643 research outputs found

    Functional classification of G-Protein coupled receptors, based on their specific ligand coupling patterns

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    Functional identification of G-Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) is one of the current focus areas of pharmaceutical research. Although thousands of GPCR sequences are known, many of them re- main as orphan sequences (the activating ligand is unknown). Therefore, classification methods for automated characterization of orphan GPCRs are imperative. In this study, for predicting Level 2 subfamilies of Amine GPCRs, a novel method for obtaining fixed-length feature vectors, based on the existence of activating ligand specific patterns, has been developed and utilized for a Support Vector Machine (SVM)-based classification. Exploiting the fact that there is a non-promiscuous relationship between the specific binding of GPCRs into their ligands and their functional classification, our method classifies Level 2 subfamilies of Amine GPCRs with a high predictive accuracy of 97.02% in a ten-fold cross validation test. The presented machine learning approach, bridges the gulf between the excess amount of GPCR sequence data and their poor functional characterization

    PhyloFacts: an online structural phylogenomic encyclopedia for protein functional and structural classification

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    The Berkeley Phylogenomics Group presents PhyloFacts, a structural phylogenomic encyclopedia containing almost 10,000 'books' for protein families and domains, with pre-calculated structural, functional and evolutionary analyses. PhyloFacts enables biologists to avoid the systematic errors associated with function prediction by homology through the integration of a variety of experimental data and bioinformatics methods in an evolutionary framework. Users can submit sequences for classification to families and functional subfamilies. PhyloFacts is available as a worldwide web resource from

    Eukaryotic Protein Kinases (ePKs) of the Helminth Parasite Schistosoma mansoni

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Schistosomiasis remains an important parasitic disease and a major economic problem in many countries. The <it>Schistosoma mansoni </it>genome and predicted proteome sequences were recently published providing the opportunity to identify new drug candidates. Eukaryotic protein kinases (ePKs) play a central role in mediating signal transduction through complex networks and are considered druggable targets from the medical and chemical viewpoints. Our work aimed at analyzing the <it>S. mansoni </it>predicted proteome in order to identify and classify all ePKs of this parasite through combined computational approaches. Functional annotation was performed mainly to yield insights into the parasite signaling processes relevant to its complex lifestyle and to select some ePKs as potential drug targets.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have identified 252 ePKs, which corresponds to 1.9% of the <it>S. mansoni </it>predicted proteome, through sequence similarity searches using HMMs (Hidden Markov Models). Amino acid sequences corresponding to the conserved catalytic domain of ePKs were aligned by MAFFT and further used in distance-based phylogenetic analysis as implemented in PHYLIP. Our analysis also included the ePK homologs from six other eukaryotes. The results show that <it>S. mansoni </it>has proteins in all ePK groups. Most of them are clearly clustered with known ePKs in other eukaryotes according to the phylogenetic analysis. None of the ePKs are exclusively found in <it>S. mansoni </it>or belong to an expanded family in this parasite. Only 16 <it>S. mansoni </it>ePKs were experimentally studied, 12 proteins are predicted to be catalytically inactive and approximately 2% of the parasite ePKs remain unclassified. Some proteins were mentioned as good target for drug development since they have a predicted essential function for the parasite.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our approach has improved the functional annotation of 40% of <it>S. mansoni </it>ePKs through combined similarity and phylogenetic-based approaches. As we continue this work, we will highlight the biochemical and physiological adaptations of <it>S. mansoni </it>in response to diverse environments during the parasite development, vector interaction, and host infection.</p

    PANTHER version 6: protein sequence and function evolution data with expanded representation of biological pathways

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    PANTHER is a freely available, comprehensive software system for relating protein sequence evolution to the evolution of specific protein functions and biological roles. Since 2005, there have been three main improvements to PANTHER. First, the sequences used to create evolutionary trees are carefully selected to provide coverage of phylogenetic as well as functional information. Second, PANTHER is now a member of the InterPro Consortium, and the PANTHER hidden markov Models (HMMs) are distributed as part of InterProScan. Third, we have dramatically expanded the number of pathways associated with subfamilies in PANTHER. Pathways provide a detailed, structured representation of protein function in the context of biological reaction networks. PANTHER pathways were generated using the emerging Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) standard using pathway network editing software called CellDesigner. The pathway collection currently contains ∼1500 reactions in 130 pathways, curated by expert biologists with authorship attribution. The curation environment is designed to be easy to use, and the number of pathways is growing steadily. Because the reaction participants are linked to subfamilies and corresponding HMMs, reactions can be inferred across numerous different organisms. The HMMs can be downloaded by FTP, and tools for analyzing data in the context of pathways and function ontologies are available at

    Automated Protein Subfamily Identification and Classification

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    Function prediction by homology is widely used to provide preliminary functional annotations for genes for which experimental evidence of function is unavailable or limited. This approach has been shown to be prone to systematic error, including percolation of annotation errors through sequence databases. Phylogenomic analysis avoids these errors in function prediction but has been difficult to automate for high-throughput application. To address this limitation, we present a computationally efficient pipeline for phylogenomic classification of proteins. This pipeline uses the SCI-PHY (Subfamily Classification in Phylogenomics) algorithm for automatic subfamily identification, followed by subfamily hidden Markov model (HMM) construction. A simple and computationally efficient scoring scheme using family and subfamily HMMs enables classification of novel sequences to protein families and subfamilies. Sequences representing entirely novel subfamilies are differentiated from those that can be classified to subfamilies in the input training set using logistic regression. Subfamily HMM parameters are estimated using an information-sharing protocol, enabling subfamilies containing even a single sequence to benefit from conservation patterns defining the family as a whole or in related subfamilies. SCI-PHY subfamilies correspond closely to functional subtypes defined by experts and to conserved clades found by phylogenetic analysis. Extensive comparisons of subfamily and family HMM performances show that subfamily HMMs dramatically improve the separation between homologous and non-homologous proteins in sequence database searches. Subfamily HMMs also provide extremely high specificity of classification and can be used to predict entirely novel subtypes. The SCI-PHY Web server at http://phylogenomics.berkeley.edu/SCI-PHY/ allows users to upload a multiple sequence alignment for subfamily identification and subfamily HMM construction. Biologists wishing to provide their own subfamily definitions can do so. Source code is available on the Web page. The Berkeley Phylogenomics Group PhyloFacts resource contains pre-calculated subfamily predictions and subfamily HMMs for more than 40,000 protein families and domains at http://phylogenomics.berkeley.edu/phylofacts/

    Applications for protein sequence–function evolution data: mRNA/protein expression analysis and coding SNP scoring tools

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    The vast amount of protein sequence data now available, together with accumulating experimental knowledge of protein function, enables modeling of protein sequence and function evolution. The PANTHER database was designed to model evolutionary sequence–function relationships on a large scale. There are a number of applications for these data, and we have implemented web services that address three of them. The first is a protein classification service. Proteins can be classified, using only their amino acid sequences, to evolutionary groups at both the family and subfamily levels. Specific subfamilies, and often families, are further classified when possible according to their functions, including molecular function and the biological processes and pathways they participate in. The second application, then, is an expression data analysis service, where functional classification information can help find biological patterns in the data obtained from genome-wide experiments. The third application is a coding single-nucleotide polymorphism scoring service. In this case, information about evolutionarily related proteins is used to assess the likelihood of a deleterious effect on protein function arising from a single substitution at a specific amino acid position in the protein. All three web services are available at

    The Dfam community resource of transposable element families, sequence models, and genome annotations.

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    Dfam is an open access database of repetitive DNA families, sequence models, and genome annotations. The 3.0-3.3 releases of Dfam ( https://dfam.org ) represent an evolution from a proof-of-principle collection of transposable element families in model organisms into a community resource for a broad range of species, and for both curated and uncurated datasets. In addition, releases since Dfam 3.0 provide auxiliary consensus sequence models, transposable element protein alignments, and a formalized classification system to support the growing diversity of organisms represented in the resource. The latest release includes 266,740 new de novo generated transposable element families from 336 species contributed by the EBI. This expansion demonstrates the utility of many of Dfam\u27s new features and provides insight into the long term challenges ahead for improving de novo generated transposable element datasets