2,303 research outputs found

    Submodular Optimization under Noise

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    We consider the problem of maximizing a monotone submodular function under noise. There has been a great deal of work on optimization of submodular functions under various constraints, resulting in algorithms that provide desirable approximation guarantees. In many applications, however, we do not have access to the submodular function we aim to optimize, but rather to some erroneous or noisy version of it. This raises the question of whether provable guarantees are obtainable in presence of error and noise. We provide initial answers, by focusing on the question of maximizing a monotone submodular function under a cardinality constraint when given access to a noisy oracle of the function. We show that: - For a cardinality constraint k≥2k \geq 2, there is an approximation algorithm whose approximation ratio is arbitrarily close to 1−1/e1-1/e; - For k=1k=1 there is an algorithm whose approximation ratio is arbitrarily close to 1/21/2. No randomized algorithm can obtain an approximation ratio better than 1/2+o(1)1/2+o(1); -If the noise is adversarial, no non-trivial approximation guarantee can be obtained

    Near-Optimal Sparse Sensing for Gaussian Detection with Correlated Observations

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    Detection of a signal under noise is a classical signal processing problem. When monitoring spatial phenomena under a fixed budget, i.e., either physical, economical or computational constraints, the selection of a subset of available sensors, referred to as sparse sensing, that meets both the budget and performance requirements is highly desirable. Unfortunately, the subset selection problem for detection under dependent observations is combinatorial in nature and suboptimal subset selection algorithms must be employed. In this work, different from the widely used convex relaxation of the problem, we leverage submodularity, the diminishing returns property, to provide practical near optimal algorithms suitable for large-scale subset selection. This is achieved by means of low-complexity greedy algorithms, which incur a reduced computational complexity compared to their convex counterparts.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Maximizing Monotone DR-submodular Continuous Functions by Derivative-free Optimization

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    In this paper, we study the problem of monotone (weakly) DR-submodular continuous maximization. While previous methods require the gradient information of the objective function, we propose a derivative-free algorithm LDGM for the first time. We define β\beta and α\alpha to characterize how close a function is to continuous DR-submodulr and submodular, respectively. Under a convex polytope constraint, we prove that LDGM can achieve a (1−e−β−ϵ)(1-e^{-\beta}-\epsilon)-approximation guarantee after O(1/ϵ)O(1/\epsilon) iterations, which is the same as the best previous gradient-based algorithm. Moreover, in some special cases, a variant of LDGM can achieve a ((α/2)(1−e−α)−ϵ)((\alpha/2)(1-e^{-\alpha})-\epsilon)-approximation guarantee for (weakly) submodular functions. We also compare LDGM with the gradient-based algorithm Frank-Wolfe under noise, and show that LDGM can be more robust. Empirical results on budget allocation verify the effectiveness of LDGM

    Optimal approximation for unconstrained non-submodular minimization

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    Submodular function minimization is a well studied problem; existing algorithms solve it exactly or up to arbitrary accuracy. However, in many applications, the objective function is not exactly submodular. No theoretical guarantees exist in this case. While submodular minimization algorithms rely on intricate connections between submodularity and convexity, we show that these relations can be extended sufficiently to obtain approximation guarantees for non-submodular minimization. In particular, we prove how a projected subgradient method can perform well even for certain non-submodular functions. This includes important examples, such as objectives for structured sparse learning and variance reduction in Bayesian optimization. We also extend this result to noisy function evaluations. Our algorithm works in the value oracle model. We prove that in this model, the approximation result we obtain is the best possible with a subexponential number of queries

    On the Optimality of Simple Schedules for Networks with Multiple Half-Duplex Relays

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    This paper studies networks with N half-duplex relays assisting the communication between a source and a destination. In ISIT'12 Brahma, \"{O}zg\"{u}r and Fragouli conjectured that in Gaussian half-duplex diamond networks (i.e., without a direct link between the source and the destination, and with N non-interfering relays) an approximately optimal relay scheduling policy (i.e., achieving the cut-set upper bound to within a constant gap) has at most N+1 active states (i.e., at most N+1 out of the 2N2^N possible relay listen-transmit states have a strictly positive probability). Such relay scheduling policies were referred to as simple. In ITW'13 we conjectured that simple approximately optimal relay scheduling policies exist for any Gaussian half-duplex multi-relay network irrespectively of the topology. This paper formally proves this more general version of the conjecture and shows it holds beyond Gaussian noise networks. In particular, for any memoryless half-duplex N-relay network with independent noises and for which independent inputs are approximately optimal in the cut-set upper bound, an approximately optimal simple relay scheduling policy exists. A convergent iterative polynomial-time algorithm, which alternates between minimizing a submodular function and maximizing a linear program, is proposed to find the approximately optimal simple relay schedule. As an example, for N-relay Gaussian networks with independent noises, where each node in equipped with multiple antennas and where each antenna can be configured to listen or transmit irrespectively of the others, the existence of an approximately optimal simple relay scheduling policy with at most N+1 active states is proved. Through a line-network example it is also shown that independently switching the antennas at each relay can provide a strictly larger multiplexing gain compared to using the antennas for the same purpose.Comment: This paper is an extension of arXiv:1410.7174. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Differentially Private Online Submodular Optimization

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    In this paper we develop the first algorithms for online submodular minimization that preserve differential privacy under full information feedback and bandit feedback. A sequence of TT submodular functions over a collection of nn elements arrive online, and at each timestep the algorithm must choose a subset of [n][n] before seeing the function. The algorithm incurs a cost equal to the function evaluated on the chosen set, and seeks to choose a sequence of sets that achieves low expected regret. Our first result is in the full information setting, where the algorithm can observe the entire function after making its decision at each timestep. We give an algorithm in this setting that is ϵ\epsilon-differentially private and achieves expected regret O~(n3/2Tϵ)\tilde{O}\left(\frac{n^{3/2}\sqrt{T}}{\epsilon}\right). This algorithm works by relaxing submodular function to a convex function using the Lovasz extension, and then simulating an algorithm for differentially private online convex optimization. Our second result is in the bandit setting, where the algorithm can only see the cost incurred by its chosen set, and does not have access to the entire function. This setting is significantly more challenging because the algorithm does not receive enough information to compute the Lovasz extension or its subgradients. Instead, we construct an unbiased estimate using a single-point estimation, and then simulate private online convex optimization using this estimate. Our algorithm using bandit feedback is ϵ\epsilon-differentially private and achieves expected regret O~(n3/2T3/4ϵ)\tilde{O}\left(\frac{n^{3/2}T^{3/4}}{\epsilon}\right)

    Efficient Capacity Computation and Power Optimization for Relay Networks

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    The capacity or approximations to capacity of various single-source single-destination relay network models has been characterized in terms of the cut-set upper bound. In principle, a direct computation of this bound requires evaluating the cut capacity over exponentially many cuts. We show that the minimum cut capacity of a relay network under some special assumptions can be cast as a minimization of a submodular function, and as a result, can be computed efficiently. We use this result to show that the capacity, or an approximation to the capacity within a constant gap for the Gaussian, wireless erasure, and Avestimehr-Diggavi-Tse deterministic relay network models can be computed in polynomial time. We present some empirical results showing that computing constant-gap approximations to the capacity of Gaussian relay networks with around 300 nodes can be done in order of minutes. For Gaussian networks, cut-set capacities are also functions of the powers assigned to the nodes. We consider a family of power optimization problems and show that they can be solved in polynomial time. In particular, we show that the minimization of the sum of powers assigned to the nodes subject to a minimum rate constraint (measured in terms of cut-set bounds) can be computed in polynomial time. We propose an heuristic algorithm to solve this problem and measure its performance through simulations on random Gaussian networks. We observe that in the optimal allocations most of the power is assigned to a small subset of relays, which suggests that network simplification may be possible without excessive performance degradation.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Optimizing Beams and Bits: A Novel Approach for Massive MIMO Base-Station Design

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    We consider the problem of jointly optimizing ADC bit resolution and analog beamforming over a frequency-selective massive MIMO uplink. We build upon a popular model to incorporate the impact of low bit resolution ADCs, that hitherto has mostly been employed over flat-fading systems. We adopt weighted sum rate (WSR) as our objective and show that WSR maximization under finite buffer limits and important practical constraints on choices of beams and ADC bit resolutions can equivalently be posed as constrained submodular set function maximization. This enables us to design a constant-factor approximation algorithm. Upon incorporating further enhancements we obtain an efficient algorithm that significantly outperforms state-of-the-art ones.Comment: Tech. Report. Appeared in part in IEEE ICNC 2019. Added few more comments and corrected minor typo

    Submodular Observation Selection and Information Gathering for Quadratic Models

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    We study the problem of selecting most informative subset of a large observation set to enable accurate estimation of unknown parameters. This problem arises in a variety of settings in machine learning and signal processing including feature selection, phase retrieval, and target localization. Since for quadratic measurement models the moment matrix of the optimal estimator is generally unknown, majority of prior work resorts to approximation techniques such as linearization of the observation model to optimize the alphabetical optimality criteria of an approximate moment matrix. Conversely, by exploiting a connection to the classical Van Trees' inequality, we derive new alphabetical optimality criteria without distorting the relational structure of the observation model. We further show that under certain conditions on parameters of the problem these optimality criteria are monotone and (weak) submodular set functions. These results enable us to develop an efficient greedy observation selection algorithm uniquely tailored for quadratic models, and provide theoretical bounds on its achievable utility.Comment: To be published in proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 201

    Scaling Submodular Optimization Approaches for Control Applications in Networked Systems

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    Often times, in many design problems, there is a need to select a small set of informative or representative elements from a large ground set of entities in an optimal fashion. Submodular optimization that provides for a formal way to solve such problems, has recently received significant attention from the controls community where such subset selection problems are abound. However, scaling these approaches to large systems can be challenging because of the high computational complexity of the overall flow, in-part due to the high-complexity compute-oracles used to determine the objective function values. In this work, we explore a well-known paradigm, namely leader-selection in a multi-agent networked environment to illustrate strategies for scalable submodular optimization. We study the performance of the state-of-the-art stochastic and distributed greedy algorithms as well as explore techniques that accelerate the computation oracles within the optimization loop. We finally present results combining accelerated greedy algorithms with accelerated computation oracles and demonstrate significant speedups with little loss of optimality when compared to the baseline ordinary greedy algorithm
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