11 research outputs found

    Boosting Operational DNN Testing Efficiency through Conditioning

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    With the increasing adoption of Deep Neural Network (DNN) models as integral parts of software systems, efficient operational testing of DNNs is much in demand to ensure these models' actual performance in field conditions. A challenge is that the testing often needs to produce precise results with a very limited budget for labeling data collected in field. Viewing software testing as a practice of reliability estimation through statistical sampling, we re-interpret the idea behind conventional structural coverages as conditioning for variance reduction. With this insight we propose an efficient DNN testing method based on the conditioning on the representation learned by the DNN model under testing. The representation is defined by the probability distribution of the output of neurons in the last hidden layer of the model. To sample from this high dimensional distribution in which the operational data are sparsely distributed, we design an algorithm leveraging cross entropy minimization. Experiments with various DNN models and datasets were conducted to evaluate the general efficiency of the approach. The results show that, compared with simple random sampling, this approach requires only about a half of labeled inputs to achieve the same level of precision.Comment: Published in the Proceedings of the 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2019

    Operational Calibration: Debugging Confidence Errors for DNNs in the Field

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    Trained DNN models are increasingly adopted as integral parts of software systems, but they often perform deficiently in the field. A particularly damaging problem is that DNN models often give false predictions with high confidence, due to the unavoidable slight divergences between operation data and training data. To minimize the loss caused by inaccurate confidence, operational calibration, i.e., calibrating the confidence function of a DNN classifier against its operation domain, becomes a necessary debugging step in the engineering of the whole system. Operational calibration is difficult considering the limited budget of labeling operation data and the weak interpretability of DNN models. We propose a Bayesian approach to operational calibration that gradually corrects the confidence given by the model under calibration with a small number of labeled operation data deliberately selected from a larger set of unlabeled operation data. The approach is made effective and efficient by leveraging the locality of the learned representation of the DNN model and modeling the calibration as Gaussian Process Regression. Comprehensive experiments with various practical datasets and DNN models show that it significantly outperformed alternative methods, and in some difficult tasks it eliminated about 71% to 97% high-confidence (>0.9) errors with only about 10\% of the minimal amount of labeled operation data needed for practical learning techniques to barely work.Comment: Published in the Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2020

    Test & Evaluation Best Practices for Machine Learning-Enabled Systems

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    Machine learning (ML) - based software systems are rapidly gaining adoption across various domains, making it increasingly essential to ensure they perform as intended. This report presents best practices for the Test and Evaluation (T&E) of ML-enabled software systems across its lifecycle. We categorize the lifecycle of ML-enabled software systems into three stages: component, integration and deployment, and post-deployment. At the component level, the primary objective is to test and evaluate the ML model as a standalone component. Next, in the integration and deployment stage, the goal is to evaluate an integrated ML-enabled system consisting of both ML and non-ML components. Finally, once the ML-enabled software system is deployed and operationalized, the T&E objective is to ensure the system performs as intended. Maintenance activities for ML-enabled software systems span the lifecycle and involve maintaining various assets of ML-enabled software systems. Given its unique characteristics, the T&E of ML-enabled software systems is challenging. While significant research has been reported on T&E at the component level, limited work is reported on T&E in the remaining two stages. Furthermore, in many cases, there is a lack of systematic T&E strategies throughout the ML-enabled system's lifecycle. This leads practitioners to resort to ad-hoc T&E practices, which can undermine user confidence in the reliability of ML-enabled software systems. New systematic testing approaches, adequacy measurements, and metrics are required to address the T&E challenges across all stages of the ML-enabled system lifecycle

    DeepGD: A Multi-Objective Black-Box Test Selection Approach for Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) are widely used in various application domains such as image processing, speech recognition, and natural language processing. However, testing DNN models may be challenging due to the complexity and size of their input domain. Particularly, testing DNN models often requires generating or exploring large unlabeled datasets. In practice, DNN test oracles, which identify the correct outputs for inputs, often require expensive manual effort to label test data, possibly involving multiple experts to ensure labeling correctness. In this paper, we propose DeepGD, a black-box multi-objective test selection approach for DNN models. It reduces the cost of labeling by prioritizing the selection of test inputs with high fault revealing power from large unlabeled datasets. DeepGD not only selects test inputs with high uncertainty scores to trigger as many mispredicted inputs as possible but also maximizes the probability of revealing distinct faults in the DNN model by selecting diverse mispredicted inputs. The experimental results conducted on four widely used datasets and five DNN models show that in terms of fault-revealing ability: (1) White-box, coverage-based approaches fare poorly, (2) DeepGD outperforms existing black-box test selection approaches in terms of fault detection, and (3) DeepGD also leads to better guidance for DNN model retraining when using selected inputs to augment the training set