4 research outputs found

    Structural cost-optimal design of sensor networks for distributed estimation

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    In this letter we discuss cost optimization of sensor networks monitoring structurally full-rank systems under distributed observability constraint. Using structured systems theory, the problem is relaxed into two subproblems: (i) sensing cost optimization and (ii) networking cost optimization. Both problems are reformulated as combinatorial optimization problems. The sensing cost optimization is shown to have a polynomial order solution. The networking cost optimization is shown to be NP-hard in general, but has a polynomial order solution under specific conditions. A 2-approximation polynomial order relaxation is provided for general networking cost optimization, which is applicable in large-scale system monitoring

    On the Observability and Controllability of Large-Scale IoT Networks: Reducing Number of Unmatched Nodes via Link Addition

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    In this paper, we study large-scale networks in terms of observability and controllability. In particular, we compare the number of unmatched nodes in two main types of Scale-Free (SF) networks: the Barab{\'a}si-Albert (BA) model and the Holme-Kim (HK) model. Comparing the two models based on theory and simulation, we discuss the possible relation between clustering coefficient and the number of unmatched nodes. In this direction, we propose a new algorithm to reduce the number of unmatched nodes via link addition. The results are significant as one can reduce the number of unmatched nodes and therefore number of embedded sensors/actuators in, for example, an IoT network. This may significantly reduce the cost of controlling devices or monitoring cost in large-scale systems

    Recovering the Structural Observability of Composite Networks via Cartesian Product

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    Observability is a fundamental concept in system inference and estimation. This paper is focused on structural observability analysis of Cartesian product networks. Cartesian product networks emerge in variety of applications including in parallel and distributed systems. We provide a structural approach to extend the structural observability of the constituent networks (referred as the factor networks) to that of the Cartesian product network. The structural approach is based on graph theory and is generic. We introduce certain structures which are tightly related to structural observability of networks, namely parent Strongly-Connected-Component (parent SCC), parent node, and contractions. The results show that for particular type of networks (e.g. the networks containing contractions) the structural observability of the factor network can be recovered via Cartesian product. In other words, if one of the factor networks is structurally rank-deficient, using the other factor network containing a spanning cycle family, then the Cartesian product of the two nwtworks is structurally full-rank. We define certain network structures for structural observability recovery. On the other hand, we derive the number of observer nodes--the node whose state is measured by an output-- in the Cartesian product network based on the number of observer nodes in the factor networks. An example illustrates the graph-theoretic analysis in the paper

    Minimal Sufficient Conditions for Structural Observability/Controllability of Composite Networks via Kronecker Product

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    In this paper, we consider composite networks formed from the Kronecker product of smaller networks. We find the observability and controllability properties of the product network from those of its constituent smaller networks. The overall network is modeled as a Linear-Structure-Invariant (LSI) dynamical system where the underlying matrices have a fixed zero/non-zero structure but the non-zero elements are potentially time-varying. This approach allows to model the system parameters as free variables whose values may only be known within a certain tolerance. We particularly look for minimal sufficient conditions on the observability and controllability of the composite network, which have a direct application in distributed estimation and in the design of networked control systems. The methodology in this paper is based on the structured systems analysis and graph theory, and therefore, the results are generic, i.e., they apply to almost all non-zero choices of free parameters. We show the controllability/observability results for composite product networks resulting from full structural-rank systems and self-damped networks. We provide an illustrative example of estimation based on Kalman filtering over a composite network to verify our results.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE TSIP