12,046 research outputs found

    On the Convex Feasibility Problem

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    The convergence of the projection algorithm for solving the convex feasibility problem for a family of closed convex sets, is in connection with the regularity properties of the family. In the paper [18] are pointed out four cases of such a family depending of the two characteristics: the emptiness and boudedness of the intersection of the family. The case four (the interior of the intersection is empty and the intersection itself is bounded) is unsolved. In this paper we give a (partial) answer for the case four: in the case of two closed convex sets in R3 the regularity property holds.Comment: 14 pages, exposed on 5th International Conference "Actualities and Perspectives on Hardware and Software" - APHS2009, Timisoara, Romani

    Improved analysis of algorithms based on supporting halfspaces and quadratic programming for the convex intersection and feasibility problems

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    This paper improves the algorithms based on supporting halfspaces and quadratic programming for convex set intersection problems in our earlier paper in several directions. First, we give conditions so that much smaller quadratic programs (QPs) and approximate projections arising from partially solving the QPs are sufficient for multiple-term superlinear convergence for nonsmooth problems. Second, we identify additional regularity, which we call the second order supporting hyperplane property (SOSH), that gives multiple-term quadratic convergence. Third, we show that these fast convergence results carry over for the convex inequality problem. Fourth, we show that infeasibility can be detected in finitely many operations. Lastly, we explain how we can use the dual active set QP algorithm of Goldfarb and Idnani to get useful iterates by solving the QPs partially, overcoming the problem of solving large QPs in our algorithms.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure

    Zero-Convex Functions, Perturbation Resilience, and Subgradient Projections for Feasibility-Seeking Methods

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    The convex feasibility problem (CFP) is at the core of the modeling of many problems in various areas of science. Subgradient projection methods are important tools for solving the CFP because they enable the use of subgradient calculations instead of orthogonal projections onto the individual sets of the problem. Working in a real Hilbert space, we show that the sequential subgradient projection method is perturbation resilient. By this we mean that under appropriate conditions the sequence generated by the method converges weakly, and sometimes also strongly, to a point in the intersection of the given subsets of the feasibility problem, despite certain perturbations which are allowed in each iterative step. Unlike previous works on solving the convex feasibility problem, the involved functions, which induce the feasibility problem's subsets, need not be convex. Instead, we allow them to belong to a wider and richer class of functions satisfying a weaker condition, that we call "zero-convexity". This class, which is introduced and discussed here, holds a promise to solve optimization problems in various areas, especially in non-smooth and non-convex optimization. The relevance of this study to approximate minimization and to the recent superiorization methodology for constrained optimization is explained.Comment: Mathematical Programming Series A, accepted for publicatio

    New Douglas-Rachford algorithmic structures and their convergence analyses

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    In this paper we study new algorithmic structures with Douglas- Rachford (DR) operators to solve convex feasibility problems. We propose to embed the basic two-set-DR algorithmic operator into the String-Averaging Projections (SAP) and into the Block-Iterative Pro- jection (BIP) algorithmic structures, thereby creating new DR algo- rithmic schemes that include the recently proposed cyclic Douglas- Rachford algorithm and the averaged DR algorithm as special cases. We further propose and investigate a new multiple-set-DR algorithmic operator. Convergence of all these algorithmic schemes is studied by using properties of strongly quasi-nonexpansive operators and firmly nonexpansive operators.Comment: SIAM Journal on Optimization, accepted for publicatio

    Bounded perturbation resilience of projected scaled gradient methods

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    We investigate projected scaled gradient (PSG) methods for convex minimization problems. These methods perform a descent step along a diagonally scaled gradient direction followed by a feasibility regaining step via orthogonal projection onto the constraint set. This constitutes a generalized algorithmic structure that encompasses as special cases the gradient projection method, the projected Newton method, the projected Landweber-type methods and the generalized Expectation-Maximization (EM)-type methods. We prove the convergence of the PSG methods in the presence of bounded perturbations. This resilience to bounded perturbations is relevant to the ability to apply the recently developed superiorization methodology to PSG methods, in particular to the EM algorithm.Comment: Computational Optimization and Applications, accepted for publicatio
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