48 research outputs found

    Reinvente: A Hybridized Home Collection

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    The design world is constantly reinvigorated by influences from exotic lands, foreign peoples, and eras passed. Art Deco and Moroccan design are two distinct styles that penetrate product design, architecture, and interiors. These styles, while seemingly separate, experienced a unique overlap during the French colonization of cities such as Casablanca and Marrakech. The presence of Art Deco in a primarily Islamic and Moorish environment resulted in a unique hybridized style that has been scarcely examined in both the academic and design communities. As designers continue to be inspired by global trends and ethnic cultures, variations and reinterpretations of significant periods continue to be reborn. I am posing the question of what this hybrid would look like today if it was further expanded upon. REINVENTÉ is an interiors collection consisting of product designs that further explore this hybridization, and expands upon how it could be reimagined in contemporary times

    The Artist\u27s Diary

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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Arts of Bard College

    Visual analytics methods for retinal layers in optical coherence tomography data

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    Optical coherence tomography is an important imaging technology for the early detection of ocular diseases. Yet, identifying substructural defects in the 3D retinal images is challenging. We therefore present novel visual analytics methods for the exploration of small and localized retinal alterations. Our methods reduce the data complexity and ensure the visibility of relevant information. The results of two cross-sectional studies show that our methods improve the detection of retinal defects, contributing to a deeper understanding of the retinal condition at an early stage of disease.Die optische Kohärenztomographie ist ein wichtiges Bildgebungsverfahren zur Früherkennung von Augenerkrankungen. Die Identifizierung von substrukturellen Defekten in den 3D-Netzhautbildern ist jedoch eine Herausforderung. Wir stellen daher neue Visual-Analytics-Methoden zur Exploration von kleinen und lokalen Netzhautveränderungen vor. Unsere Methoden reduzieren die Datenkomplexität und gewährleisten die Sichtbarkeit relevanter Informationen. Die Ergebnisse zweier Querschnittsstudien zeigen, dass unsere Methoden die Erkennung von Netzhautdefekten in frühen Krankheitsstadien verbessern

    Cinema at the End of Empire

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    How did the imperial logic underlying British and Indian film policy change with the British Empire’s loss of moral authority and political cohesion? Were British and Indian films of the 1930s and 1940s responsive to and responsible for such shifts? Cinema at the End of Empire illuminates this intertwined history of British and Indian cinema in the late colonial period. Challenging the rubric of national cinemas that dominates film studies, Priya Jaikumar contends that film aesthetics and film regulations were linked expressions of radical political transformations in a declining British empire and a nascent Indian nation. As she demonstrates, efforts to entice colonial film markets shaped Britain’s national film policies, and Indian responses to these initiatives altered the limits of colonial power in India

    A palimpsest-image: place, space and film geographies

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    This thesis argues that landscape, place and the material image can be an emotional and narrative catalyst in the context of essay/documentary/art house films. It proposes the notion of the palimpsest-image as an orbit around three gravitational vectors: the relationship between place and space in film, the association of different art forms in the creation and interpretation of an image, and the simultaneity of discourses involving complex combinations of memory, history and imagination. Not necessarily present all the time, these three vectors interact, whether in the interpretation and organization of the theoretical discourse, or in the consideration of the practical work in its artistic and conceptual dimensions. The core research addresses the possibility of forming film geographies through the arrangement of film space and its interpretation of place. The theoretical framework draws on history, geography, art history, film studies and the work of contemporary filmmakers, photographers and painters. This framework is related to the practical research centred on a film made with images recorded in the seven capital cities of countries from the former Yugoslavia. These cities are a platform for two objective ideas: first, to discuss questions of identity, memory, history and place in the context of an imaginary city, Novi (2012-2015), portrayed as a spectral topography between past and present, symbolism and triviality; and second, to delineate a cinematic place that proposes the notion of film geography as a concept that surpasses the mere identification of geographic realism in films

    The Natural Environment in the Selected Poems of John Keats and Niyi Osundare:an Eco-Critical Perspective

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    The natural environment has progressively been endangered by the activities of man over the past decades. Attention was first drawn to this by the romantic poets who were alarmed by the obvious danger posed to nature by the dynamics of the Industrial Revolution. Several poets of succeeding epochs have sustained this concern in different ways. Previous studies explored the ways different poets engaged this concern with the natural environment. However, no study that we are aware of has taken into account the time-space divide between the nature-poets by which their works were nuanced. This study, therefore, underlined this time-space factor as it compared the nature poems of John Keats and Niyi Osundare. The aim was to show how the poets‘ spacio-temporal realities undergird their delineations of the natural environment in their poetry. The study used eco-criticism, an aspect of literary criticism, as its theory, and interfaced this with the comparative literary approach. Eco-criticism is the study of the relationship between literature and the natural environment, while comparative literature allows for an indepth study of parallels and divergences between the literary development of different nations and between two or more literatures. Thirty-six purposively selected poems by Keats and forty-four by Osundare are subjected to comparative and eco-critical analyses. This is because they are from distinct environments and periods and are also celebrated nature-poets whose works emphasized the particular and the universal, thereby making them appropriate for our nature of analysis. There is a steady decline in the romantic appreciation of the natural environment among nature poets: there is a shift of focus from its adulation to a seemingly more serious concern about its wanton exploitation and destruction. While Keats represented what Schiller called the ‗simple poet‘, Osundare represented the ‗sentimental poet‘. Keats‘ and Osundare‘s positions on the ‗art for art‘ and ‗art for life sake‘ respectively are distinguishing generation and poetic markers that determined our subsequent eco-discourse. Though Keats and Osundare celebrated nature‘s beauty, Osundare specifically uses his poems to chastise humanity and urge moral and social change in favour of the natural environment. The poets‘ particular environments influenced the form and style of their poetry. In addition, there was already in place a well established poetic tradition centred on the natural environment in Osundare‘s Nigerian agrarian environment long before any western contact. Also, there were more environmental challenges in the contemporary world than in Keats‘. Therefore, environment-related terms that were non-existent in Keats‘ days were emerging and Osundare had the singular advantage of acquiring and adopting a wider poetic horizon and content than Keats. The study examined how Osundare inter-textually connected with Keats‘ poetic vision of the environment and how this relationship initiated an environmental specific dialogue between the past and the present. It proposed a distinct class of investigation and practice which we label as eco-poetics and eco-wheels, respectively. Future research should consider a word-pool: collection and compilation of eco-friendly words and terms that are not pejoratives; and Grapho-poetics which is an inter-disciplinary discourse of painting/poetry, photography/poetry and architecture/poetr

    Carrying others: A feminist materialist approach to research-creation

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    Everyone is connected and operates with or alongside a maternal structure. As psychologist Bracha L. Ettinger states, we all hold within us an imprint or memory of being carried — carried across landscapes, across time, into destinations unknown (Ettinger, 2006). This doctoral dissertation takes up these poetics through an interdisciplinary investigation of Feminist Materialist Research-Creation practices and strategies. Referencing recent traditions of Art Intervention, Performance Art, Land Art, and the canon of feminist art history, this research mirrors, connects with, and critiques digital imaginaries and considers how the maternal body responds to the agency of things in the world. This research makes a unique contribution to the humanities, feminist scholarship, and Research-Creation practices by exploring strategies and subjectivities, new positions of theorization, and analyses that unsettle contemporary approaches to artistic research. This includes a series of theoretical texts, experimental framing, and a portfolio of eight artworks that were individually and collaboratively created and produced between 2016–2019: Traces of Motherhood; Domestic Cupboards; Magical Beast: The Space Within, Out and In-Between, Hunting Self; Mothering Bacteria: The Body as an Interface; Floating in the In-Between; Carrying Others; and Nostalgic Geography: Mama and Papa have Trains, Orchards and Mountains in their Backyard. Showcased with the artwork are digital and technological ephemera, including curatorial conversations, exhibition and submission text, process documentation, links, posters, and other preparatory information. This document also introduces a series of interludes and refections that construct and demonstrate alternative ways of approaching the central ideas, themes, and methodological and theoretical ideas explored in the thesis. Cumulatively, these creative articulations foreground the complexities, process, and nuances of Feminist Materialist approaches to Research-Creation. This document also presents the three main themes which include: 1) Materiality; 2) the Optical Unconscious; and 3) the Technological Unconscious; and, take up the three salient concepts and theories: 1) Carriance; 2) Feminist Materialism; and, 3) Research-Creation. In particular, I argue that Carriance aligns with ideas of care, co-production and becomes a creative way of thinking about connection. Each of the eight artworks demonstrate aspects of Carriance, collaboration, and connection and present emergent ways to consider creative methods, methodologies, and expanded feminist expressions. By discussing a variety of projects and creative forms, this dissertation is a speculative art-making investigation that foregrounds human and non-human relationships, ecofeminist perspectives, and mothering, opening up the term Carriance in a variety of ways to show how it can be more than one method, form, or approach with much potential to challenge, encourage and elicit embodied ways of knowing


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    北九州市立大学博士(工学)The purpose of this thesis is to explore how AI technologies intervene in the architectural design process and to discuss the importance and approaches that drive the paradigm shift towards human-AI collaboration in architectural design. The research is conducted from two perspectives: theoretical and practical. At the theoretical level, how AI technologies affect architectural design through technological evolution is analyzed, as well as the advantages, disadvantages and trends of different AI networks in sustainably analyzing and optimizing different kinds of architectural designs. Further, based on this, the methodology of how to develop a reflection on the nature of technology and data is discussed. At the practical level, AI methods that are inventive and capable of performance-based design are constructed and trained. And the basic process of human-AI collaborative architectural design is presented with an empirical study. The results of this thesis not only provide a theoretical reference and methodological basis for future research on human-AI collaborative architectural design at a broader and higher level but also attempt to explore new ideas and methods for the field of architectural design during the evolution of the old and new paradigms, ultimately realizing the purpose of sustainable development of the B&C industry.doctoral thesi