3 research outputs found

    Optimal Selection of Interconnections in Composite Systems for Structural Controllability

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    In this paper, we study structural controllability of a linear time invariant (LTI) composite system consisting of several subsystems. We assume that the neighbourhood of each subsystem is unconstrained, i.e., any subsystem can interact with any other subsystem. The interaction links between subsystems are referred as interconnections. We assume the composite system to be structurally controllable if all possible interconnections are present, and our objective is to identify the minimum set of interconnections required to keep the system structurally controllable. We consider structurally identical subsystems, i.e., the zero/non-zero pattern of the state matrices of the subsystems are the same, but dynamics can be different. We present a polynomial time optimal algorithm to identify the minimum cardinality set of interconnections that subsystems must establish to make the composite system structurally controllable

    Distributed Verification of Structural Controllability for Linear Time-Invariant Systems

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    Motivated by the development and deployment of large-scale dynamical systems, often composed of geographically distributed smaller subsystems, we address the problem of verifying their controllability in a distributed manner. In this work we study controllability in the structural system theoretic sense, structural controllability. In other words, instead of focusing on a specific numerical system realization, we provide guarantees for equivalence classes of linear time-invariant systems on the basis of their structural sparsity patterns, i.e., location of zero/nonzero entries in the plant matrices. To this end, we first propose several necessary and/or sufficient conditions to ensure structural controllability of the overall system, on the basis of the structural patterns of the subsystems and their interconnections. The proposed verification criteria are shown to be efficiently implementable (i.e., with polynomial time complexity in the number of the state variables and inputs) in two important subclasses of interconnected dynamical systems: similar (i.e., every subsystem has the same structure), and serial (i.e., every subsystem outputs to at most one other subsystem). Secondly, we provide a distributed algorithm to verify structural controllability for interconnected dynamical systems. The proposed distributed algorithm is efficient and implementable at the subsystem level; the algorithm is iterative, based on communication among (physically) interconnected subsystems, and requires only local model and interconnection knowledge at each subsystem

    Thompson sampling for linear quadratic mean-field teams

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    We consider optimal control of an unknown multi-agent linear quadratic (LQ) system where the dynamics and the cost are coupled across the agents through the mean-field (i.e., empirical mean) of the states and controls. Directly using single-agent LQ learning algorithms in such models results in regret which increases polynomially with the number of agents. We propose a new Thompson sampling based learning algorithm which exploits the structure of the system model and show that the expected Bayesian regret of our proposed algorithm for a system with agents of ∣M∣|M| different types at time horizon TT is O~(∣M∣1.5T)\tilde{\mathcal{O}} \big( |M|^{1.5} \sqrt{T} \big) irrespective of the total number of agents, where the O~\tilde{\mathcal{O}} notation hides logarithmic factors in TT. We present detailed numerical experiments to illustrate the salient features of the proposed algorithm.Comment: Submitted to AISTATS 202