8 research outputs found

    MIHash: Online Hashing with Mutual Information

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    Learning-based hashing methods are widely used for nearest neighbor retrieval, and recently, online hashing methods have demonstrated good performance-complexity trade-offs by learning hash functions from streaming data. In this paper, we first address a key challenge for online hashing: the binary codes for indexed data must be recomputed to keep pace with updates to the hash functions. We propose an efficient quality measure for hash functions, based on an information-theoretic quantity, mutual information, and use it successfully as a criterion to eliminate unnecessary hash table updates. Next, we also show how to optimize the mutual information objective using stochastic gradient descent. We thus develop a novel hashing method, MIHash, that can be used in both online and batch settings. Experiments on image retrieval benchmarks (including a 2.5M image dataset) confirm the effectiveness of our formulation, both in reducing hash table recomputations and in learning high-quality hash functions.Comment: International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 201

    Hashing as Tie-Aware Learning to Rank

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    Hashing, or learning binary embeddings of data, is frequently used in nearest neighbor retrieval. In this paper, we develop learning to rank formulations for hashing, aimed at directly optimizing ranking-based evaluation metrics such as Average Precision (AP) and Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG). We first observe that the integer-valued Hamming distance often leads to tied rankings, and propose to use tie-aware versions of AP and NDCG to evaluate hashing for retrieval. Then, to optimize tie-aware ranking metrics, we derive their continuous relaxations, and perform gradient-based optimization with deep neural networks. Our results establish the new state-of-the-art for image retrieval by Hamming ranking in common benchmarks.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 201

    Deep Heterogeneous Hashing for Face Video Retrieval

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    Retrieving videos of a particular person with face image as a query via hashing technique has many important applications. While face images are typically represented as vectors in Euclidean space, characterizing face videos with some robust set modeling techniques (e.g. covariance matrices as exploited in this study, which reside on Riemannian manifold), has recently shown appealing advantages. This hence results in a thorny heterogeneous spaces matching problem. Moreover, hashing with handcrafted features as done in many existing works is clearly inadequate to achieve desirable performance for this task. To address such problems, we present an end-to-end Deep Heterogeneous Hashing (DHH) method that integrates three stages including image feature learning, video modeling, and heterogeneous hashing in a single framework, to learn unified binary codes for both face images and videos. To tackle the key challenge of hashing on the manifold, a well-studied Riemannian kernel mapping is employed to project data (i.e. covariance matrices) into Euclidean space and thus enables to embed the two heterogeneous representations into a common Hamming space, where both intra-space discriminability and inter-space compatibility are considered. To perform network optimization, the gradient of the kernel mapping is innovatively derived via structured matrix backpropagation in a theoretically principled way. Experiments on three challenging datasets show that our method achieves quite competitive performance compared with existing hashing methods.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, 4 tables, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP) 201

    Learning deep embeddings by learning to rank

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    We study the problem of embedding high-dimensional visual data into low-dimensional vector representations. This is an important component in many computer vision applications involving nearest neighbor retrieval, as embedding techniques not only perform dimensionality reduction, but can also capture task-specific semantic similarities. In this thesis, we use deep neural networks to learn vector embeddings, and develop a gradient-based optimization framework that is capable of optimizing ranking-based retrieval performance metrics, such as the widely used Average Precision (AP) and Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG). Our framework is applied in three applications. First, we study Supervised Hashing, which is concerned with learning compact binary vector embeddings for fast retrieval, and propose two novel solutions. The first solution optimizes Mutual Information as a surrogate ranking objective, while the other directly optimizes AP and NDCG, based on the discovery of their closed-form expressions for discrete Hamming distances. These optimization problems are NP-hard, therefore we derive their continuous relaxations to enable gradient-based optimization with neural networks. Our solutions establish the state-of-the-art on several image retrieval benchmarks. Next, we learn deep neural networks to extract Local Feature Descriptors from image patches. Local features are used universally in low-level computer vision tasks that involve sparse feature matching, such as image registration and 3D reconstruction, and their matching is a nearest neighbor retrieval problem. We leverage our AP optimization technique to learn both binary and real-valued descriptors for local image patches. Compared to competing approaches, our solution eliminates complex heuristics, and performs more accurately in the tasks of patch verification, patch retrieval, and image matching. Lastly, we tackle Deep Metric Learning, the general problem of learning real-valued vector embeddings using deep neural networks. We propose a learning to rank solution through optimizing a novel quantization-based approximation of AP. For downstream tasks such as retrieval and clustering, we demonstrate promising results on standard benchmarks, especially in the few-shot learning scenario, where the number of labeled examples per class is limited

    Structured Learning of Binary Codes with Column Generation for Optimizing Ranking Measures

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    © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media New York. Hashing methods aim to learn a set of hash functions which map the original features to compact binary codes with similarity preserving in the Hamming space. Hashing has proven a valuable tool for large-scale information retrieval. We propose a column generation based binary code learning framework for data-dependent hash function learning. Given a set of triplets that encode the pairwise similarity comparison information, our column generation based method learns hash functions that preserve the relative comparison relations within the large-margin learning framework. Our method iteratively learns the best hash functions during the column generation procedure. Existing hashing methods optimize over simple objectives such as the reconstruction error or graph Laplacian related loss functions, instead of the performance evaluation criteria of interest—multivariate performance measures such as the AUC and NDCG. Our column generation based method can be further generalized from the triplet loss to a general structured learning based framework that allows one to directly optimize multivariate performance measures. For optimizing general ranking measures, the resulting optimization problem can involve exponentially or infinitely many variables and constraints, which is more challenging than standard structured output learning. We use a combination of column generation and cutting-plane techniques to solve the optimization problem. To speed-up the training we further explore stage-wise training and propose to optimize a simplified NDCG loss for efficient inference. We demonstrate the generality of our method by applying it to ranking prediction and image retrieval, and show that it outperforms several state-of-the-art hashing methods