15 research outputs found

    Strongly distance-balanced graphs and graph products

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    AbstractA graph G is strongly distance-balanced if for every edge uv of G and every i≥0 the number of vertices x with d(x,u)=d(x,v)−1=i equals the number of vertices y with d(y,v)=d(y,u)−1=i. It is proved that the strong product of graphs is strongly distance-balanced if and only if both factors are strongly distance-balanced. It is also proved that connected components of the direct product of two bipartite graphs are strongly distance-balanced if and only if both factors are strongly distance-balanced. Additionally, a new characterization of distance-balanced graphs and an algorithm of time complexity O(mn) for their recognition, where m is the number of edges and n the number of vertices of the graph in question, are given

    2-Edge Distance-Balanced Graphs

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    In a graph A, for each two arbitrary vertices g, h with d(g,h)=2,|MAg2h|=mAg2h is introduced the number of edges of A that are closer to g than to h. We say A is a 2-edge distance-balanced graph if we have mAg2h=mAh2g. In this article, we verify the concept of these graphs and present a method to recognize k-edge distance-balanced graphs for k = 2,3 using existence of either even or odd cycles. Moreover, we investigate situations under which the Cartesian and lexicographic products lead to 2-edge distance -balanced graphs. In some subdivision-related graphs 2-edge distance-balanced property is verified

    A new lower bound for doubly metric dimension and related extremal differences

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    In this paper a new graph invariant based on the minimal hitting set problem is introduced. It is shown that it represents a tight lower bound for the doubly metric dimension of a graph. Exact values of new invariant for paths, stars, complete graphs and complete bipartite graph are obtained. The paper analyzes some tight bounds for the new invariant in general case. Also several extremal differences between some related invariants are determined

    New transmission irregular chemical graphs

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    The transmission of a vertex vv of a (chemical) graph GG is the sum of distances from vv to other vertices in GG. If any two vertices of GG have different transmissions, then GG is a transmission irregular graph. It is shown that for any odd number n7n\geq 7 there exists a transmission irregular chemical tree of order nn. A construction is provided which generates new transmission irregular (chemical) trees. Two additional families of chemical graphs are characterized by property of transmission irregularity and two sufficient condition provided which guarantee that the transmission irregularity is preserved upon adding a new edge

    On distance-balanced generalized Petersen graphs

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    A connected graph GG of diameter diam(G){\rm diam}(G) \ge \ell is \ell-distance-balanced if Wxy=Wyx|W_{xy}|=|W_{yx}| for every x,yV(G)x,y\in V(G) with dG(x,y)=d_{G}(x,y)=\ell, where WxyW_{xy} is the set of vertices of GG that are closer to xx than to yy. We prove that the generalized Petersen graph GP(n,k)GP(n,k) is diam(GP(n,k)){\rm diam}(GP(n,k))-distance-balanced provided that nn is large enough relative to kk. This partially solves a conjecture posed by Miklavi\v{c} and \v{S}parl \cite{Miklavic:2018}. We also determine diam(GP(n,k)){\rm diam}(GP(n,k)) when nn is large enough relative to kk

    Consensus strategies for signed profiles on graphs

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    The median problem is a classical problem in Location Theory: one searches for a location that minimizes the average distance to the sites of the clients. This is for desired facilities as a distribution center for a set of warehouses. More recently, for obnoxious facilities, the antimedian was studied. Here one maximizes the average distance to the clients. In this paper the mixed case is studied. Clients are represented by a profile, which is a sequence of vertices with repetitions allowed. In a signed profile each element is provided with a sign from (+,-). Thus one can take into account whether the client prefers the facility (with a + sign) or rejects it (with a - sign). The graphs for which all median sets, or all antimedian sets, are connected are characterized. Various consensus strategies for signed profiles are studied, amongst which Majority, Plurality and Scarcity. Hypercubes are the only graphs on which Majority produces the median set for all signed profiles. Finally, the antimedian sets are found by the Scarcity Strategy on e.g. Hamming graphs, Johnson graphs and halfcubes