4,488 research outputs found

    Groups with context-free co-word problem

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    The class of co-context-free groups is studied. A co-context-free group is defined as one whose coword problem (the complement of its word problem) is context-free. This class is larger than the subclass of context-free groups, being closed under the taking of finite direct products, restricted standard wreath products with context-free top groups, and passing to finitely generated subgroups and finite index overgroups. No other examples of co-context-free groups are known. It is proved that the only examples amongst polycyclic groups or the Baumslag–Solitar groups are virtually abelian. This is done by proving that languages with certain purely arithmetical properties cannot be context-free; this result may be of independent interest

    The coarse classification of countable abelian groups

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    We prove that two countable locally finite-by-abelian groups G,H endowed with proper left-invariant metrics are coarsely equivalent if and only if their asymptotic dimensions coincide and the groups are either both finitely-generated or both are infinitely generated. On the other hand, we show that each countable group G that coarsely embeds into a countable abelian group is locally nilpotent-by-finite. Moreover, the group G is locally abelian-by-finite if and only if G is undistorted in the sense that G can be written as the union of countably many finitely generated subgroups G_n such that each G_n is undistorted in G_{n+1} (which means that the identity inclusion from G_n to G_{n+1} is a quasi-isometric embedding with respect to word metrics).Comment: 25 pages. Longer version with new results about FCC groups, locally finite-by-abelian groups, locally nilpotent-by-finite groups

    Finitely generated groups with polynomial index growth

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    We prove that a finitely generated soluble residually finite group has polynomial index growth if and only if it is a minimax group. We also show that if a finitely generated group with PIG is residually finite-soluble then it is a linear group. These results apply in particular to boundedly generated groups; they imply that every infinite BG residually finite group has an infinite linear quotient.Comment: To appear in Crelle's Journa
