9 research outputs found

    Spatially Directional Predictive Coding for Block-based Compressive Sensing of Natural Images

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    A novel coding strategy for block-based compressive sens-ing named spatially directional predictive coding (SDPC) is proposed, which efficiently utilizes the intrinsic spatial cor-relation of natural images. At the encoder, for each block of compressive sensing (CS) measurements, the optimal pre-diction is selected from a set of prediction candidates that are generated by four designed directional predictive modes. Then, the resulting residual is processed by scalar quantiza-tion (SQ). At the decoder, the same prediction is added onto the de-quantized residuals to produce the quantized CS measurements, which is exploited for CS reconstruction. Experimental results substantiate significant improvements achieved by SDPC-plus-SQ in rate distortion performance as compared with SQ alone and DPCM-plus-SQ.Comment: 5 pages, 3 tables, 3 figures, published at IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2013 Code Avaiable: http://idm.pku.edu.cn/staff/zhangjian/SDPC

    Image Restoration Using Joint Statistical Modeling in Space-Transform Domain

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    This paper presents a novel strategy for high-fidelity image restoration by characterizing both local smoothness and nonlocal self-similarity of natural images in a unified statistical manner. The main contributions are three-folds. First, from the perspective of image statistics, a joint statistical modeling (JSM) in an adaptive hybrid space-transform domain is established, which offers a powerful mechanism of combining local smoothness and nonlocal self-similarity simultaneously to ensure a more reliable and robust estimation. Second, a new form of minimization functional for solving image inverse problem is formulated using JSM under regularization-based framework. Finally, in order to make JSM tractable and robust, a new Split-Bregman based algorithm is developed to efficiently solve the above severely underdetermined inverse problem associated with theoretical proof of convergence. Extensive experiments on image inpainting, image deblurring and mixed Gaussian plus salt-and-pepper noise removal applications verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.Comment: 14 pages, 18 figures, 7 Tables, to be published in IEEE Transactions on Circuits System and Video Technology (TCSVT). High resolution pdf version and Code can be found at: http://idm.pku.edu.cn/staff/zhangjian/IRJSM

    Discriminant WSRC for Large-Scale Plant Species Recognition

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    In sparse representation based classification (SRC) and weighted SRC (WSRC), it is time-consuming to solve the global sparse representation problem. A discriminant WSRC (DWSRC) is proposed for large-scale plant species recognition, including two stages. Firstly, several subdictionaries are constructed by dividing the dataset into several similar classes, and a subdictionary is chosen by the maximum similarity between the test sample and the typical sample of each similar class. Secondly, the weighted sparse representation of the test image is calculated with respect to the chosen subdictionary, and then the leaf category is assigned through the minimum reconstruction error. Different from the traditional SRC and its improved approaches, we sparsely represent the test sample on a subdictionary whose base elements are the training samples of the selected similar class, instead of using the generic overcomplete dictionary on the entire training samples. Thus, the complexity to solving the sparse representation problem is reduced. Moreover, DWSRC is adapted to newly added leaf species without rebuilding the dictionary. Experimental results on the ICL plant leaf database show that the method has low computational complexity and high recognition rate and can be clearly interpreted

    Group-based Sparse Representation for Image Restoration

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    Traditional patch-based sparse representation modeling of natural images usually suffer from two problems. First, it has to solve a large-scale optimization problem with high computational complexity in dictionary learning. Second, each patch is considered independently in dictionary learning and sparse coding, which ignores the relationship among patches, resulting in inaccurate sparse coding coefficients. In this paper, instead of using patch as the basic unit of sparse representation, we exploit the concept of group as the basic unit of sparse representation, which is composed of nonlocal patches with similar structures, and establish a novel sparse representation modeling of natural images, called group-based sparse representation (GSR). The proposed GSR is able to sparsely represent natural images in the domain of group, which enforces the intrinsic local sparsity and nonlocal self-similarity of images simultaneously in a unified framework. Moreover, an effective self-adaptive dictionary learning method for each group with low complexity is designed, rather than dictionary learning from natural images. To make GSR tractable and robust, a split Bregman based technique is developed to solve the proposed GSR-driven minimization problem for image restoration efficiently. Extensive experiments on image inpainting, image deblurring and image compressive sensing recovery manifest that the proposed GSR modeling outperforms many current state-of-the-art schemes in both PSNR and visual perception.Comment: 34 pages, 6 tables, 19 figures, to be published in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing; Project, Code and High resolution PDF version can be found: http://idm.pku.edu.cn/staff/zhangjian/. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1404.756