259 research outputs found

    Optimal Control for LQG Systems on Graphs---Part I: Structural Results

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    In this two-part paper, we identify a broad class of decentralized output-feedback LQG systems for which the optimal control strategies have a simple intuitive estimation structure and can be computed efficiently. Roughly, we consider the class of systems for which the coupling of dynamics among subsystems and the inter-controller communication is characterized by the same directed graph. Furthermore, this graph is assumed to be a multitree, that is, its transitive reduction can have at most one directed path connecting each pair of nodes. In this first part, we derive sufficient statistics that may be used to aggregate each controller's growing available information. Each controller must estimate the states of the subsystems that it affects (its descendants) as well as the subsystems that it observes (its ancestors). The optimal control action for a controller is a linear function of the estimate it computes as well as the estimates computed by all of its ancestors. Moreover, these state estimates may be updated recursively, much like a Kalman filter

    Optimal Local and Remote Controllers with Unreliable Communication

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    We consider a decentralized optimal control problem for a linear plant controlled by two controllers, a local controller and a remote controller. The local controller directly observes the state of the plant and can inform the remote controller of the plant state through a packet-drop channel. We assume that the remote controller is able to send acknowledgments to the local controller to signal the successful receipt of transmitted packets. The objective of the two controllers is to cooperatively minimize a quadratic performance cost. We provide a dynamic program for this decentralized control problem using the common information approach. Although our problem is not a partially nested LQG problem, we obtain explicit optimal strategies for the two controllers. In the optimal strategies, both controllers compute a common estimate of the plant state based on the common information. The remote controller's action is linear in the common estimated state, and the local controller's action is linear in both the actual state and the common estimated state

    Optimal Decentralized State-Feedback Control with Sparsity and Delays

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    This work presents the solution to a class of decentralized linear quadratic state-feedback control problems, in which the plant and controller must satisfy the same combination of delay and sparsity constraints. Using a novel decomposition of the noise history, the control problem is split into independent subproblems that are solved using dynamic programming. The approach presented herein both unifies and generalizes many existing results
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