3 research outputs found

    Submodular Stochastic Probing with Prices

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    We introduce Stochastic Probing with Prices (SPP), a variant of the Stochastic Probing (SP) model in which we must pay a price to probe an element. A SPP problem involves two set systems (N,Iin)(N,\mathcal{I}_{in}) and (N,Iout)(N,\mathcal{I}_{out}) where each e∈Ne\in N is active with probability pep_e. To discover whether ee is active, it must be probed by paying the price Ξ”e\Delta_e. If it is probed and active, then it is irrevocably added to the solution. Moreover, at all times, the set of probed elements must lie in Iout\mathcal{I}_{out}, and the solution (the set of probed and active elements) must lie in Iin\mathcal{I}_{in}. The goal is to maximize a set function ff minus the cost of the probes. We give a bi-criteria approximation algorithm to the online version of this problem, in which the elements are shown to the algorithm in a possibly adversarial order. Our results translate to state-of-the-art approximations for the traditional (online) stochastic probing problem

    Stochastic Monotone Submodular Maximization with Queries

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    We study a stochastic variant of monotone submodular maximization problem as follows. We are given a monotone submodular function as an objective function and a feasible domain defined on a finite set, and our goal is to find a feasible solution that maximizes the objective function. A special part of the problem is that each element in the finite set has a random hidden state, active or inactive, only the active elements contribute to the objective value, and we can conduct a query to an element to reveal its hidden state. The goal is to obtain a feasible solution having a large objective value by conducting a small number of queries. This is the first attempt to consider nonlinear objective functions in such a stochastic model. We prove that the problem admits a good query strategy if the feasible domain has a uniform exchange property. This result generalizes Blum et al.'s result on the unweighted matching problem and Behnezhad and Reyhani's result on the weighted matching problem in both objective function and feasible domain

    Online Allocation and Pricing: Constant Regret via Bellman Inequalities

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    We develop a framework for designing simple and efficient policies for a family of online allocation and pricing problems, that includes online packing, budget-constrained probing, dynamic pricing, and online contextual bandits with knapsacks. In each case, we evaluate the performance of our policies in terms of their regret (i.e., additive gap) relative to an offline controller that is endowed with more information than the online controller. Our framework is based on Bellman Inequalities, which decompose the loss of an algorithm into two distinct sources of error: (1) arising from computational tractability issues, and (2) arising from estimation/prediction of random trajectories. Balancing these errors guides the choice of benchmarks, and leads to policies that are both tractable and have strong performance guarantees. In particular, in all our examples, we demonstrate constant-regret policies that only require re-solving an LP in each period, followed by a simple greedy action-selection rule; thus, our policies are practical as well as provably near optimal.Comment: To appear in Operations Research, 202