1,382 research outputs found

    LiStereo: Generate Dense Depth Maps from LIDAR and Stereo Imagery

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    An accurate depth map of the environment is critical to the safe operation of autonomous robots and vehicles. Currently, either light detection and ranging (LIDAR) or stereo matching algorithms are used to acquire such depth information. However, a high-resolution LIDAR is expensive and produces sparse depth map at large range; stereo matching algorithms are able to generate denser depth maps but are typically less accurate than LIDAR at long range. This paper combines these approaches together to generate high-quality dense depth maps. Unlike previous approaches that are trained using ground-truth labels, the proposed model adopts a self-supervised training process. Experiments show that the proposed method is able to generate high-quality dense depth maps and performs robustly even with low-resolution inputs. This shows the potential to reduce the cost by using LIDARs with lower resolution in concert with stereo systems while maintaining high resolution.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 5 table

    Dense Depth Estimation in Monocular Endoscopy with Self-supervised Learning Methods

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    We present a self-supervised approach to training convolutional neural networks for dense depth estimation from monocular endoscopy data without a priori modeling of anatomy or shading. Our method only requires monocular endoscopic videos and a multi-view stereo method, e.g., structure from motion, to supervise learning in a sparse manner. Consequently, our method requires neither manual labeling nor patient computed tomography (CT) scan in the training and application phases. In a cross-patient experiment using CT scans as groundtruth, the proposed method achieved submillimeter mean residual error. In a comparison study to recent self-supervised depth estimation methods designed for natural video on in vivo sinus endoscopy data, we demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the previous methods by a large margin. The source code for this work is publicly available online at https://github.com/lppllppl920/EndoscopyDepthEstimation-Pytorch.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Medical Imagin

    Autonomous Driving with Deep Learning: A Survey of State-of-Art Technologies

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    Since DARPA Grand Challenges (rural) in 2004/05 and Urban Challenges in 2007, autonomous driving has been the most active field of AI applications. Almost at the same time, deep learning has made breakthrough by several pioneers, three of them (also called fathers of deep learning), Hinton, Bengio and LeCun, won ACM Turin Award in 2019. This is a survey of autonomous driving technologies with deep learning methods. We investigate the major fields of self-driving systems, such as perception, mapping and localization, prediction, planning and control, simulation, V2X and safety etc. Due to the limited space, we focus the analysis on several key areas, i.e. 2D and 3D object detection in perception, depth estimation from cameras, multiple sensor fusion on the data, feature and task level respectively, behavior modelling and prediction of vehicle driving and pedestrian trajectories

    Semantic-Guided Representation Enhancement for Self-supervised Monocular Trained Depth Estimation

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    Self-supervised depth estimation has shown its great effectiveness in producing high quality depth maps given only image sequences as input. However, its performance usually drops when estimating on border areas or objects with thin structures due to the limited depth representation ability. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing a semantic-guided depth representation enhancement method, which promotes both local and global depth feature representations by leveraging rich contextual information. In stead of a single depth network as used in conventional paradigms, we propose an extra semantic segmentation branch to offer extra contextual features for depth estimation. Based on this framework, we enhance the local feature representation by sampling and feeding the point-based features that locate on the semantic edges to an individual Semantic-guided Edge Enhancement module (SEEM), which is specifically designed for promoting depth estimation on the challenging semantic borders. Then, we improve the global feature representation by proposing a semantic-guided multi-level attention mechanism, which enhances the semantic and depth features by exploring pixel-wise correlations in the multi-level depth decoding scheme. Extensive experiments validate the distinct superiority of our method in capturing highly accurate depth on the challenging image areas such as semantic category borders and thin objects. Both quantitative and qualitative experiments on KITTI show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods

    When Autonomous Systems Meet Accuracy and Transferability through AI: A Survey

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    With widespread applications of artificial intelligence (AI), the capabilities of the perception, understanding, decision-making and control for autonomous systems have improved significantly in the past years. When autonomous systems consider the performance of accuracy and transferability, several AI methods, like adversarial learning, reinforcement learning (RL) and meta-learning, show their powerful performance. Here, we review the learning-based approaches in autonomous systems from the perspectives of accuracy and transferability. Accuracy means that a well-trained model shows good results during the testing phase, in which the testing set shares a same task or a data distribution with the training set. Transferability means that when a well-trained model is transferred to other testing domains, the accuracy is still good. Firstly, we introduce some basic concepts of transfer learning and then present some preliminaries of adversarial learning, RL and meta-learning. Secondly, we focus on reviewing the accuracy or transferability or both of them to show the advantages of adversarial learning, like generative adversarial networks (GANs), in typical computer vision tasks in autonomous systems, including image style transfer, image superresolution, image deblurring/dehazing/rain removal, semantic segmentation, depth estimation, pedestrian detection and person re-identification (re-ID). Then, we further review the performance of RL and meta-learning from the aspects of accuracy or transferability or both of them in autonomous systems, involving pedestrian tracking, robot navigation and robotic manipulation. Finally, we discuss several challenges and future topics for using adversarial learning, RL and meta-learning in autonomous systems

    Learn Stereo, Infer Mono: Siamese Networks for Self-Supervised, Monocular, Depth Estimation

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    The field of self-supervised monocular depth estimation has seen huge advancements in recent years. Most methods assume stereo data is available during training but usually under-utilize it and only treat it as a reference signal. We propose a novel self-supervised approach which uses both left and right images equally during training, but can still be used with a single input image at test time, for monocular depth estimation. Our Siamese network architecture consists of two, twin networks, each learns to predict a disparity map from a single image. At test time, however, only one of these networks is used in order to infer depth. We show state-of-the-art results on the standard KITTI Eigen split benchmark as well as being the highest scoring self-supervised method on the new KITTI single view benchmark. To demonstrate the ability of our method to generalize to new data sets, we further provide results on the Make3D benchmark, which was not used during training

    Cascade Network for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation

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    It is a classical compute vision problem to obtain real scene depth maps by using a monocular camera, which has been widely concerned in recent years. However, training this model usually requires a large number of artificially labeled samples. To solve this problem, some researchers use a self-supervised learning model to overcome this problem and reduce the dependence on manually labeled data. Nevertheless, the accuracy and reliability of these methods have not reached the expected standard. In this paper, we propose a new self-supervised learning method based on cascade networks. Compared with the previous self-supervised methods, our method has improved accuracy and reliability, and we have proved this by experiments. We show a cascaded neural network that divides the target scene into parts of different sight distances and trains them separately to generate a better depth map. Our approach is divided into the following four steps. In the first step, we use the self-supervised model to estimate the depth of the scene roughly. In the second step, the depth of the scene generated in the first step is used as a label to divide the scene into different depth parts. The third step is to use models with different parameters to generate depth maps of different depth parts in the target scene, and the fourth step is to fuse the depth map. Through the ablation study, we demonstrated the effectiveness of each component individually and showed high-quality, state-of-the-art results in the KITTI benchmark.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Deep Learning based Monocular Depth Prediction: Datasets, Methods and Applications

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    Estimating depth from RGB images can facilitate many computer vision tasks, such as indoor localization, height estimation, and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Recently, monocular depth estimation has obtained great progress owing to the rapid development of deep learning techniques. They surpass traditional machine learning-based methods by a large margin in terms of accuracy and speed. Despite the rapid progress in this topic, there are lacking of a comprehensive review, which is needed to summarize the current progress and provide the future directions. In this survey, we first introduce the datasets for depth estimation, and then give a comprehensive introduction of the methods from three perspectives: supervised learning-based methods, unsupervised learning-based methods, and sparse samples guidance-based methods. In addition, downstream applications that benefit from the progress have also been illustrated. Finally, we point out the future directions and conclude the paper

    SVDistNet: Self-Supervised Near-Field Distance Estimation on Surround View Fisheye Cameras

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    A 360{\deg} perception of scene geometry is essential for automated driving, notably for parking and urban driving scenarios. Typically, it is achieved using surround-view fisheye cameras, focusing on the near-field area around the vehicle. The majority of current depth estimation approaches focus on employing just a single camera, which cannot be straightforwardly generalized to multiple cameras. The depth estimation model must be tested on a variety of cameras equipped to millions of cars with varying camera geometries. Even within a single car, intrinsics vary due to manufacturing tolerances. Deep learning models are sensitive to these changes, and it is practically infeasible to train and test on each camera variant. As a result, we present novel camera-geometry adaptive multi-scale convolutions which utilize the camera parameters as a conditional input, enabling the model to generalize to previously unseen fisheye cameras. Additionally, we improve the distance estimation by pairwise and patchwise vector-based self-attention encoder networks. We evaluate our approach on the Fisheye WoodScape surround-view dataset, significantly improving over previous approaches. We also show a generalization of our approach across different camera viewing angles and perform extensive experiments to support our contributions. To enable comparison with other approaches, we evaluate the front camera data on the KITTI dataset (pinhole camera images) and achieve state-of-the-art performance among self-supervised monocular methods. An overview video with qualitative results is provided at https://youtu.be/bmX0UcU9wtA. Baseline code and dataset will be made public.Comment: To be published at IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System

    Neural Rendering and Reenactment of Human Actor Videos

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    We propose a method for generating video-realistic animations of real humans under user control. In contrast to conventional human character rendering, we do not require the availability of a production-quality photo-realistic 3D model of the human, but instead rely on a video sequence in conjunction with a (medium-quality) controllable 3D template model of the person. With that, our approach significantly reduces production cost compared to conventional rendering approaches based on production-quality 3D models, and can also be used to realistically edit existing videos. Technically, this is achieved by training a neural network that translates simple synthetic images of a human character into realistic imagery. For training our networks, we first track the 3D motion of the person in the video using the template model, and subsequently generate a synthetically rendered version of the video. These images are then used to train a conditional generative adversarial network that translates synthetic images of the 3D model into realistic imagery of the human. We evaluate our method for the reenactment of another person that is tracked in order to obtain the motion data, and show video results generated from artist-designed skeleton motion. Our results outperform the state-of-the-art in learning-based human image synthesis. Project page: http://gvv.mpi-inf.mpg.de/projects/wxu/HumanReenactment/Comment: ACM ToG paper. Project page: http://gvv.mpi-inf.mpg.de/projects/wxu/HumanReenactment