246,413 research outputs found

    Strong stability in the Hospitals/Residents problem

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    We study a version of the well-known Hospitals/Residents problem in which participants' preferences may involve ties or other forms of indifference. In this context, we investigate the concept of strong stability, arguing that this may be the most appropriate and desirable form of stability in many practical situations. When the indifference is in the form of ties, we describe an O(a^2) algorithm to find a strongly stable matching, if one exists, where a is the number of mutually acceptable resident-hospital pairs. We also show a lower bound in this case in terms of the complexity of determining whether a bipartite graph contains a perfect matching. By way of contrast, we prove that it becomes NP-complete to determine whether a strongly stable matching exists if the preferences are allowed to be arbitrary partial orders

    On Parameterized Complexity of Group Activity Selection Problems on Social Networks

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    In Group Activity Selection Problem (GASP), players form coalitions to participate in activities and have preferences over pairs of the form (activity, group size). Recently, Igarashi et al. have initiated the study of group activity selection problems on social networks (gGASP): a group of players can engage in the same activity if the members of the group form a connected subset of the underlying communication structure. Igarashi et al. have primarily focused on Nash stable outcomes, and showed that many associated algorithmic questions are computationally hard even for very simple networks. In this paper we study the parameterized complexity of gGASP with respect to the number of activities as well as with respect to the number of players, for several solution concepts such as Nash stability, individual stability and core stability. The first parameter we consider in the number of activities. For this parameter, we propose an FPT algorithm for Nash stability for the case where the social network is acyclic and obtain a W[1]-hardness result for cliques (i.e., for classic GASP); similar results hold for individual stability. In contrast, finding a core stable outcome is hard even if the number of activities is bounded by a small constant, both for classic GASP and when the social network is a star. Another parameter we study is the number of players. While all solution concepts we consider become polynomial-time computable when this parameter is bounded by a constant, we prove W[1]-hardness results for cliques (i.e., for classic GASP).Comment: 9 pages, long version of accepted AAMAS-17 pape

    Routing Regardless of Network Stability

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    We examine the effectiveness of packet routing in this model for the broad class next-hop preferences with filtering. Here each node v has a filtering list D(v) consisting of nodes it does not want its packets to route through. Acceptable paths (those that avoid nodes in the filtering list) are ranked according to the next-hop, that is, the neighbour of v that the path begins with. On the negative side, we present a strong inapproximability result. For filtering lists of cardinality at most one, given a network in which an equilibrium is guaranteed to exist, it is NP-hard to approximate the maximum number of packets that can be routed to within a factor of O(n^{1-\epsilon}), for any constant \epsilon >0. On the positive side, we give algorithms to show that in two fundamental cases every packet will eventually route with probability one. The first case is when each node's filtering list contains only itself, that is, D(v)={v}. Moreover, with positive probability every packet will be routed before the control plane reaches an equilibrium. The second case is when all the filtering lists are empty, that is, D(v)=āˆ…\mathcal{D}(v)=\emptyset. Thus, with probability one packets will route even when the nodes don't care if their packets cycle! Furthermore, with probability one every packet will route even when the control plane has em no equilibrium at all.Comment: ESA 201

    Efficient algorithms for generalized Stable Marriage and Roommates problems

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    We consider a generalization of the Stable Roommates problem (SR), in which preference lists may be partially ordered and forbidden pairs may be present, denoted by SRPF. This includes, as a special case, a corresponding generalization of the classical Stable Marriage problem (SM), denoted by SMPF. By extending previous work of Feder, we give a two-step reduction from SRPF to 2-SAT. This has many consequences, including fast algorithms for a range of problems associated with finding "optimal" stable matchings and listing all solutions, given variants of SR and SM. For example, given an SMPF instance I, we show that there exists an O(m) "succinct" certificate for the unsolvability of I, an O(m) algorithm for finding all the super-stable pairs in I, an O(m+kn) algorithm for listing all the super-stable matchings in I, an O(m<sup>1.5</sup>) algorithm for finding an egalitarian super-stable matching in I, and an O(m) algorithm for finding a minimum regret super-stable matching in I, where n is the number of men, m is the total length of the preference lists, and k is the number of super-stable matchings in I. Analogous results apply in the case of SRPF

    The hospitals/residents problem with ties

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    The hospitals/residents problem is an extensively-studied many-one stable matching problem. Here, we consider the hospitals/residents problem where ties are allowed in the preference lists. In this extended setting, a number of natural definitions for a stable matching arise. We present the first linear-time algorithm for the problem under the strongest of these criteria, so-called super-stability . Our new results have applications to large-scale matching schemes, such as the National Resident Matching Program in the US, and similar schemes elsewhere
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