4 research outputs found

    Study into the polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of rapeseed pomace extracts.

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    Rapeseed pomace (RSP) is a waste product obtained after edible oil production from Brassica napus. This study aimed to determine the polyphenol content, radical scavenging activity, ferric iron reducing antioxidant power and the oxygen-radical absorbance capacity assay, of RSP extracts, with regard to their potential application in the treatment or prevention of neurodegenerative diseases. High performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry was applied to determine ubiquitous polyphenolic compounds. Three different extraction methods (Soxhlet-, ultra sonic assisted- and accelerated solvent extractions) were applied on 2 harvest years (2012, 2014). From the extracts obtained, the total phenolic content (Folin–Ciocalteu assay) was found to be between 5·54 (SD 0·28) and 2·48 (SD 0·06) gallic acid equivalents/100 mg dry weight. The ferric iron reducing antioxidant power (FRAP assay) is ranging from 0·834 (SD 0·01) to 0·34 (SD 0·01) Trolox equivalents/100μg. The IC50 values for the radical scavenging (DPPH) assay were found to be between 49·23 (SD 14·00) and 180·30 (SD 16·16) μg/mL. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry of the RSP extracts showed substantial presence of several phenolic compounds, the most abundant one being sinapic acid (7496·7 (SD198·9) − 1923·3 (SD18·4) mg/kg). Significant differences (2-way ANOVA, p < 0·0001) were found between the 3 different extraction techniques for all the tested antioxidant properties. The strong antioxidant properties demonstrated by the RSP extracts in this study warrants further investigation for their potential use in the treatment or prevention of oxidative stress related diseases

    Продуктивность и питательность зеленой массы сортов и гибридов ярового рапса в условиях Северо-Запада РФ

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    Scientific research was carried out on the experimental field of the North-Western Scientific Research Institute of Dairy and Grassland Farming, a separate subdivision of the VolRC RAS (Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences), located in the village of Dityatyevo, Vologda region. The soil under the field experiment is soddy-podzolic, medium loamy, and medium cultivated. Spring rapeseed is a valuable oilseed, fodder and industrial crop. It can be successfully grown in most regions of the Russian Federation, including the Vologda region. In the field experiment, we studied the cultivation of two varieties of domestic breeding - Yubileiny and Nabat and three hybrids of spring rapeseed of foreign breeding - Smilla, Salsa KL and Mirakl. The authors studied the productivity and nutritional value of spring rape varieties in the conditions of the North-West of the Russian Federation for 2020 and 2021. In the current unfavourable weather conditions in 2020, the development phases were delayed due to insufficient heat supply and insufficient moisture in 2021, which negatively affected the spring rapeseed crops. Harvesting for green mass was carried out in the recommended phases of plant development - the end of the newborn stage and the beginning of flowering. The high yield of the green group in 2020 was provided by the domestic varieties Yubileiny and Nabat (14.1 and 12,3 t/ha), and in 2021 - hybrids of foreign selection Salsa KL and Mirakl (10.9 and 10.2 t/ha). In terms of protein and fat content in the green mass, the best indicators for two years of research are in the varieties Salsa Kl and Miracle (in 2020, protein - 14.1%, fat - 3.1-3.3%; in 2021, protein 14.4- 15.9%, fat - 2.6-2.9%).Научные исследования выполнены на опытном поле Северо-Западного научно-исследовательского института молочного и лугопастбищного хозяйства – обособленного подразделения ФГБУН ВолНЦ РАН, расположенном в д. Дитятьево Вологодского района. Почва под полевым опытом – дерновоподзолистая среднесуглинистая среднеокультуренная. Яровой рапс является ценной масличной, кормовой и технической культурой. Его успешно можно выращивать в большинстве регионов Российской Федерации, в том числе и в Вологодской области. В полевом опыте изучали выращивание двух сортов отечественной селекции – Юбилейный и Набат и трёх гибридов ярового рапса зарубежной селекции – Смилла, Сальса КЛ и Миракль. Изучалась продуктивность и питательность сортов ярового рапса в условиях Севера-Запада РФ за 2020 и 2021 гг. В сложившихся неблагоприятных погодных условиях: в 2020 г. из-за недостаточного обеспечения теплом, а в 2021 г. вследствие недостаточного увлажнения – задерживалось прохождение фаз развития, что негативно сказалось на урожайности ярового рапса. Уборку на зелёную массу проводили в рекомендованные фазы развития растений – конца фазы бутонизации и начала цветения. Высокую урожайность зеленой массы в 2020 г. обеспечили отечественные сорта Юбилейный и Набат (14,1 и 12,3 т/га), в 2021 г. – гибриды иностранной селекции Сальса КЛ и Миракль (10,9 и 10,2 т/га). По содержанию протеина и жира в зеленой массе наилучшие показатели за 2 года исследований получены у сортов Сальса КЛ и Миракль (в 2020 г. протеина – 14,1%, жира – 3,1–3,3%; в 2021 г. – 14,4–15,9,и 2,6–2,9% соответственно)

    Plasma fatty acid profile in Italian Holstein-Friesian dairy cows supplemented with natural polyphenols from the olive plant Olea Europaea L

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    This study evaluated the effects of supplementing with natural functional feed on the plasma fatty acid profile of lactating Italian Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. Thirty cows in mid-lactation received the natural olive extract PHENOFEED DRY (500 mg/cow/day) which mainly comprises hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol and verbascoside. The total content of polyphenols and the antioxidant power of standard feed, enriched feed and pure extract was evaluated respectively by Folin-Ciocalteu and DPPH assay, and a characterization in HPLC-UV (High-Perfor mance Liquid Chromatography-Ultraviolet) of bioactive molecules present in the extract PHENOFEED DRY was performed. PHENOFEED DRY was provided for 60 days, and the plasma profile of fatty acids was determined by Gas Chromatography. The administration of enriched feed resulted in an increase in the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids from 3:1 to 4:1 (p<0.001). This was not influenced by the calving order. The addition of polyphenols helped to keep monounsaturated (MUFA) and saturated (SFA) levels constant and results in a significant increase in polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acid after 15 days of administration. The Omega 6/Omega-3 ratio was in the optimal range. The findings show that inclusion of natural functional food such as plant polyphenols helps to maintain a healthy blood fatty acid profile in lactating dairy cow

    The potential application of rapeseed pomace extracts in the prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.

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    Rapeseed pomace (RSP) is the waste/by-product obtained after edible oil production from Brassica napus and is currently used as animal feed. In an attempt to revalorize this by-product as a potential nutraceutical for the treatment or prevention of neurodegenerative disease, this project aimed to determine (i) a suitable extraction technique, (ii) the phytochemical composition and in vitro activity of the extract, in relation to neuroprotective properties, (iii) the neuroprotective potential of the extract in a cellular model (SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells) and (iv) the extract's potential to prevent/treat neurodegenerative disease in one Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) and three Parkinson’s disease (PD) C. elegans (nematode) models. To achieve this aim at the start of the project, three extraction techniques (i.e. Soxhlet, ultrasonic assisted and accelerated solvent extraction) were employed, using a solvent mixture of ethanol and water (95:5) on the RSP samples obtained from the north east of Scotland. Based on the chemical composition of the extracts and their antioxidant properties, Soxhlet extraction was revealed as the most promising and practical extraction technique. Bulk extraction was carried out, to obtain enough RSP extract for the duration of the project. Thereafter, the composition of the extract was further investigated, to show sinapine to be the most abundant secondary metabolite, together with other phenolic acids, such as sinapic, ferulic, caffeic and syringic acid. The final extract showed in vitro antioxidant and acetylcholinesterase inhibition activity, the potential to protect plasmid DNA from oxidative damage, copper ion chelating potential and the inhibition of self-mediated β-amyloid (1–42) aggregation. The latter in vitro characteristics and properties could be beneficial for the protection of neurons from oxidative stress induced degeneration. In the SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line, the RSP extract was found to be non-toxic up to a concentration of 1.5 mg/mL. Subsequent cellular studies using 1 mg/mL or less of the RSP extract, showed its ability to protect the cells from reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative DNA strand breakage induced by hydrogen peroxide. In addition, using protein array technology, the RSP extract was able to down regulate cell stress associated proteins SIRT2 and SOD2. In the C. elegans nematode model, the RSP extract showed no toxicity up to 5 mg/mL. The RSP extract was able to improve the disease phenotype in the MJD model (motility deficiency) as well as in all three PD models (dopaminergic neuronal loss). This improvement was at least partially dependent on the activation of the antioxidant gene glutathione-s-transferase (gst-4) in C. elegans. Overall, the RSP extract showed very positive in vitro characteristics and valuable in vivo effects in 4 disease C. elegans models, thus warranting further detailed studies on the use of RSP extract to help prevent and/or treat neurodegenerative diseases