39 research outputs found

    Malware Classification based on Call Graph Clustering

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    Each day, anti-virus companies receive tens of thousands samples of potentially harmful executables. Many of the malicious samples are variations of previously encountered malware, created by their authors to evade pattern-based detection. Dealing with these large amounts of data requires robust, automatic detection approaches. This paper studies malware classification based on call graph clustering. By representing malware samples as call graphs, it is possible to abstract certain variations away, and enable the detection of structural similarities between samples. The ability to cluster similar samples together will make more generic detection techniques possible, thereby targeting the commonalities of the samples within a cluster. To compare call graphs mutually, we compute pairwise graph similarity scores via graph matchings which approximately minimize the graph edit distance. Next, to facilitate the discovery of similar malware samples, we employ several clustering algorithms, including k-medoids and DBSCAN. Clustering experiments are conducted on a collection of real malware samples, and the results are evaluated against manual classifications provided by human malware analysts. Experiments show that it is indeed possible to accurately detect malware families via call graph clustering. We anticipate that in the future, call graphs can be used to analyse the emergence of new malware families, and ultimately to automate implementation of generic detection schemes.Comment: This research has been supported by TEKES - the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation as part of its ICT SHOK Future Internet research programme, grant 40212/0

    Cross-compiler bipartite vulnerability search

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    Open-source libraries are widely used in software development, and the functions from these libraries may contain security vulnerabilities that can provide gateways for attackers. This paper provides a function similarity technique to identify vulnerable functions in compiled programs and proposes a new technique called Cross-Compiler Bipartite Vulnerability Search (CCBVS). CCBVS uses a novel training process, and bipartite matching to filter SVM model false positives to improve the quality of similar function identification. This research uses debug symbols in programs compiled from open-source software products to generate the ground truth. This automatic extraction of ground truth allows experimentation with a wide range of programs. The results presented in the paper show that an SVM model trained on a wide variety of programs compiled for Windows and Linux, x86 and Intel 64 architectures can be used to predict function similarity and that the use of bipartite matching substantially improves the function similarity matching performance. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    ARcode: HPC Application Recognition Through Image-encoded Monitoring Data

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    Knowing HPC applications of jobs and analyzing their performance behavior play important roles in system management and optimizations. The existing approaches detect and identify HPC applications through machine learning models. However, these approaches rely heavily on the manually extracted features from resource utilization data to achieve high prediction accuracy. In this study, we propose an innovative application recognition method, ARcode, which encodes job monitoring data into images and leverages the automatic feature learning capability of convolutional neural networks to detect and identify applications. Our extensive evaluations based on the dataset collected from a large-scale production HPC system show that ARcode outperforms the state-of-the-art methodology by up to 18.87% in terms of accuracy at high confidence thresholds. For some specific applications (BerkeleyGW and e3sm), ARcode outperforms by over 20% at a confidence threshold of 0.8

    Function similarity using family context

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    Finding changed and similar functions between a pair of binaries is an important problem in malware attribution and for the identification of new malware capabilities. This paper presents a new technique called Function Similarity using Family Context (FSFC) for this problem. FSFC trains a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model using pairs of similar functions from two program variants. This method improves upon previous research called Cross Version Contextual Function Similarity (CVCFS) e epresenting a function using features extracted not just from the function itself, but also, from other functions with which it has a caller and callee relationship. We present the results of an initial experiment that shows that the use of additional features from the context of a function significantly decreases the false positive rate, obviating the need for a separate pass for cleaning false positives. The more surprising and unexpected finding is that the SVM model produced by FSFC can abstract function similarity features from one pair of program variants to find similar functions in an unrelated pair of program variants. If validated by a larger study, this new property leads to the possibility of creating generic similar function classifiers that can be packaged and distributed in reverse engineering tools such as IDA Pro and Ghidra.This research was performed in the Internet Commerce Security Lab (ICSL), which is a joint venture with research partners Westpac, IBM, and Federation University Australia

    Probabilistic Naming of Functions in Stripped Binaries

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    Debugging symbols in binary executables carry the names of functions and global variables. When present, they greatly simplify the process of reverse engineering, but they are almost always removed (stripped) for deployment. We present the design and implementation of punstrip, a tool which combines a probabilistic fingerprint of binary code based on high-level features with a probabilistic graphical model to learn the relationship between function names and program structure. As there are many naming conventions and developer styles, functions from different applications do not necessarily have the exact same name, even if they implement the exact same functionality. We therefore evaluate punstrip across three levels of name matching: exact; an approach based on natural language processing of name components; and using Symbol2Vec, a new embedding of function names based on random walks of function call graphs. We show that our approach is able to recognize functions compiled across different compilers and optimization levels and then demonstrate that punstrip can predict semantically similar function names based on code structure. We evaluate our approach over open source C binaries from the Debian Linux distribution and compare against the state of the art