3 research outputs found

    Subsets of Products of Finite Sets of Positive Upper Density

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    In this note we prove that for every sequence (mq)q(m_q)_{q} of positive integers and for every real 0<Ξ΄β©½10<\delta\leqslant1 there is a sequence (nq)q(n_q)_{q} of positive integers such that for every sequence (Hq)q(H_q)_{q} of finite sets such that ∣Hq∣=nq|H_q|=n_q for every q∈Nq\in\mathbb{N} and for every DβŠ†β‹ƒk∏q=0kβˆ’1HqD\subseteq \bigcup_k\prod_{q=0}^{k-1}H_q with the property that lim sup⁑k∣D∩∏q=0kβˆ’1Hq∣∣∏q=0kβˆ’1Hq∣⩾δ\limsup_k \frac{|D\cap \prod_{q=0}^{k-1} H_q|}{|\prod_{q=0}^{k-1}H_q|}\geqslant\delta there is a sequence (Jq)q(J_q)_{q}, where JqβŠ†HqJ_q\subseteq H_q and ∣Jq∣=mq|J_q|=m_q for all qq, such that ∏q=0kβˆ’1JqβŠ†D\prod_{q=0}^{k-1}J_q\subseteq D for infinitely many k.k. This gives us a density version of a well-known Ramsey-theoretic result. We also give some estimates on the sequence (nq)q(n_q)_{q} in terms of the sequence of (mq)q(m_q)_{q}.Comment: 12 page