60,358 research outputs found

    Ultra-high throughput string matching for deep packet inspection

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    Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) involves searching a packet's header and payload against thousands of rules to detect possible attacks. The increase in Internet usage and growing number of attacks which must be searched for has meant hardware acceleration has become essential in the prevention of DPI becoming a bottleneck to a network if used on an edge or core router. In this paper we present a new multi-pattern matching algorithm which can search for the fixed strings contained within these rules at a guaranteed rate of one character per cycle independent of the number of strings or their length. Our algorithm is based on the Aho-Corasick string matching algorithm with our modifications resulting in a memory reduction of over 98% on the strings tested from the Snort ruleset. This allows the search structures needed for matching thousands of strings to be small enough to fit in the on-chip memory of an FPGA. Combined with a simple architecture for hardware, this leads to high throughput and low power consumption. Our hardware implementation uses multiple string matching engines working in parallel to search through packets. It can achieve a throughput of over 40 Gbps (OC-768) when implemented on a Stratix 3 FPGA and over 10 Gbps (OC-192) when implemented on the lower power Cyclone 3 FPGA

    Energy Efficient Hardware Accelerators for Packet Classification and String Matching

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    This thesis focuses on the design of new algorithms and energy efficient high throughput hardware accelerators that implement packet classification and fixed string matching. These computationally heavy and memory intensive tasks are used by networking equipment to inspect all packets at wire speed. The constant growth in Internet usage has made them increasingly difficult to implement at core network line speeds. Packet classification is used to sort packets into different flows by comparing their headers to a list of rules. A flow is used to decide a packet’s priority and the manner in which it is processed. Fixed string matching is used to inspect a packet’s payload to check if it contains any strings associated with known viruses, attacks or other harmful activities. The contributions of this thesis towards the area of packet classification are hardware accelerators that allow packet classification to be implemented at core network line speeds when classifying packets using rulesets containing tens of thousands of rules. The hardware accelerators use modified versions of the HyperCuts packet classification algorithm. An adaptive clocking unit is also presented that dynamically adjusts the clock speed of a packet classification hardware accelerator so that its processing capacity matches the processing needs of the network traffic. This keeps dynamic power consumption to a minimum. Contributions made towards the area of fixed string matching include a new algorithm that builds a state machine that is used to search for strings with the aid of default transition pointers. The use of default transition pointers keep memory consumption low, allowing state machines capable of searching for thousands of strings to be small enough to fit in the on-chip memory of devices such as FPGAs. A hardware accelerator is also presented that uses these state machines to search through the payloads of packets for strings at core network line speeds

    Mathematical model of interest matchmaking in electronic social networks

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    The problem of matchmaking in electronic social networks is formulated as an optimization problem. In particular, a function measuring the matching degree of fields of interest of a search profile with those of an advertising profile is proposed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Polygraph: Automatically generating signatures for polymorphic worms

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    It is widely believed that content-signature-based intrusion detection systems (IDSes) are easily evaded by polymorphic worms, which vary their payload on every infection attempt. In this paper, we present Polygraph, a signature generation system that successfully produces signatures that match polymorphic worms. Polygraph generates signatures that consist of multiple disjoint content sub-strings. In doing so, Polygraph leverages our insight that for a real-world exploit to function properly, multiple invariant substrings must often be present in all variants of a payload; these substrings typically correspond to protocol framing, return addresses, and in some cases, poorly obfuscated code. We contribute a definition of the polymorphic signature generation problem; propose classes of signature suited for matching polymorphic worm payloads; and present algorithms for automatic generation of signatures in these classes. Our evaluation of these algorithms on a range of polymorphic worms demonstrates that Polygraph produces signatures for polymorphic worms that exhibit low false negatives and false positives. © 2005 IEEE

    From Regular Expression Matching to Parsing

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    Given a regular expression RR and a string QQ, the regular expression parsing problem is to determine if QQ matches RR and if so, determine how it matches, e.g., by a mapping of the characters of QQ to the characters in RR. Regular expression parsing makes finding matches of a regular expression even more useful by allowing us to directly extract subpatterns of the match, e.g., for extracting IP-addresses from internet traffic analysis or extracting subparts of genomes from genetic data bases. We present a new general techniques for efficiently converting a large class of algorithms that determine if a string QQ matches regular expression RR into algorithms that can construct a corresponding mapping. As a consequence, we obtain the first efficient linear space solutions for regular expression parsing