WS-BPEL programs

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    Nowadays, applications are increasingly deployed as Web services in the globally distributed cloud computing environment. Multiple services are normally composed to fulfill complex functionalities. Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (WS-BPEL) is an XML-based service composition language that is used to define a complex business process by orchestrating multiple services. Compared with traditional applications, WS-BPEL programs pose many new challenges to the quality assurance, especially testing, of service compositions. A number of techniques have been proposed for testing WS-BPEL programs, but only a few studies have been conducted to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of these techniques. Mutation testing has been widely acknowledged as not only a testing method in its own right but also a popular technique for measuring the fault-detection effectiveness of other testing methods. Several previous studies have proposed a family of mutation operators for generating mutants by seeding various faults into WS-BPEL programs. In this study, we conduct a series of empirical studies to evaluate the applicability and effectiveness of various mutation operators for WS-BPEL programs. The experimental results provide insightful and comprehensive guidance for mutation testing of WS-BPEL programs in practice. In particular, our work is the systematic study in the selection of effective mutation operators specifically for WS-BPEL programs

    Angels and monsters: An empirical investigation of potential test effectiveness and efficiency improvement from strongly subsuming higher order mutation

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    We study the simultaneous test effectiveness and efficiency improvement achievable by Strongly Subsuming Higher Order Mutants (SSHOMs), constructed from 15,792 first order mutants in four Java programs. Using SSHOMs in place of the first order mutants they subsume yielded a 35%-45% reduction in the number of mutants required, while simultaneously improving test efficiency by 15% and effectiveness by between 5.6% and 12%. Trivial first order faults often combine to form exceptionally non-trivial higher order faults; apparently innocuous angels can combine to breed monsters. Nevertheless, these same monsters can be recruited to improve automated test effectiveness and efficiency
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